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Results 22501-22550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I addressed a hasty line to You Yesterday, on the subject of the vacancy which has occurred in the District federal Court of this State. On reflection, it seems to me proper, that I should make a more particular communication in regard to the Candidates, and the pretentions of Joseph McIlvaine, the District Attorney. I am less scrupulous on this point, as in relations to such offices, as apart...
Since my last, things remain nearly in Statu-quo—the Enemy have the best nack at puzling People I ever met with in my life. They have blown up—burst—and demolished the Castle, totally; and are now all in Nantasket Road—have been there ever since Wednesday; what doing the Lord knows—various are the conjectures; the Bostonians think there stay there absolutely necessary to fit them for Sea, as...
Je reçois a l’instant la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire, ainsi que les deux gazettes de Newyork et de Philadelphjie qui m’ont été envoyées par M. le Cte de Rochambeau. J’aurai soin de faire partie pour france les quatre lettres qui étoient jointes a votre dépêche et je les adresserai sous le couvert du Ministre de la Marine a qui je les recommanderai. Un Brieg...
I propose in two or three days to make a short excursion home to make some arrangements previously neecessary to my final settlement here. I cannot go till I have thanked you for the trouble you took in the late case of my tobo. which as to the complaints I suppose had it’s origin in feelings no way derived from the quality of the tobo. my crop of the last year, about [40,000] is lying at...
Your last favor bears date Jany. 25. 1816. I wish I could add to the information you possess on the subject of the location near New Orleans, particulars more precise and satisfactory than I am able to do. The best view I can give you of the prospect is in the inclosed copy of an instruction issued by the Commissioner of the General Land office here, to the Register of the Land Office at N....
the general Count de Rochambeau Setting out to go follow the orders of your Excellency and having assur’d me of your favourable disposition to protect our Bakers in Chatam till we could be done with them. the Intendant told me today that it is a Strong necessitée to keep them till the Second of September on purpose for to be able of giving bread to the army which would not be able to got any....
J G Jackson presents his best respects to the President of the U States, & in compliance with the wishes of a portion of his Constituents transmits to him the enclosed Petition—He would have delivered it personally; were it not, that, with a knowledge of the great pressure of business, he is unwilling to interrupt the President— DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters. A memorial of the...
You are hereby Ordered to proceed to Alexandria, with all possible Dispatch, and to take all the men there under your Command; which, with what Officers you shall think necessary for the number, you are to March immediately to Winchester, when you will receive further Orders. You are to provide them at Alexandria with Arms, as far as they will go—ammunition, &c.—if there is any ammunition...
I do hereby certify that there never has been, either originally instituted, in the Supreme Court of the United States, or removed there, from any inferiour Court of the United States, any suit or claim, between a subject of the King of Great Britain on the one part and a citizen, or citizens of the United States on the other.—As witness my hand, MS ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); endorsed. PrC ( DLC );...
At this critical and eventful period in our national Affairs I have ventured with the most perfect respect for the Administration to solicit their Attention to some Matters of minor Consideration, which in the present embarrassed State of our foreign Relations, necessarily occupying so much of the Attention of our Government, have not perhaps been the Subject of their Reflection, or at least...
18 April 1801, Tunis. Contrary winds have delayed departure of chartered vessel [ Benvenuto ]. Reports arrival of O’Brien letters of 5 Apr., which acknowledge receipt of Cathcart correspondence dated 3 Jan. to 26 Feb. and relate O’Brien’s effort to obtain helpful intervention of Algerine regency at Tripoli. Notes that O’Brien also discusses delays regarding the arrival of U.S. regalia in...
I am much pleased with your Translation. The Character of Anacreon is one of the many Mysteries of Antiquity which the Researches of your whole Life will not be able to unridle. He did well to renounce the Heroes, for he either know nothing of the Sons of Atreus, of Cadmus the Theban King, or of Hercules and his twelve Labours; or if he knew any Thing, he dared not till what he know. It is...
