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Results 22081-22110 of 184,264 sorted by author
I have received the Letter which you did me, the Honour, to write me, on the fifth of this month, informing me, that you have received a Letter from the Compte de Vergennes, by which his Excellency directs you to tell me, that the Interests of the United States require my Presence at Paris, and that he should desire that I would go there, as soon as my Affairs in Holland, will permit me. I...
Je viens de recevoir une Lettre de Mr. le Comte de Vergennes par laquelle il m’ordonne d’avoir l’honneur de vous dire, que les intérêts des Etats unis exigent votre presence à Paris, et qu’il desireroit que vous voulassiez bien vous y rendre, aussitôt que vos affaires en Hollande vous le permettront; Je vous Supplie, Monsieur, de me faire part de vos intentions à cet egard, afin que je puisse...
J’ai l’honneur de Vous presenter ma sincere reconnoissance pour Votre bonté avec le diplome de l’illustre Societé litteraire de l’Amerique. C’est un bonheur pour moi d’être favorablement connu d’un corps si respectable. Je tacherai à mon tour de me faire digne de ce souvenir flateur. Mr. Sparrman, professeur de l’histoire naturelle à Stockholm, et membre de notre Academie des sciences, Vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I feel myself much disappointed in not having found you in Paris, as I had expected. Business, which brought me hither, renders it impossible for me to call on you at present. If I can steal a few hours before my return, I shall with pleasure wait on you. Our friend Dr. Priestley was so obliging as to recommend me to you. I send you his letter with his two...
AL : Library of Congress L’Ambassadeur de Hollande Sensible a L’attention obligeante de Monsieur Franklin, Le prie d’agreer tous Ses remercimens, et L’assurance de Son Sincere attachement. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin. / Ministre plenipotentiaire / des Etats Unis, a La / Cour de France. On April 8 at Versailles, BF presented silver Libertas Americana medals to ministers of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur des Etats Generaux, prie Monsieur Francklin, de Lui faire L’honneur de venir diner chez Lui, Jeudi prochain 7 du Mois./. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Francklin. / Ministre plenipotentiaire / des Etats Unis de / L’Amerique Septentrionale. / A passy.
AL : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur de Hollande a L’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Francklin de Ses tres humbles Civilités, et celui de Le remercier du Cadeau qu’il à bien voulu lui faire, en lui envoiant Les Constitutions des treize Etats Unis de L’Amerique./
AL : Library of Congress L’Ambassadeur de Hollande a L’honneur d’assurer Monsieur Francklin de Ses tres humbles civilités. Il S’acquittera tres exactement de La Commission en question, et fera parvenir a Leur adresse Le paquet qu’il Lui à envoié hier. Court un bruit ici, depuis 24 heures, de nouvelles reçues d’une rebellion dans Les troupes Americaines au nombre de 5000 hommes, aiant des bas...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’Ambassadeur de Hollande, aiant appris hier a Versailles, que Monsieur Francklin se trouve incommodé, fait demander des Nouvelles de Sa Santé, et a L’honneur de L’assurer de Ses tres humbles civilités. Notation: L’Ambassadeur de Hollande. For BF ’s illness see MacMahon’s prescription of Aug. 23.
The memorial of the subscribers, Inhabitants of the Town of Berkley, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; beg leave humbly to represent. That our situation is on a navigable river, and our habits consequently Commercial. That notwithstanding the aggressions and outrages practised by the mighty Beligerents on our Lawful Neutral Commerce, yet has our Enterprise been hitherto crowned with the...
4 November 1811, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. “The executive Committe[e] of the Berkshire Agricultural Society tender their profound respects & Veneration to the President of the United States—and request his acceptance of the inclosed. They also request he will have the goodness to transmit the inclosure directed to the late President.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Docketed by JM. Enclosure not found.
We beg leave to lay before your Excellency the Distresses of our Minds with all humility. Fear of injuring our Common cause by writing as well as speaking on the one hand, or by Silence on the other has filled us with peculiar Concern. The purport of this Epistle is so delicate we write with fear & Trembling least when we mean to serve our Country, we do it an irreparable Injury. Purity of...
29 August 1813, Baltimore , “ Spanish Consul’s Office .” “On my return home from a little excursion I had the honor to receive the letter you was pleased to address me under date of the 19th. inst. inclosing copies of one from the Collector of Savannah and another from the prize-master of the British Schooner Maria; who with other Citizens of the United States, is detained at the Havana; in...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library As you was so kind as to tell Mrs. Bernard that you would take care of my Son if he came in your way, I am encouraged to trouble you with particulars concerning him. By a letter dated Octo.9 We learn he is at Bellhaven: and as his Mony must be all spent, and he is not provided with any Papers of credit, I apprehend he may be necessarily detained there....
