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Results 2201-2250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In addition to the Circumstances relative to the Case of the Secretary at War, transmitted from...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 20th instant, and therein acknowledged the receipt of...
22031761. Friday [6] Feby. (Adams Papers)
I have now almost finished the first book of Peter Lancelotts Institute, which first Book is...
I have already written to you, in replie to your Melancholy Letter of Sepbr 20th. and have...
The Parties and Divisions am gst us many [may?] several Ways bring Destruction upon our Country,...
Since my recovery from my late Indisposition so far as to attend to any Business, I have been...
I beg leave to remind you that I shall expect the honour of your company at dinner on Thursday at...
2208[Diary entry: 24 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear and pleasant. Wind Northwardly but not cold nor hard.
§ From John Stricker and Others. 3 August 1815, Baltimore. “We the Undersigned Merchants of the...
I have the Honor to Inclose your Excellency a Letter from Lieut. John M. Greene of my Regmt...
I have received your Letter of the 1st Inst. informing me of the delay of the Governor and...
If you could have foreseen the length of passage, to which your letter of the 23d of April was...
Indolence shall no longer prevent my acknowledging, the pleasure I felt (my dear M rs Adams) from...
Resolved unanimously by the board of Aldermen and board of Common Council of the City of...
Mr. Pichon has the honor to present his respects to Mr. Madison and his regrets that the reports...
I wrote you on the 17th. on the subject of the stores for Algiers, since which your’s of the...
The arrival of R. H. Lee yesterday has made up a Quorum of the Senate. A Quorum in the other...
I had the honor before of acknoleging the receipt of [your] favor of [May] […] and of stating...
Je profite de la Goëlette Fénélon C a pitaine Mayhew de Fairhaven faisant voile pour Norfolk ,...
Copy: Library of Congress ⟨Philadelphia, December 9, 1783: Dr. Witherspoon, whom you know, is...
Vôtre excellence verra par les deux lettres que j’ay l’honeur de lui adrësser cy inclus, que j’ay...
The Hague, 8 Apr. 1791 . The conferences at Reichenbach, The Hague, and Svishtov have placed the...
I find there is to be a “physician” general of the arm. of the U. States —I have the vanity to...
ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society; four drafts: American Philosophical Society <Turin,...
I was able to get from Washington a few days ago, and am here for about three weeks to unbend, as...
Engraving ( ViCMRL ). On 3 Mar. 1812 Gimbrede sent copies of this engraving to James Madison from...
I was favored with yours of the 28 th . Ult. just as I was preparing to go out of Town— it was...
Since I had the honour of seeing you the other evening a letter from the board of treasury is...
AL (draft): British Museum This letter brought Franklin his earliest first-hand news, as far as...
I have rec d your two letters of the 25. & 30. Ult . I have not yet seen any of the Secretaries...
At the pressing request of Brigadier General Hamilton, I have given permission to Captain Masters...
Major Ellicott’s, Briggs’s and Benjamin Ellicott’s Letters of the 29th of June, and 28th of...
I have written to Ostend for the two gazettes in question. In the meantime, I will continue,...
As the Anecdote of Mr Paine seemes to be have given you some amusement, I will give you another...
Copy: Bureau of Land Records, Department of Internal Affairs, Harrisburg Know ALL Men by these...
I had on the 29th Ulto the Satisfaction of addressing you after the Ratification of the...
2237[Diary entry: 18 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to Court & sold Colo. Colvils Ld. Returnd again at Night. As an executor for Thomas...
6 February 1805, Santo Domingo . “Considering it the duty of every citizen of the U.S. to assist...
2239Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
In the fall of 1775 Adams worked in the congress to the point of exhaustion; by December he asked...
I have received only one letter from you—that of 25. Novr: since I left you—And none from any of...
2241Poor Richard, 1734 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1734. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1734 … By Richard Saunders, Philom....
David Parmelee, who is recommended, [and] applies for the appointt. of agent, will make an...
2243General Orders, 1 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
Regiments and corps which have lately Joined are to make themselves acquainted with all standing...
Transcript: National Archives I received a few Days since a Letter from Annapolis dated June 5th....
20 September 1812, Hormuz , “ His Majesty’s Ship Salvador del Mundo .” “Presumeing that you are...
29 August 1803, Gothenburg . Wrote last on 6 Apr. and 2 Aug. Encloses “extracts of a tryal held...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Somerv⟨ille⟩ with thanks for the volume on the past &...
2248[Diary entry: 21 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
21. Very pleasant, being clear & wind Southwardly.
I have the honour at this time herewith to transmit by the Osage No. 1 of the Account Current of...
Now that Franklin was distributing printed promissory note forms to prisoners receiving...