On recurring to my letter of Jan. 14. I find that though the remittance I then troubled you with was intended to include, with the newspapers there mentioned, mr Poulson’s Daily Advertiser, yet I omitted to enumerate it. I will therefore pray you to discharge my arrears to him, which to the 1st. day of the present year amount to 18.D. which the sum remaining will just cover. pardon the trouble...
Agreeably to the request of Major Thomas Cushing of the 3d Sub Legion, I submit to you his letter to me of the 4. of December 1793 and his correspondence relatively to his being arrested with Major General Wayne and his Aid de Camp and Brigadier General Posey. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Your obedient Servant LS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The letter from Thomas Humphrey...
This morning’s mail brought me the new & valuable vol. of Novanglus & Massachutensis, for which I pray you to accept my profoundest thanks. The topics & the times to which these essays belong, are interesting beyond all others historical or political, unless we except the revolution itself, to which they furnish the prologue. It is a cruel alternative to oppose one’s bosom friend, or country;...
Virginia Port Hampton May it please your Excellency March 24th 1790 As I, find myself groing very short in Memory & of coarse my small abillities going in the same line & find publick business if ever so profitable so great a burthen to my mind without I could controll the business according to Law & Instructions which in my Opinion makes some nice reflections. Therefore if you will please to...
Prevost has gone up to the head of the Lake—Yeo has followed him. The object is either to attack Boyd or to draw Wilkinson to the west, and spin out the Campaign without either giving or receiving blows of decided character. In either case, his rear is manifestly neglected & we must not lose the advantage he presents, for attacking it. Wilkinson has gone on to Fort George to baffle Prevost, if...
In Bache’s Aurora of the 9th. inst. which came here by the last post, a paper appears which, having been confided , as I presume, to but few hands, makes it truly wonderful how it should have got there. I cannot be satisfied as to my own part till I relieve my mind by declaring, and I attest every thing sacred and honorable to the declaration, that it has got there neither thro’ me nor the...
Th: Jefferson will be obliged to Mr. Rittenhouse to inform him who has the best assorted shop of Mathematical instruments in town. RC (Miss Elizabeth Sergeant Abbot, Philadelphia, 1954). Not recorded in SJL . TJ’s inquiry was made in behalf of George Wythe (see Wythe to TJ, 10 Jan. 1791 ; TJ to Wythe, 14 Mch. 1791 ).
22520[Diary entry: 13 April 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 13th. Exercised on Horseback about 10 Oclock. A good deal of Company at the Levee to day. Received from the Joint Committee of Congress “An act furthr. to suspend pt. of an Act entitled, An Act to regulate the Collectn. of the Duties imposed by Law on the Tonnage of Ships &ca. &ca. According to the journal of the House of Representatives the joint committee for enrolled bills brought...
You will be pleased to furnish the Bearer Mr Richard Wells who has permission to go into New York with a Flag, to the enemy’s advanced Water Guard—And upon his return you will receive him with whatever he may bring with him and send him up to Head Quarters in one of Captain Prays Boats—You will deliver this to the officer who releives you, that he may be prepared to give Mr Wells the proper...
22522[Diary entry: 27 November 1785] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 27th. Thermometer at 46 in the Morng. 52 at Noon and 50 at Night. Very little wind all day but smoaky with some Clouds and rather chilly. General Lincoln and Colo. Henley Dined here & returned in the Afternoon.
I have the honor to inform your Excellency of my arrival here to day with the first regiment, I shall stay three days to mend the Broken waggons and to assemble my corps into Brigades. I shall set off On the 2d next month with the two first regiments united, and on the 3d, the 2d Brigade consisting of the two Last regiments will follow, by which means the Last regiment will stay one day. On...
22524[Diary entry: 21 January 1775] (Washington Papers)
21. Went a hunting with Mr. Custis. Killd a Dog Fox & returnd to Dinner.
St. Pol de Léon, 28 Nov. 1785 . They have now been in prison for fourteen weeks “and yet have no appearance of our releasement without you have got it finished at Paris.” Asquith heard from Desbordes, Frères that they had written to TJ advising him to try to have the case settled by the French ministry. “As they [the Farmers-General] could find no flaw against us for smugling they now pretend...
