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Results 22441-22470 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you last post informing you of my disagreeable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The most upright Intentions cannot command Success. The...
22443General Orders, 15 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . .
Return of Continental Troops under the command of his Excellency General Washington at the...
I this evening received the favour of your letter of the 12th instant. The order you gave for...
When speaking of your Son, I was just now informed, that he had not been provided for in the late...
Since Writing the Letter herewith, I received a Copy of a Letter from General Howe, transmitted...
Do not my dear General Sullivan, torment yourself any longer with imaginary slights, and involve...
Having been Engaged in Business as an Attorney, about 12 Years in which I was fully employed,...
I was some time since honoured with your Letter of the 3d Ulto. The polite manner in which you...
The Gentlemen returning from Camp will, I expect, be so overburthened with News, that you will...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. Anthony Walton White, 15 Mar. 1777. In his letter to White of 20...
The Spring advances, very rapidly, and all Nature will soon be cloathed in her gayest Robes. The...
There is an observation, which I wish you to make very early in Life because it may be usefull to...
I believe I must make a Phisician of you. There seems to be a Propriety in your studying Physick,...
Since the Return of one half their Troops from Rhode Island I think the Enemy must be full 10,000...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have receivd an answer from the Court, thro the Duke de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The desire of the glorÿ, and of be serviceable to a nation...
22459General Orders, 16 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
Lt Hafnagle is appointed Captn in the 8th Pennsa Regt vice Capt. Myers resigned—he is to be...
Having seen Coll Fitzgerald in Town some Weeks since, he promised to do me the Favor to forward...
On the 14th Instant being on my Journey back to the Army, I received the Honor of yours of the...
Letter not found: from the New York Convention, 16 Mar. 1777. GW wrote the convention on 20 Mar....
I think it my Duty to inform your Excellency of the rect of your letter of the 1st inst. together...
I hope by this Time, you can write an handsome Hand; but I wish you would, now and then, send a...
How do you do?—I hope you are in fine Health and Spirits. What Subject do your Thoughts run upon...
We are to inform you that Robt. R Livingston is with us a Committee appointed by Convention to...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 17, 1777. Discusses proposed expedition against St. Augustine. Df...
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Messrs. Franklin and Deane, having considered the...
22469General Orders, 17 March 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I receivd your favor of the 1st of March a few days ago, and attended particularly to your...