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Results 22411-22440 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I am staying at home from School, because I have got a bad Cold and Cough: but I love to be...
At Mr: Fishwick’s School, where I am, there are sixteen boys besides myself, and besides his two...
Altho I sent Letters yesterday to go by our Ministers from N York, yet a new opportunity offering...
I will not afflict you with lamentations over the Confinement of your Parents during the greater...
Your kind attention in answering my letters heretofore, and my last being yet unanswered excites...
I have your Letter of the 2d. inst. one from My dear Caroline of the 28th. of Febry. and one from...
The peircing cold air of this Month has made me quiver so that I could not quit the fire side...
Among Several letters—laid aside—during my late exertions in behalf of a countrÿ, which I cannot...
I See by the paper that a cartel is to sail from Newyork for Gottenburgh. altho I have written to...
The Sermon’s were returnd without my thanks which should have accompanied them, with expressions...
Your Letter of the 2d. instant contains so many weighty and important questions relative to the...
I went yesterday & return’d Mr. E’s sermons to Mr. Lyman’s to Mr E was there, & gave him the...
I received your Letter of March the 12th in replie to mine, of the 2d ult. the method you took to...
I received your note of Monday I believe, as well as a very kind and friendly Letter previous to...
I have forwarded to you The Report of the Department of war on the subject of our military force...
I have myself, my dear Friend, been very unwell since I received your short but consolatory...
Yesterdays Mail, My Dear Sister, conveyed your Letter safe to me, with the two Bills—I do not so...
Since I wrote you last, 1. February I have had no opportunity of putting a Letter even on its...
The restrictive System is raised and The President this day recommended to The two Houses of...
Yesterday mr. Eppes chairman of the Committee of Way’s and means, brought in a bill to change the...
I have your letter of the 22d. of march, and am much gratified that my enquiries and...
I received your importent Letter so clearly exprest that for some time I was not able to define...
Your letter of 2 April I duly received I Should have replied to it by the last mail, but I was...
I have your Letter of the 12th. inst, I lament that the delay of my answers should have excited...
My daughter Cuthbert has written to me declaring her wishes to make me a visit this summer if one...
Mr: Nathl: W. Strong arrived here on the 31st. of March, and brought me an Order from the...
You will no doubt be much surprized at hearing from me, so soon after your departure; but a...
Seeing in the paper of yesterday, that a vessel call’d the Thorne of New York, was to Sail on the...
We have this moment arrived thus far on our Journey, safe, and untill the last Station without...
I wrote you a few lines, at one O’Clock on Sunday morning from Jegelicht, the last Stage before...