Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Andrew Ward, [14 March 1777]

To Colonel Andrew Ward

[Morristown, New Jersey, March 14, 1777]

Since writing the within,1 The General received your letter, respecting the innoculation of your regiment, and permission for yourself to go home. He has removed the difficulty in the way of innoculating your regiment, but has thought proper to refer the decision of what you request concerning yourself to Generals Stephen & Maxwell; and if they think the situation of affairs, requires your going home, your desire will be complied with. In addition to what you are called upon to explain, within; The General would be glad to know on what particular commands, the 108 men you return, are employed.

I am Sir   Your hum servant

A Hamilton   ADC

General A Ward

ALS, Yale University Library.

1H is referring to an enclosed letter (George Washington to Andrew Ward, March 14, 1777, ALS, Yale University Library) in which Washington wrote Ward as follows: “In looking over the return made of your Regimt. I find that no less than 17 men are upon Furlough and 14 others discharged. By what authority Sir is this done? You know I presume that no officer under the Rank of General has a right to discharge Men & you must have known I should think, that this is no time for granting Furloughs, especially in a Regiment whose term of Service is so near expiring.”

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