George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John McNeill, 31 October 1756

From John McNeill

Staunton, Octor 31st 1756


Yesterday Mr McClanachan, Colo. Stewart, & Captn Brackanridge Came home here from Willg, and they report, that they made enquirie of the Gover: how they were to be paid for their Servts, and that the Govr deny’d he had given any orders to Inlist Servts nor would have any concern in the matter,1 I can find by them they are design’d to Cause me some Trouble, therefor Shall be much Oblidg’d if you’ll Send me my Orders in writing wh. I’ll engage to put in execution in no thanks to the ⟨illegible⟩.2 I belive they intend to Secure me or the Servts. I am Sir your Most Obt Servt

John McNeill


1“Mr McClanachan” is probably Robert McClenachan (McClanahan) who lived in Staunton and served at one time as sheriff of Augusta County. Robert Breckenridge, a captain in the Augusta militia, was sheriff of the county in 1755 and a justice. Col. Stewart was David Stewart of Augusta County. See GW to Dinwiddie, 10 Oct. 1756, n.4.

2The unclear word may be “tote,” which in turn may be intended as the shortened form of “total.”

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