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Results 22021-22050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I lay before Congress the application of Hamet Caramelli, elder brother of the reigning Bashaw of Tripoli, solliciting from the US. attention to his services & sufferings in the late war against that state. and in order to possess them of the ground on which that application stands the facts shall be stated according to the views & information of the Executive. During the war with Tripoli, it...
I take the liberty to send you herewith a pamphlet containing the three letters of the Hon Richard Rush, one from the late President John Quincy Adams and one from the Honorable William Wirt of Virginia on being nominated [ ] Candidate for President of the United States on the subject of Free Masonry. Perhaps I may be deem’d presumptious in addressing you on this subject: and nothing but a...
I beg leave to refer to the consideration of the General assembly the inclosed letters from the County Lieutenants of Augusta, Rockbridge and Rockingham, and have the honour to be with great respect Sir your most obedt. humble servt., RC ( Vi ); addressed by TJ: “The honble Benjamin Harrison esq. Speaker of the House of Delegates.” Enclosures (missing): These were probably George Moffett to...
22024[Diary entry: 26 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
26. Continued blowing violently hard all Night and the whole day through at least till the Evening but not remarkably Cold tho the Wind was at No. Wt.
In consequence of your letters of the 9 and 16th Inst. upon the subject of paying the arrearages of Cloathing due to the Army for the year 1777 —I have drawn up the inclosed rough plan, which contains the heads of what, in my opinion, will be necessary to establish some general Regulations for a settlement with the line of the Army at large. That justice may be equally distributed to the...
The Board being directed by Congress, to send your Exellency Two Pipes of the best Madeira Wine, the same is put under the care of a Waggon Master, as by his receipt inclosed. Two Pipes of Wine, of the same quality, was heretofore sent to your Excellency from Egg-harbour, the Board wish to know if they have been received. I have the honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Obedient Humble Servant...
Letter not found: from Burwell Bassett, 5 Feb. 1773. GW wrote Bassett on 15 Feb. : “Your favour of the 5th came to my hands. . . last Thursday.”
I inclose Your Excellency the Report of Brigadier General parsons, who is just returned from a reconnoitring party towards Kingsbridge. Various are the Conjectures that may be formed upon this Intelligence, as the facility with which the Enemy may move by water, puts all possible Finesse in their power. Yesterday Evening I received a Letter from Colonel Lamb, acquainting me he had halted the...
Am informed that the City of Rochelle suffers for want of a resident Consular agent, Mr. Thomas Lovell the present Consul for that City & its dependances has been absent for several years, & it is said may never return. He left to represent him an aged French Gentleman, & am told infirm; you will not doubt how much the American Commerce suffers from this kind of abandon, nor how urgent it is...
22030[Diary entry: 15 September 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. Clear and warm with but little wind & that Southwardly—warm.
The Sloop is hove down & Cleaning & hope to be ready to take my Station this Night I shall not loose a minutes time but shall affect it if Possible, all Guards have been kept as Usual & nothing Extrodnary has been Discoverd, I have been Some Uneasy respecting Capn Burr’s Station and Humbly Conceive he might be Stationd lower down than he is which would be more advantagious in preventing an...
In answer to your letter of this date, I think I may venture to assure you that no writ has issued by my order, or under my authority, against the Executors & Security of your deceased Father, for the amount of a Bond passed by him to Colo. Tayloe & myself, as Attornies for Colo. George Mercer & his Mortgagers, in England. The high Court of Chancery of this Commonwealth decreed (I do not at...
Your favor of Mar. 30. came safe tho’ rather slowly to hand. It is much to be regretted that in the military appts. any errors shd. be committed, which may damp the spirits of those who feeling most the wrongs of their Country would be most ardent in avenging them. The course adopted was, in a general view, mo⟨st⟩ likely to avoid the errors incident to casual & irresponsible recommendations....
28 March 1803, London. No. 88. “My No. 86. [19 Mar. 1803] communicated the tenour of Lord Hawkesbury’s Note of the 15. to the French Ambassador: the conclusion of the Note refers to the demand of France for the evacuation of Malta and declares ‘that the King cannot consent to its evacuation unless substantial security be provided for those objects which in present circumstances would be...
Gout in the Head and Stomach, occasioned more, I believe, by uneasiness than by abstinence, have been my almost constant companions ever since I had the pleasure to receive your last very obliging letter. These, together with a fear of intruding upon you, during the Session of Congress, when, I presume, your correspondents must be numerous, and the Subjects of your correspondence important,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We they undernamed, do take the liberty of acquainting your honour of the distress, and Situation of our husbands, whose names are Captain Edward Maccatter Captain John Kelly alias Grumbly, they had the misfortune of being Captured, the former was taken to London, the latter to Dublin, each of them has a property in the hands of a John Torris, who was...
