James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Jared Sparks, 6 August 1827

To Jared Sparks

Montpellier Aug. 6. 1827

Dear Sir

I find by a letter from Col. Peyton of Richmond that he is on a Northern tour which will carry him to Boston. I mention the circumstance that in case you have any communications you wish to make, for which he would be a conveyance preferable to that of the mail, they may be put into his hands. He will readily take charge of them; and being a particular acquaintance of Mrs. Randolph, now with Mr. Coolidge, a knowledge of his arrival may be promptly known from that source.

I hope my letter of May 30. got safe to hand. It contained a statement ⟨of m⟩ore than twenty letters from Genl. Washington to J. M. on the files of the latter, and not appearing on those of the former, with the dates of others on the files of the former, and not on those of J. M. I renew to you Sir, the assurance of my esteem & good wishes

James Madison

RC (MH-H); draft (DLC). RC addressed and franked by JM to Sparks at Boston; postmarked at Orange Court House, Virginia, 10 Aug.; docketed by Sparks: “Aug. 15 1827.”

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