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours of Jan 27. and have received one from my Son dated New York Feb 2 informing that being apprehensive of the badness of the Roads on the change of Weather, He had returned your Horse and intended to take his passage in the Newport packet boat with some other Gentlemen who were waiting for it. However He is not yet arrived. I am...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I have this day received a letter from my Son dated Alexandria Nov 27. in which he takes no notice of Any letter or orders from me. When I observe that your letter of Nov. 10. acknowledges the receipt of mine of mine of Oct 30, and expresses that you shall by that post write to some friend of yours to forward my Son to Philadelphia, I must conclude that...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library A fortnight ago I took the Liberty to trouble you with a request that you would procure for My Son at Alexandria credit to return to Philadelphia, and a passage from thence to Boston. I have just now received a Letter from him at Alexandria at Mr. Sebastian, A Tavern Keeper there. Altho’ I hope, before this Comes to your hand, that my Son will be...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours of the 28th of March and have ordered £12 12 s. philadelphia currency to be paid to Mr. Williams for which I am obliged to you. The present state of the College here makes it more expedient to send my Son to philadelphia: but I am desirous he may be boarded where he may be under a proper restraint. I have heard that Dr. Ellison...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library The Surveyor General having this day acquainted me that he shall to morrow send an express to Philadelphia, I take this oppurtunity to add to the trouble I have before given you on Account of my Son. By the last Post I received a letter dated Alexandria Novr. 16; by which I find he had not then been made acquainted with any orders of yours in his favor,...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours of the 11th inst. and am much obliged to you for the trouble you have given yourself of sending a Messenger to Alexandria. I should have proposed this Measure long ago, if I had any Notion that the conveyance of letters to that Town had been so precarious: for tho’ I have had sevral letters from him, yet I cannot find that any...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours and shall immediately order the sum of £40 1 s . 10 d . (which I suppose is at 7 s . 6 d . per dollar) to be paid to Mr. Williams. There is still wanting the charge at Annapolis. I have heard that there has been a Dutch trading Ship seized at Anchor at Sandy hook. As the forfeiture arises from importing &c. Is it not worth...
Your petitioners George Bernard, William Langhorne, Henry D. Ende, and William M. Allen beg leave to shew that the great inconveniencies experienced by the people of our Western Country in going to market, with the benefits & advantages that would result from improvement of roads & countries through which they pass, have led us to contemplate the establishment of a turnpike and Stage road on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Turin, March 20, 1779, in Italian: The reputation acquired throughout Europe by the glorious thirteen American colonies, their success and wise legislation, have aroused in me a desire to see this new republic with my own eyes and offer it my services as a jurist. The best way I can think to accomplish this is to turn to you. I realize that you know...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Un de mes freres cadets vient d’entrer au service de votre république et j’ai cru cette occasion favorable en vous demandant le service de lui faire passer une lettre (dont je vous prie de prendre lecture) de me procurer l’honneur de vous connaitre personnellement. Il y a longtems, Monsieur que je vous connoissois comme grand phisicien, comme grand orateur,...
Je fis Copier les observations météorologiques depuis 1779 jusques à 1786, ainsi que vous L’aviés désiré. Lorsque le Travail fut terminé, j’en prévins M. l’abbé papon. Comme je n’eus point de Réponse sur cet objet, je crus que vous n’étiés plus à paris. J’ai été détrompé par M. Cathalan. Je lui ai remis Tout de suite Les Cayers d’observations de 7 années, et il s’est chargé de vous les faire...
You will perhaps recollect that in the early Part of last year, I took the liberty of forwarding you a Prospectus of a polyglot Grammar, which I then Contemplated Bringing before the public. And having met with a considerable Share of patronage from the public. the work is just issued from the press.— I have forwarded by this Mail a Copy of the Said Work, Of which I beg your acceptance as a...
Monsieur le Général Lafayette m’avait fait la faveur de me donner une lettre pour me présenter devant vous; le désir de jouir de l’honneur d’approcher de votre personne m’avait fait différer jusqu’ici de vous remettre cette lettre, espérant toujours qu’une occasion heureuse me procurerait cet avantage Si précieux pour moi. Mais de nouveaux ordres éloignant à cet égard mes espérances, je ne...
I shall not leave this country without expressing, most respectfully to you, my warmest thanks for the generosity you displayed towards me at an epoch so desastrous for my native country. To you, I and my family were indebted for an honourable asylum on this land of peace and freedom. Under your auspices, I was associated to the framing of that defensive System, the conception of which belongs...
You will I hope Sir pardon the liberty I here take, in requesting information from your self respecting the qualifications necessary for a young man to enter with credit, the University of Virginia. During the past summer, I together with my son Arthur visited that delightful spot and took occasion to request of my old friend and acquaintance M r Brockenbrough to enter my son upon the books of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Lorsque j’eus hier l’honneur de rendre mes hommages a votre Excellence, avec Mr. le Marquis de la Salle, en vous engageant a venir voir nos travaux, j’eus celui de vous dire qu’il serait assés tôt sur les unze heures, mais aiant fait reflexions qu’il y a tres peu d’especes a fraper, nos opérations Effigiaires pourraient être finiës dés les huit heures, Jai...