I was absent from town when your letter reached it, and did not retern till two days ago. When I left home in the begining of December for this place I left the subscription paper for the Central college in the hands of the Gentlemen of the county who were associated with me in soliciting aids to the institution. They assured me it should be reterned in due time along with those in their own...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to imform you, that Mr. John Johnson & Mr. Ridley &c. has geaven me the Command of a brigg in thiers Service, to preceed from this place (under Convoy) for Verginy, therefore in my Small Capacity if I can be of any Service to you in the Convoyance of any thing. either letter of Pack’s. pray Comand me Geave me leave to Remains you of few...
There seems to be a disposition to take up the classification bill. I have substituted a division of the classes into sections according to their ages instead of the Nos. from 1. to 10. which I think will have a happier effect, & produce several advantages. it is in fact Bonaparte’s plan. I inclose it for your examination & correction. It is exactly the same as the former one, except as to the...
I have duly received your favor of Jan. 24. and accord ing to the request have inclosed to mr Gibson of Richmond an ord er on you for 150 one hundred and fifty Dollars. I was disappoint ed
My last was of the 5th of February, and 27th of March. I have as yet received no letter from you since your arrival at Madrid. By one from Colo Humphreys, written a few days after it took place, we learn that you were then confined by indisposition, and had not presented your credentials. We are anxious to hear from you on the several subjects with which you have been charged; particularly on...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. The enclosed permit has been prepared on the intimation of the Secretary of State, for the Spanish Commissioners. The Secretary is not informed whether the doubt on the subject of mr Hammond’s application was removed. The return of the enclosed will be considered as the evidence that it was. LC , George Washington Papers,...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library <March 22, [1771–74 ]: a note in the third person, in Polly Hewson’s hand. Reminds Franklin that he has promised to dine with them next Thursday.> The Hewsons were married in July, 1770, and he died suddenly in May, 1774. The invitation could have been in any March between those dates, and according to our practice we are assigning it to the earliest...
I wrote You on the 26th. of May last, by my son John, Via Bourdeaux; to which I beg Leave to refer. I intended to have given You the fullest Information in my Power upon the present gloomy State of American Politics, but the Ship, this Letter goes by, sails to-morrow; and I have had so severe an Attack of the Gout in my Stomach, for two or three Days past, that I have not been able to sit up,...
I have made an agreement with Robert Morris Esquire to convey to him one hundred shares of stock in the Bank of North America upon the following terms. That he engage to pay to me or my order in London in one year from the time the transfer be made at the rate of one hundred pounds Sterling money of Great Britain for each share of the said bank stock which shall be transferred to him together...
The board are desirous of seeing Capt. Bowman of the Jersey Troops, on the subject of his command at Squan, during the last Winter & Spring, & would be much obliged to your Excellency to order him to repair to Philadelphia without delay. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Yr Excellency’s Most obed. Hble Servt ALS , DLC:GW . GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison docketed this...
I received from our Quincy Stage under the direction of Mr Thayer a Box of Scions from The Endicott Pear Tree, carefully preserved and in admirable order for which I pray you accept my best Thanks. I have engrafted a number of Stocks which have taken very well according to their present appearance, and have distributed others to several Gentlemen in this and the Neighbouring, Towns. Mr Norton...
22048July 26. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. B. Hollis, Miss Brand, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Smith, and I walked to Mill Green, or Mill Hill the Seat of a Mr. Allen a Banker of London. We walked over the Pleasure Grounds and Kitchen Garden and down to Cocytus, a canal or Pond of Water surrounded with Wood in such a Manner as to make the Place gloomy enough for the Name. This is a good Spot, but Mr. Allen has, for want of Taste, spoiled it by...
At noon on 4 Mch. 1801 in the Senate chamber of the Capitol, fifty-seven-year-old Thomas Jefferson took the oath of office as the nation’s third president. The occasion was, in Margaret Bayard Smith’s often quoted words, “one of the most interesting scenes, a free people can ever witness.” According to Aaron Burr, the “Day was serene & temperate—The Concourse of people immense—all passed off...
[ Williamsburg ] 23 Dec. 1779 . The commanders of two vessels from Bermuda with salt to exchange for corn submit a proposal, enclosed. The terms agreed upon last July were bushel for bushel, but the price of corn has fallen and the price of salt doubled. It would be good policy to allow two bushels of corn for one of salt to induce others to bring salt. The captains are granted permission to...