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Results 2201-2250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have recd. yours of the 21st. and return the paper enclosed in it. As the packages are for the...
I find from the Newspapers, that the chair of Natural philosophy in the University is now vacant,...
I have the honour to inform you, that on the day of the last annual Commencement of this...
J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr. Grimke’s address before the Literary & Philosophical...
I recd. by the last mail, your letter of the 9th. I am truly sorry for the distressing situation...
Your favor of June 5. did not arrive before the Visitors who met in July had closed their Session...
Since we left the university I have recd. the letter from Mr. Gallatin, of which the inclosed is...
Yours of the 3d. inst: reached me by the mail of yesterday, inclosing one from my Brother in...
After your great kindness in the loan you were so kind as to make me, it is imposing on generous...
Your letter informing the Visitors that you could not join them at their late meeting, was recd....
I find by a letter from Col. Peyton of Richmond that he is on a Northern tour which will carry...
You will perceive by the enclosed letter from Mr Southard, that, it was our intention to have had...
Yours of the 30th. was recd. yesterday. I am sorry for the trouble you have taken in searching...
Since my return home, I have received the letter from Mr. Gallatin of which a copy is enclosed....
Your favor of June 7. was duly recd. & yesterday I recd. one from your brother Edwd explaining...
I must be brief, and yet the strangeness of my applications, and the number of those applications...
I am aware of the delicacy, nay of the intrusion, of my being here in your house; and whilst in...
My delay in writing has been greater than you probably expected when we parted or than I...
Mr Jos. W. Farnum the junior professor in the academy of this place, intending to pass the...
I beg leave to introduce to you Mr. Hoffman, Professor of law in the University of Maryland, who,...
Your favour of June 26. inclosing a copy of the Charter of the College, having arrived during an...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Phillips, informs him that the date asked for in his letter...
The board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved that the Bursar of the University be...
The following was the annual report this year made to the President and Directors of the Literary...
The Board met, present the same as yesterday Resolved that the Professor of Chemistry be...
I recd yesterday morning, your welcome letter of Saturday evening. I hope you recd. in due time...
The board met, present the same as yesterday. A letter was received and read from Professor...
I trust in God that you are well again—as your letters assure me you are. How bitterly I regret...
The board met, present James Madison rector, James Monroe, George Loyall, John H. Cocke, Chapman...
The Rector still confined. The board met, present the same members as yesterday. The Proctor’s...
The Rector still confined to his bed. The board met, present James Monroe, George Loyall, John H....
I beg leave to call to your recollection the following subjects—viz: Shall contracts be made for...
My Brother has transmitted to me your letter to him of May 29., from which I perceive that you...
Dr. For a check on the Bank of Va. enclosed I. A. Coles in payment of Bank Stock—being $16:00...
The Rector was taken seriously ill during the night; and is now confined to his bed. No meeting...
We made out to get to Mr. Goodwins by 5 OC. where we luckily fell in with Genl. Cocke. After...
Your letter, enclosing the proposal of the trustees of Mrs. Randolph, for the loan to the...
The board met, present the same members as yesterday. Communications were received & read from...
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on...
Desirous of making a few historical memorandums for the use of my children, I take the liberty of...
I do my self the pleasure to introduce to your acquaintance, Chapman Coleman Esqr Marshall of the...
The great and affectionate esteem I ever felt for the deceased Revolutionary Patriot whose name I...
The notice you took yesterday, of one of our revolutionary patriots (Governor Page) interested...
Though the request your letter makes be a little singular, a compliance with it seems due to the...
The toast was given: “James Madison. He arrested the march of consolidation and gave construction...
¶ From Richard Bache. Letter not found. 2 July 1827. Calendared in the lists probably made by...
Among the names which are presented for consideration in filling the vacant Chair in the...
Accompanying this letter, I send you a copy of the charter, of “Madison College” —by reference to...
¶ To the Managers of the Fourth of July Celebration. Letter not found. 26 June 1827. Offered for...
I have not the least personal acquaintance with Mr. Timy Walker, nor do I know anything about his...