I have this morning had the honor to receive your letter of the 27th instant. The application of the 30th. of April was made on a supposition of the facts being as you state them. But the Legislature having made provision for the redemption of the whole sum of 1,495,000 dollars, it is supposed that the State is credited by the United States for the whole of the 4/ 10ths which were reserved in...
From what you have heard from dr hagen about the Boats when on your way to head quarters, I don’t Believe that You may have kept any hope for our Succes—the Boats have been it Seems Reduc’d to five, and from the Time when they were yet at the little falls you May See that they Could not be here at the appointed hour. I will not permit Myself to Reflect on this Moment upon the Many Blunders...
I have just now written to the President to communicate some Intelligence lately receiv’d from Paris. This I have done in Abstract but my Correspondent has written to me as follows: “The Government here are highly displeas’d with ours. You may easily guess the Reason. It is come to a very serious State. A Fleet is to be sent to our Shore with a new minister. A definitive Answer must be given...
22529[Diary entry: 6 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Hard frost and unpleasant with Clouds.
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Cocke and acknoleges the reciept of eight ewes by his servant, two on his own account and six for Col o Fontaine , and hopes in the ensuing season to be able to return them 4. half blooded Merinos, of the produce of the same ewes. he begs leave to assure mr Cocke of his great esteem & respect. RC ( ViU : TJP-Co ); dateline at foot of text;...
I have just recd a letter from C—— which I have the honour to enclose & forward pr Dragoon. I can further assure your Excellency that a Copy of your late instructions has been duly recd by him, an answer to which may be expected by the 6th ensuing. My Anxiety for C——’s feelings in his present situation indu[c]es me once more to remind your Excellency of the necessity of having your further...
The Secretary of the Treasury, to whom was referred the petition of George Webb, by an order of the House of Representatives, of the 24th. of February 1791, respectfully submits the following report thereupon. The prayer of the said petition has reference to two objects. One, a farther compensation for services rendered, while the petitioner acted in the capacity of Receiver of Continental...
22533General Orders, 6 January 1781 (Washington Papers)
The General has the pleasure of communicating to the Army the following interesting and agreeable pieces of Intelligence which have been received from Major General Greene. On the 20th of November Brigadier General Sumpter was attacked by Colonel Tarleton the famous British Partizan at Black Storks on Tyger river in south Carolina—Tarleton made three vigorous charges in the two first he was...
We were so late in getting here last night, that I had not an opportunity of putting this letter into the mail. However, it is not of consequence enough to regret; as it only contains the message for the letter of Governor Fenner, Mr Pinckney’s memorial, and my answer. "To the two houses "Having forwarded to you on the 15 day of April last the copy of a letter from the Minister Plenipotentiary...
Upon the Receipt of the first of the inclosed Letters from D r Wren and M r Mawbrey, by Express, I made Application to Government.— Lord Sidney was absent and Lord Carmarthen Sick: but M r Fraser the Under Secretary of State, took up the subject with Integrity and Politeness. He discovered a real desire to do every Thing that the Laws would permit, to crush in the Beginning this villainous...
Since my last respects, have for’d by B. Harlow’s Boat to Milton; your 12 x 12 Box Window Glass, & a Hill side Plough, rec d from Fdksburg, for you, some days ago— Your dfts, to the amount of $1250, have been presented & paid since my last— The only Boat load of Flour yet rec d from Shadwell Mills this season, was for Th: J. Randolph; (64 Blls:) the one for 50 Blls, for you, is not yet to...
Notwithstanding an occasional challenge from the states, Congress asserted authority over the allegiance of the inhabitants of the thirteen states in a variety of ways. It exacted loyalty oaths, defined and punished treason, required nationalization or naturalization, and admitted or excluded aliens. In all these areas the states exercised a coordinate authority. Although Congress sought to...
I shall thank you for yr Care of the Inclosed. nothing of consequence since my last to Congress —frequent Skirmishes happen between the Enemys foraging Parties & our Scouts; but they come out so strong now, we can make nothing of this. Most sincerely I am Yrs ALS , NjMoHP . The enclosure has not been identified. GW is referring to his letter to Hancock of 5 Feb. 1777 .
