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Results 2221-2230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Tho’ I acknowledge that one ought never to be asham’d to speak the truth; yet I find my self much inclin’d to it, when I’m about to tell you that I have two of your very kind and ingenious Letters by me unanswer’d. I assure you sir, that my neglect arises not from any want of esteem for my Friend, but (to tell another ungratefull truth) from downright dullness; I must wait with patience for...
2222Orders, 1–9 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
The men to parade to-morrow morning as usual, for Divine Service. Lieutenant Baker with his Detachment to march at the Revilé beating to-morrow morning. A Return to be made out of the Virginia Regiment, with every Officer, appointment, and pay, or any other allowances they may have; with the number of men in each company. As it is to be transmitted to The Right Honble the Earl of Loudon; it is...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The last orders for payments under the £60,000 act of Nov. 27, 1755, were signed by the provincial commissioners July 22, before Franklin’s return from New York. They were unable to issue any more orders until early October, when funds provided by the £30,000 act of September 21 became available. The thirty-eight orders signed between October 4 and...
The Coppy of The Officers (of the Virginia Regimt) Letter. To Lieut. Collo. Adam Stephen Commandr at Fort Cumberland dated October the 6 1756. Sir. To our no small Astonishment We (last night) perus’d a Paper in the Virga Gazette intitled the Centinel No: X. The Contents of Which are so Scandalous and altogether so Unjust, that We think it a Duty incumbent on Us, Who have the least Regard for...
A Return of the Virginia Regiment whereof George Washington Esqr. Commander of all the Virginia Forces is Colonel Winchester October 9th 1756. Field officers and Captains Lieutenants Ensigns Staff officers non Commissioned officers Effective Rank and File Serjeants Drummers Fit for Duty Sick Command Total George Washington Colonel John Mcneil Capt. Lieutenant James Roy James Livingston...
2226Orders, 10 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
2227Memorandum, 10 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
N.B. This day Captain Mercer set out for Williamsburgh. Colonel Washington has now been on his journey to Augusta &c. since the 29th September. LB , DLC:GW . Mercer was going down to the general court to give evidence in the case against the counterfeiter James Knap and to testify in James Lemen’s trial. See GW to Dinwiddie, 4 Aug. 1756, n.23 , and Orders, 22, 23 Aug. 1756 .
This day, within five miles of the Carolina line, as I was proceeding to the southermost Fort in Halifax; I met Major Lewis on his return from the Cherokees, with seven men, and three women only of that nation. The causes of this unhappy disappointment, I have desired him to communicate, that your Honor may take measures accordingly. This account is sent by Express, to give the earliest...
I came down here the first of the Court, to consult yr friends on that unlucky 10th Centinel the author of which I think has reason to keep his name concealed for being so general in his reflections on a sett of Gentlemen who deserves better treatment at his hands &c. Was not the paper to go further than our own Colony I am sensible it wou’d not be worth your while giving yr self the lest...
In my last you remember I desired your sincere Opinion of the new Resolution I had taken, but as you have not yet been so kind as to send it, I must beg your patience while I tell you my sincere opinion of it. The Law, I take to be a very difficult and a very extensive Science and to acquire any considerable degree of knowledge in the Theory and of skill in the Practice, a serene head, a large...