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Results 22011-22020 of 184,431 sorted by author
After a Long and Tedioux passage of seventy seven Days from Baltimore, I Embrace this first Opportunity To forward your Excellency The Inclosed from Mr. James McHenry, and if Deprived of the Honour of Delivering it my self, I am happy of having in my power, to offer you, the favourable Opportunity of the Brigantine The Heart-Wig Capn. Richd. Barry; which is to sail from this port in the Course...
Length of intervals considered, our correspondence has been better suited to an antediluvian life, than to one which is so near its close as mine is. I mention this—not in the way of reproach to yourself, from whom at no time, to such an address as mine, was any answer at all matter of debt, but purely in the way of regret on my own account. Two works of mine—not to mention a number of others...
Your friend the Consul for New York, whom you were mentioning to me—Hunter I believe the Gentleman’s name is—will he partake of Share the Potatoes and Water of this hermitage, tête a tête at 7 on Wednesday Thursday next? An answer the Sooner the better—will oblige Your servt GBLUc : Jeremy Bentham Papers.
The offer which it is the ambition of this Address to submit to the consideration of the President of the United States is addressed (you will see immediately) not to the person, but to the Office. By an explanation thus early made some reading will be saved to you. The respect, of which the offer itself is its own best testimonial needs not, I presume, any more words for the expression of it....
AL (draft): University College, London C Afran This book (if ever it should reach your hands) was written for the use of leading men: nor to any but leading men has it been sent. As such a copy of it comes to you. My notion of you is such that if there be any thing good in it, you will not fail making a good use of it for the benefit of those for whom you act. If at this or any more distant...
Scarce has your prophecy been utterd, which was fulfilled. Your new Master I see is arrived and arrived, and arrived in style . Lay me, I beseech you in all due fear at the feet of his Excellency and with a smile beg for me tell him how proud I shall should feel of learning of the honour of his protection. that done, with that seriousness which your opinion of my a belief as well I hope...
I Take this opportunity To Wright Theas few Loins To y you to Let you Now that I want Some Some infermation from you how I Will get my Land I have Lost my Dis charge in alagany Near Pitts Burg T Two miles on the alaganey about Mr Ben Jaman I got it in april after Peace Whos made and I kin Prove By
the honourable to the president of the United states George Washington. Whereas a Certain Matthias Dych of the County and state aforesaid hath on the 6th of this instant Enlisted under Capt: Wm Lewis having a wife An four Small Children and Nothing to leave to maintain them; And being Desirious to be Releast: we therefore the hereunder mentioned subscribers do humbly petition to thee...
In August last I Applied by letter (Accompanied with Recommendations from John E Van Allen Esqr and others) to the Secretary at War, for an Appointment: What I then Requested was to have been Appointed Lieutenant in the one of the Regiments of Infantry in the U.S. Army, in April last finding I was not placed on the list of Appointments I Supposed by letter and other papers to have been...
My worthy friend, General Dearborne informed me, that the President of the United States would kindly accept any expression of my sincere confidence in him. The highest esteem & his distinguished reputation & virtues, as well as respect for his high station must oblige me to put all the value of myself, in my own discretion. Permit me, Sir, to say, that during the Administration of President...