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Results 22501-22510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I addressed a hasty line to You Yesterday, on the subject of the vacancy which has occurred in the District federal Court of this State. On reflection, it seems to me proper, that I should make a more particular communication in regard to the Candidates, and the pretentions of Joseph McIlvaine, the District Attorney. I am less scrupulous on this point, as in relations to such offices, as apart...
Since my last, things remain nearly in Statu-quo—the Enemy have the best nack at puzling People I ever met with in my life. They have blown up—burst—and demolished the Castle, totally; and are now all in Nantasket Road—have been there ever since Wednesday; what doing the Lord knows—various are the conjectures; the Bostonians think there stay there absolutely necessary to fit them for Sea, as...
Je reçois a l’instant la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire, ainsi que les deux gazettes de Newyork et de Philadelphjie qui m’ont été envoyées par M. le Cte de Rochambeau. J’aurai soin de faire partie pour france les quatre lettres qui étoient jointes a votre dépêche et je les adresserai sous le couvert du Ministre de la Marine a qui je les recommanderai. Un Brieg...
I propose in two or three days to make a short excursion home to make some arrangements previously neecessary to my final settlement here. I cannot go till I have thanked you for the trouble you took in the late case of my tobo. which as to the complaints I suppose had it’s origin in feelings no way derived from the quality of the tobo. my crop of the last year, about [40,000] is lying at...
Your last favor bears date Jany. 25. 1816. I wish I could add to the information you possess on the subject of the location near New Orleans, particulars more precise and satisfactory than I am able to do. The best view I can give you of the prospect is in the inclosed copy of an instruction issued by the Commissioner of the General Land office here, to the Register of the Land Office at N....
the general Count de Rochambeau Setting out to go follow the orders of your Excellency and having assur’d me of your favourable disposition to protect our Bakers in Chatam till we could be done with them. the Intendant told me today that it is a Strong necessitée to keep them till the Second of September on purpose for to be able of giving bread to the army which would not be able to got any....
J G Jackson presents his best respects to the President of the U States, & in compliance with the wishes of a portion of his Constituents transmits to him the enclosed Petition—He would have delivered it personally; were it not, that, with a knowledge of the great pressure of business, he is unwilling to interrupt the President— DNA : RG 59—ML—Miscellaneous Letters. A memorial of the...
You are hereby Ordered to proceed to Alexandria, with all possible Dispatch, and to take all the men there under your Command; which, with what Officers you shall think necessary for the number, you are to March immediately to Winchester, when you will receive further Orders. You are to provide them at Alexandria with Arms, as far as they will go—ammunition, &c.—if there is any ammunition...
I do hereby certify that there never has been, either originally instituted, in the Supreme Court of the United States, or removed there, from any inferiour Court of the United States, any suit or claim, between a subject of the King of Great Britain on the one part and a citizen, or citizens of the United States on the other.—As witness my hand, MS ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); endorsed. PrC ( DLC );...
At this critical and eventful period in our national Affairs I have ventured with the most perfect respect for the Administration to solicit their Attention to some Matters of minor Consideration, which in the present embarrassed State of our foreign Relations, necessarily occupying so much of the Attention of our Government, have not perhaps been the Subject of their Reflection, or at least...