Results 2251-2280 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
A Plan of the number of Forts, and strength necessary to each, extending entirely across our...
I am just returned from a tedious and troublesome tour around our frontiers which has afforded me...
AD : Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission At the Council meeting following receipt of...
On the 5th or 6th of October, We met with a papr in the Virginia Gazette intitled the Centinel N...
2255Orders, 13–14 November 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Soldiers to parade to-morrow at 11 o’clock, to hear prayers: and this to be a standing order...
MS not found; reprinted from William Duane, ed., The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin , VI...
Copy : Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Teedyuscung, responding to Denny’s “Question...
Letter not found: to Peter Hog, 15 Nov. 1756. On 8 Dec. 1756 Hog wrote to GW: “I am favoured with...
At a Council held Novemr 15th 1756. Present The Governor John Blair Peter Randolph William Nelson...
Yr Letter of the 9th I recd with a Report of Yr Journey along our Frontiers—The abuses mention’d...
I reced your Favours by the Express and am extremely sorry to find you are made so uneasy in your...
Draft: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission On November 16, Teedyuscung replied to...
Duplicate: Pierpont Morgan Library; also extract: The Royal Society Since mine of the 5th...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
At this place, on my way to Williamsburgh, I received your Honor’s letter of the 18th instant:...
2266Orders, 29–30 November 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Return to be given in immediately of the number of men in this town, distinguishing the Drafts...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received the Cash £21 4 s . for the Account per Mr....
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem To wait on you at Bethlehem, on your Return from...
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 30 Nov. 1756. On 2 Dec. 1756 Carlyle wrote to GW : “I was favd...
AL : American Philosophical Society Now for the Story I promised in my last; and I wish I had the...
2271Orders, 1–2 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
When I wrote your Honor from Alexandria, I expected to have been at or near Fort Cumberland by...
I was favd with yours of the 30th Ulto, & Observe Your directions Abt Your orders for London &...
2274Orders, 3–4 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers in town except the Adjutant and Ensign Smith with 25 men, to provide themselves...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
Since writing to your Honor yesterday, a very base and villainous scheme has been discovered;...
2277Memorandum, 4 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
List of Drafts discharged from the Virginia Regiment; having served to the 1st December,...
2278Orders, 5–7 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
Yours by Mr Jones, was delivered to me this Evening—I know of no better expedient to relieve your...
2280Memorandum, 7 December 1756 (Washington Papers)
Memorandum—Wrote to Capt. Hogg per Mr Jones ordering him to meet the Commissary & Paymaster with...