James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas S. Grimké, 15 August 1827

To Thomas S. Grimké

Augst. 15. 1827

J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr. Grimke’s address before the Literary & Philosophical Society of S. Carolina politely forwarded to him.1 Altho he is not prepared to accede to some of the opinions contained in it, he tenders his thanks to the Author, for the pleasure afforded by the learned & interesting views which characterize the discourse.

Draft (DLC); FC (MiU-C).

1Thomas S. Grimké, An Address, on the Character and Objects of Science: And, Especially, the Influence of the Reformation on the Science and Literature, Past, Present and Future, of Protestant Nations […] (Charleston, S.C., 1827; Shoemaker description begins Richard H. Shoemaker, comp., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1820–1829 (11 vols.; New York, 1964–72). description ends 29090). JM’s copy, with presentation inscription: “with the respects of the Author,” is in the Madison Collection, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library. Thomas Smith Grimké (1786–1834), an 1807 graduate of Yale College, was a South Carolina lawyer, politician, and educational reformer.

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