George Washington Papers

From George Washington to James Warren, 15 March 1777

To James Warren

Head Qrs Morristown 15 March 1777


I was some time since honoured with your Letter of the 3d Ulto.1 The polite manner in which you have been pleased to express your wishes for my happiness, & congratulations upon the agreable reverse of our Affairs, after a series of misfortunes, demand my gratefull acknowledgements; and assured, that they are more, than mere professions of Compliment, with equal sincerity I return you my thanks. The duties of my Office ’tis true, and the various business incident to it, allow me but little time for a friendly correspondence, However Sir, I shall ever be obliged by your Favors, and a communication of such things, as you may consider either agreable or interesting.

The policy adopted for raising your Quota of men, I could not but reprehend in some degree, having regard to the influence of the Precedent upon the States at large; At the same time, I am willing to ascribe it to the motives you mention, and am well convinced that those and those only gave rise to it. I heartily wish the Batallions may be soon compleated and for that purpose, beg leave to suggest, that none should be wanting in their exertions: The Enemy now have a formidable force in the Country and are only waiting the Season to be a little more advanced, to begin their Operations, and I am persuaded, they indulge a pleasing hope of effecting some Capital Stroke, before we have an army to oppose ’em. it behoves every nerve to be strained to baffle their views, and I flatter myself it might be accomplished, if our Troops can be collected, ’ere they open the Campaign, but of this I am not without the most painfull apprehension. A few days more and the Spring is upon us—and nothing prevents their movements now, but the badness of the Roads. No material event has occurred of late worthy of mention & of which you will not have heard, before this reaches you. Now & then there has been a Skirmish, which in the issue have been generally favourable.

You will be pleased to inform Mrs Warren that I transmitted her Letter to Mrs Washington by the earliest Opportunity after it came to hand,2 and requesting a tender of my respects to her I have the Honor to be with great esteem Sir Your Most Obedt Servant

Go: Washington

LS, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW.

1Warren’s letter of 3 Feb. 1777 has not been found.

2The letter from Mercy Otis Warren to Martha Washington, which has not been identified, apparently was enclosed in GW’s letter to the commanding officer in Philadelphia of 6 Mar. 1777.

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