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Results 22501-22550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
22501 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 14 … 1814-07-14 You cannot think what a disappointment your not writing occasion’d me! I have been weighing and...
22502 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1814-07-15 I took a ride to Weymouth on Tuesday, and carried the letter received from Atkinson to the Dr.,...
22503 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-07-15 The stream of high and mighty travellers from London, through this place has been incessant since...
22504 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John Quincy From Charles Francis Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 … 1814-07-15 Mama presented me your kind Letter of the 20th. of June, No 2, which I read with great pleasure,...
22505 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-07-15 The heartfelt delight I experienced at the reception of your last favour No. 11 is not to be...
22506 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, George Washington From Charles Francis Adams to George Washington Adams … 1814-07-16 There have been two grand illuminations, the first was for the taking of Paris, the second was...
22507 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-07-19 The false alarm, that I gave you in my last Letter, of the arrival of the British Commissioners,...
22508 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-07-19 I write you again my best friend; although I have nothing from you, since your Letter from...
22509 Pavlovna, Maria Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Maria Pavlovna to Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams … 1814-07-20 Le Grand Maître des Cérémonies a l’honneur deprévenir Madame d’Adams, que le 22. de ce mois pour...
22510 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis From John Quincy Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 22 … 1814-07-22 Your third Letter, dated 11. June, came to me the day before yesterday Morning, and gave me so...
22511 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-07-22 As I am reduced to the necessity of copying all my own Letters, and as one of the duties the most...
22512 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-07-26 There was a rose-bud, of your own drawing, enclosed in one of your last Letters—whether you sent...
22513 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-07-26 Your two last No 12 & 13 were delivered to me at the same time I presume the first had been...
22514 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-07-27 I enclose you two Letters which I received for you some time since one of which I mentioned...
22515 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 28 July … 1814-07-28 I had the good fortune of sending a single letter from this place to England, in time to go by...
22516 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-07-28 Your No 14 is just put into my hands and the hope it gives me of your return has come most...
22517 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-07-29 The day before Yesterday, I received the first of your Letters numbered by yourself—The number,...
22518 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Ann Frances Harrod From Abigail Smith Adams to Ann Frances Harrod Adams … 1814-07-01 I Sit down to thank you for your Letter yesterday received by the post, and to Say that I was...
22519 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1814-07-01 I was very much gratified to find that it was not the Presidents, your own, or your family’s...
22520 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-01 Yesterday was the day of our removal, from the Hotel des Pays-Bas, on the Place d’Armes, to our...
22521 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-02 I received your three last numbers they arrived nearly at the same time No. 14 on Friday and 15 &...
22522 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-05 Oh! for the Patience of Job, to bear the tricks played upon us by or at the Post-Offices!—The day...
22523 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-05 You must laugh at the information contain’d in my last as Mr. Harris tells me he wrote you by the...
22524 Hellen, Walter Adams, John Quincy From Walter Hellen to John Quincy Adams, 6 August 1814 1814-08-06 I had the pleasure to write you on the 22nd. January last, by Mr Clay; since which I have not had...
22525 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-07 I am so exhausted by fatigue that it is with the utmost difficulty I can scrawl a few lines...
22526 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-09 The Saloon, which we visited in company with the Mayor of the City, the day after the Ceremonies...
22527 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis From John Quincy Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 12 … 1814-08-12 Your Letter of 15 July, gives me much pleasure, as it always does to receive a Letter from you;...
22528 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-12 I wrote you some weeks ago that after the arrival of the British Commissioners, I should probably...
22529 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-13 The last time I wrote you I was so excessively fatigued and it was so late that I scarcely know...
22530 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-15 Your two last favours of the 19 and 22 of July were again deliver’d to me together at on Saturday...
22531 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John Quincy From Charles Francis Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 … 1814-08-15 I recieved your kind Letter, of the 22 July, and was very glad you were so much pleased with my...
22532 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-16 American News presses upon us with an interest still increasing, and which will soon be but too...
22533 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 18 … 1814-08-18 The John Adams is to sail from the Texel on the 25th: of this Month, and Mr Dallas, who is to be...
22534 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-19 At last, I have the satisfaction of knowing that there is no positive obstacle to the passage of...
22535 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 19 … 1814-08-19 I have now barely time to enclose you a Press-Copy of my last Letter; the original of which I...
22536 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-19 I intended writing you a long Letter this evening my best friend but was interupted by a visit...
22537 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 20 August 1814 1814-08-20 Mr Dallas goes off with our Dispatches at three O’Clock to-morrow morning; and the John Adams is...
22538 Adams, John Quincy Smith, William Steuben From John Quincy Adams to William Steuben Smith, 20 … 1814-08-20 I received on the 19th: of July, your favour of 10 June, which has hitherto remained unanswered...
22539 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-22 Your two last numbers 21 and 22 came together as usual on Saturday last. I could not help smiling...
22540 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-23 We had last Friday, after my letter of that day to you was closed, a conference with the British...
22541 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-25 Mr. Harris was here last evening, and made me an offer of a House, which as times go is...
22542 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-26 It is vain to attempt accounting for the irregularities of the Post-Office—Yesterday I received...
22543 De Windt, Elizabeth Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth De Windt to Abigail Smith Adams, 27 … 1814-08-27 Nothing could compensate so much for the disapointment of my Son’s not bringing your Caroline...
22544 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 29 … 1814-08-29 Hearing that a vessel was fitting out of Nyork to carry dispatches from government, I venture to...
22545 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1814-08-29 I feel very grateful to my dear Sister, that though surrounded by agreeable, & dear Friends, she...
22546 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-08-30 Your Letter of the 2d. instt. addressed directly to me at the Hotel des Pays-Bas, came safely to...
22547 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-08-30 Your No 21 and 22 were recieved by me as usual last Saturday, or rather Sunday morning, as it was...
22548 Adams, John Quincy Smith, William Steuben From John Quincy Adams to William Steuben Smith, 1 … 1814-09-01 A Letter from Mrs: Adams, informs me that you sailed from Cronstadt, in an English vessel for...
22549 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From John Quincy Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1814-09-02 Do not impute it to me, if from one Post-day to another I tell you different stories about the...
22550 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-09-02 I was so fortunate as to recieve your No 25 on Wednesday which was the day in course but as it...