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Results 22411-22440 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
22411 Baud, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Baud, 13 March 1777 … 1777-03-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, March 13, 1777, in French: A person now in the...
22412 Washington, George General Orders, 13 March 1777 1777-03-13 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
22413 Dickinson, Philemon Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Philemon … 1777-03-13 Agreable to your Excellency’s Orders, I shall this Day send down to Boundbrook, 300 men. The...
22414 Grayson, William Washington, George To George Washington from Col. William Grayson, 13 … 1777-03-13 Letter not found: from Col. William Grayson, 13 Mar. 1777. In his letter to GW of 1 April ,...
22415 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1777-03-13 By my former directions, the fifteen Regiments, belonging to your State, were all ordered to...
22416 Washington, George Loring, Joshua From George Washington to Joshua Loring, 13 March 1777 1777-03-13 Inclosed you have a List of Seventeen French Gentlemen taken at St Johns and Six Servants. I...
22417 Washington, George Massachusetts General Court From George Washington to the Massachusetts General … 1777-03-13 The prospect of a vigorous attack upon Ticonderogo some time past, founded on a supposition that...
22418 Washington, George Mifflin, Thomas From George Washington to Major General Thomas Mifflin … 1777-03-13 Matters, that could not admit the least delay, have so much engaged my Attention since I had the...
22419 Washington, George Officer Commanding at Raritan, New Jersey From George Washington to the Officer Commanding at … 1777-03-13 I discover from a general return made to me, of the number and state of the Troops at Rariton by...
22420 Reed, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Reed, 13 March 1777 1777-03-13 Since I had the Honour of writing to you from Philada I have seen Mr Cox & made the Proposal to...
22421 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 14 March 1777 1777-03-14 Congress has been sitting several Days and proceeding upon Business. I have been in Town above a...
22422 Hamilton, Alexander Ward, Andrew From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Andrew Ward, [14 … 1777-03-14 Since writing the within, The General received your letter, respecting the innoculation of your...
22423 Washington, George General Orders, 14 March 1777 1777-03-14 By Order of His Excellency, the execution of Serjt Porterfield is suspended ’till Friday the 21st...
22424 Clinton, George Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General George … 1777-03-14 I begg Leave to recomend Capt. Black & Lieut. Santford both of Colo. Malcom’s Regiment for...
22425 Washington, George Cooke, Nicholas From George Washington to Nicholas Cooke, 14 March 1777 … 1777-03-14 Letter not found: to Nicholas Cooke, 14 Mar. 1777. When writing to GW on 14 April , Cooke says...
22426 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 14 March 1777 1777-03-14 I was honoured several days ago with your Letter of the 25th Ulto with its Inclosures, the...
22427 Washington, George Hand, Edward From George Washington to Colonel Edward Hand, 14 March … 1777-03-14 You left this place many Weeks ago to collect, as I understood, the remains of your Regiment...
22428 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1777-03-14 I have for some time past most earnestly expected you, to arrange matters in the Artillery...
22429 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Reed, 14 March 1777 … 1777-03-14 Letter not found: to Joseph Reed, 14 Mar. 1777. Reed writes to GW on 22 Mar. “to acknowledge your...
22430 Washington, George Thruston, Charles Mynn From George Washington to Col. Charles Mynn Thruston … 1777-03-14 Letter not found: to Col. Charles Mynn Thruston, 14 Mar. 1777. In his letter to GW of 14 Mar.,...
22431 Thruston, Charles Mynn Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Charles Mynn … 1777-03-14 I feel very sensibly for the honour done me in your kind and polite letter of this day: your...
22432 Washington, George Ward, Andrew From George Washington to Colonel Andrew Ward, 14 March … 1777-03-14 In looking over the return made of your Regimt I find that no less than 17 Men are upon Furlough...
22433 Small, Alexander Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Alexander Small, [before 22 … 1777-03-15 ALS : American Philosophical Society Being thus far in my way to England, and being informed that...
22434 Bingham, William Adams, John Extract of a Letter from William Bingham, 15 March 1777 1777-03-15 Officers of the first Distinction have embarked at Havre De Grace for America, and a large supply...
22435 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander George Washington to Brigadier General Alexander … 1777-03-15 Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 15, 1777. Approves of McDougall’s decision to order troops to...
22436 Washington, George Sullivan, John George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 15 … 1777-03-15 Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 15, 1777. Exhorts Sullivan not to imagine slights. Discusses...
22437 Franklin, Benjamin —— From Benjamin Franklin to ———, 15 March 1777 1777-03-15 ALS (draft): Library of Congress We are much oblig’d to M. De la Haye and his Friends for their...
22438 Paulze, Jacques Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Paulze, 15 March 1777 1777-03-15 AL : American Philosophical Society M. Paulze fait mille complimens à M. francklin. Il lui envoye...
22439 American Commissioners The American Commissioners and the Farmers General … 1777-03-15 D : American Philosophical Society MM. Les plenipotentiaires du Congrès ont propose de livrer aux...
22440 Schulenburg, Friedrich Wilhelm, baron von der American Commissioners Baron Schulenburg to the American Commissioners, 15 … 1777-03-15 Reprinted from Benjamin F. Stevens, ed., Facsimiles of Manuscripts in European Archives Relating...