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Results 2201-2230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Extract: Huntington Library; Public Record Office, London The circular Letter You show’d me the...
I. Reprinted from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania , VII (Harrisburg, 1851), 249...
Your Letter of the 8th I recd last Night—I am affraid the Draughts from Prince William, Culpeper...
Your Favour of the 29th Augt did not come to my Hands till yesterday: as I did not see the...
2205Orders, 14–22 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
George Field, Thomas Nevill, Peter Simmonds, and Thomas Ope, recruited by Captain Mercer, were...
I had your favour at Noon, before Which the Express had set out for Mount Vernon, after giving...
Yours to Mr Kirkpatrick I have just perus’d, of my truth yo. may depend on, & that I wish my...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia,...
Duplicate: Pierpont Morgan Library I enclose three Bills, viz. A second for £50 Sterling, drawn...
2210Orders, 23 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Price to march the men under his command to-morrow morning, to their respective...
Under your kind indulgence I came to this place a few days ago, expecting to meet the Executors...
John informs me that you told him Miss Nancy West was to be at your House in a day or two; and...
2213Orders, 24–28 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Sergeant and twelve men, volunteers, to parade immediately, and go 5 or 6 miles up the new...
MS not found; reprinted from William S. Perry, ed., Papers Relating to the History of the Church...
Original not found; facsimile of printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Torrington Library,...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Pay to Benjamin Franklin, or Order, the Sum of Two...
I arrived here last night, and find things in the peaceable state I left them on this Quarter;...
I arrived here last night, and observe your several letters concerning your present situation;...
2219Orders, 29–30 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
LB , DLC:GW . GW left Winchester for Augusta County on 29 Sept. 1756 and did not return until 22...
Last Night I recd a Letter dated the 23d from Alexaa not sign’d, but by its purport I believe it...
Tho’ I acknowledge that one ought never to be asham’d to speak the truth; yet I find my self much...
2222Orders, 1–9 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
The men to parade to-morrow morning as usual, for Divine Service. Lieutenant Baker with his...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The last orders for payments under the £60,000 act of...
The Coppy of The Officers (of the Virginia Regimt) Letter. To Lieut. Collo. Adam Stephen Commandr...
A Return of the Virginia Regiment whereof George Washington Esqr. Commander of all the Virginia...
2226Orders, 10 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
2227Memorandum, 10 October 1756 (Washington Papers)
N.B. This day Captain Mercer set out for Williamsburgh. Colonel Washington has now been on his...
This day, within five miles of the Carolina line, as I was proceeding to the southermost Fort in...
I came down here the first of the Court, to consult yr friends on that unlucky 10th Centinel the...
In my last you remember I desired your sincere Opinion of the new Resolution I had taken, but as...