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Results 221-250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia at a late Session declared almost unanimously, that South...
I take the liberty of sending to you three of the Declarations on parchment which you will oblige...
In the interview at your house and during the very interesting remarks with which you favoured me...
I have received your letter of the 20th. instant. The object of it will be attained, by this...
I have just rec’d from Mr Scrope, one of the M. Ps for this County, a Pamphlet sent him ex...
Estimating the price of flour as rather more likely to be better than lower, I have preferred a...
I am pleased to be able now to forward you the specimen of wrought anthracite. It came safely...
—I have recd. fellow Citizens your letter inviting me in behalf of the New England society in N....
In a letter I received from my Friend Mr. Delavan, soon after his late visit to Montpelier, he...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from medical testimony, that ardent...
One of your fellow Citizens of the north who is a stranger to your (person but who has Cherished...
Permit me to ask from Your venerable hand some small incident in Your publick life in Your own...
I should have to reproach myself severely for not replying to your kind note of April 11th. if my...
For the lateness of this acknowledgment of your letter of the 31 Ult: my dear Sir, I must plead...
Honl. James Madison 1834   To Peter Gray Agt. Dr. Mar. 6. For North American Review 1834 ........
Grateful as I was for your letter considered as a mark of your kindness and esteem, it gave me...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Edwd. C. Delavan Esqr. Chairman of the Executive...
In returning you my grateful acknowledgements for your highly prized letter of the 15th instant,...
(I have received the copy of your Eulogy on Lafayette; and tho’ obliged in my present condition...
Agreeably to my intention, made known to you, I should have deposited the $7. you overpaid me in...
My neighbor & friend E. C. Delavan Esqr. of this City, being about to proceed to Virginia, & the...
I received with the greater satisfaction your kind letter of the 8th Ult. as those which it...
I have received my dear Sir, your letter of the 15th. ultimo. I did not anticipate a complaint...
I received a few days ago your letter of the 9th Ultimo, with an enclosure for Mr George Joy,...
I have recd. your letter of the 21. Ult in which you wish to obtain my recollection of what...
Fully knowing the patriotic zeal with which you commenced & continued the last War with Great...
I have just received your letter of the 5th. with the Bond enclosed in it, and catch a fugitive...
An individual, who is totally unknown to your Excellency, presumes to beg a slight favour, which...
I have recd. your letter of the 3d. instant enclosing me a Check on the Bank of Virginia at...
I have received yours of the 15th Sepr. and have commenced an answer; but interruptions of...