Inclosed I return you the proceedings of a Court Martial held in March by order of General Hand on two Spies Land & Hicks. Hicks it seems has made his escape, and Land only remains. But as this man is an inhabitant of one of the States by the article of war for trying spies he is not subject to Military jurisdiction—You will therefore have him delivered up to the civil authority of the State...
This letter will be short—The intention of it being little more than to acknowledge the receipt of your several favors from London, dated the 7 and 13 of April and 1 and 2 of May, on the business which had been entrusted to you of a public nature; and of your other letters of the 12. of April and 3 of May, which more immediately related to my private concerns. Permit me to thank you, my good...
I have the honour to inclose for your Excellency’s information, a copy of a Proclamation, which I have issued, respecting the proposed Treaty to be held with the hostile Indians at Lower Sandusky; a copy of a Circular letter, which I have written, upon the same subject, to the Judiciary and Militia Officers of the Western frontier counties of Pennsylvania; and a copy of a Proclamation, which I...
Your letter of yesterday, with the accompanying papers was delivered by the Express today, by 2 oC. The subject of them presents itself in a very perplexing posture. Under the power implied where not expressly waived, the arrangement might be rejected; but respect for the character & motives of our functionary unites with other considerations against that course. The course you suggest has...
You wrote to me Aug. 25. 04. inclosing the papers respecting the Eugenia which you had recieved from Gelston. my letter of Sep. 1. answered the case and returned the papers. on the 4th. of Sep. you inclosed supplementary papers recieved from N. London. I recieved them Sep. 11. and as I had answered on that subject & these papers did not alter my view of the case, I wrote no new letter; but...
I have yours of yesterday with Colonel Formans letter inclosed. If the Ships that went out are intended for Delaware Bay, the Troops at Brunswic and Amboy will either follow immediately by Sea or wait till they hear of their arrival in the Bay and then make a sudden march to meet them. The Flag upon the Tree was seen yesterday, but if you will hoist it about half way up the Body, it will be...
The troops are arriving here with a pretty fair weather, but, between us, I believe our navy will not be ready before the end of this month, I beg of your Excellency to forward this Letter with speed to the Chevalier de La Luzerne and to send me word of every thing which may come to your knowledge, relative to the evacuation of Charlestown. a seafaring man has said here that at the beginning...
Mr. Browere waits on you and Mrs. Madison with the expectation of being permitted to take your portrait busts from the life. As I have a sincere regard for him as a gentleman and a scholar, and great confidence in his skill as an artist (he having made two busts of myself), in the art which he is cultivating, I name him to you with much pleasure as being worthy of your encouragement and...
Je vous adresse, monsieur, un jeune homme infiniment recommandable, fils d’un des plus anciens amis et compatriote. Il aura l’avantage de vous remettre la presente. Ses Superieurs l’envoyent dans l’amerique libre pour y fonder un établissement de commerce destiné à correspondre avec toutes les parties du monde connu. Né et elevé à Geneve, il a les mœurs republicaines autant par raison que par...
I have the honour to inclose to you some of the consular accounts I have recieved and of which these are duplicates—that of Mr Yznardy’s & Terrys from Cadiz will be forwarded as soon as recieved & upon my examining Mr Kirkpatrick of Malaga I find there has been a small mistake in the Draught made on Amsterdam on his account of the sum of One hundred & five Dollars owing to his having included...
In my last I promised you the result of all my deliberations on this great Subject. It was this: What shall I do with these papers? The Answer was, Lock them up in my desk and there let them be. I did accordingly lock them up, and there they lay, till I had forgotten them; and there they would have remained to this hour if the Edinbough Reviewers first and Breistead after them had not...
Dr. Bancroft being about to set off immediately for London I make use of his conveyance merely to send you the gazettes of France and Leyden, and journals of the national assembly, which have considerably accumulated in my hands for the want of some means of forwarding them to New-York. I shall add to them some other papers relative to the pension list and which are the continuation of those...