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Results 2201-2250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have recd. yours of the 21st. and return the paper enclosed in it. As the packages are for the University, your proctorship will I presume, authorize your agency in the case. I have recd. no Invoice yet of the Articles imported. Should it come to my hands, it shall be immediately sent to you; and if arriving at the University under address to the Rector, I request you to break the seal...
I find from the Newspapers, that the chair of Natural philosophy in the University is now vacant, by the translation of professor Bonycastle to the Mathematical School. Experience, talent, & Moral character, will no doubt guide the distinguished board in appointing a successor to that Scientific gentleman; and influenced by the honour, emolument & usefulness of the situation, the friends of...
I have the honour to inform you, that on the day of the last annual Commencement of this Institution, the Alumni, who were present on the occasion, organized an Association, and unanimously elected you its President. Your acceptance of this appointment will be exceedingly gratifying not only to the members of the Association, but to all the friends of the College. Enclosed is a copy of the...
J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr. Grimke’s address before the Literary & Philosophical Society of S. Carolina politely forwarded to him. Altho he is not prepared to accede to some of the opinions contained in it, he tenders his thanks to the Author, for the pleasure afforded by the learned & interesting views which characterize the discourse. Draft ( DLC ); FC ( MiU-C ). Thomas S....
I recd. by the last mail, your letter of the 9th. I am truly sorry for the distressing situation which it describes; But the considerations which were formerly mentioned to you, as controuling my sympathies, instead of abatement have acquired additional force: and limit my answer to your request, to a renewal of the good wishes, which unavailing as they are, are all that I can offer. With...
Your favor of June 5. did not arrive before the Visitors who met in July had closed their Session & left the University. I may safely take on me however, to say that they will feel great obligation for your kind efforts to find a proper Professor for the vacant Chair. In the uncertainty of obtaining, without the University itself, a Successor to Mr. Key, the Visitors thought it best to...
Since we left the university I have recd. the letter from Mr. Gallatin, of which the inclosed is a copy. It gives no prospect of a supply for the vacant chair from that quarter, and I have no additional information from any other. A few lines from Mr. Ringold as he passed thro’ the neighbourhood, mentioned that you had suffered a sharp attack after you reached home not unlike mine, but was,...
Yours of the 3d. inst: reached me by the mail of yesterday, inclosing one from my Brother in which he directs me to return you the amount of your check, what I would now do if the sum was not unfortunately an inconvenient one for a letter. Mr. & Mrs. Stevenson, my sister Betsey & myself propose however, on our return from the Springs, to Accept of your kind Invitation to Montpellier, when a...
After your great kindness in the loan you were so kind as to make me, it is imposing on generous feelings to make any further request. But at this time I assure you I am in distress. We owe twenty five dollars for house rent, and unless we can raise it our little furniture (a present to Mrs Scott[)] will be sacraficed. If god spares my life, it shall with the other, be faithfully repaid. Often...
Your letter informing the Visitors that you could not join them at their late meeting, was recd. by all of them with the particular feelings of regret excited by the cause of the disappointment. I hope the indisposition was transient, and that your health is now in a satisfactory State. You will have understood that Mr. Key persisted in his resignation, & that Mr. Bonnycastle has taken his...
I find by a letter from Col. Peyton of Richmond that he is on a Northern tour which will carry him to Boston. I mention the circumstance that in case you have any communications you wish to make, for which he would be a conveyance preferable to that of the mail, they may be put into his hands. He will readily take charge of them; and being a particular acquaintance of Mrs. Randolph, now with...
You will perceive by the enclosed letter from Mr Southard, that, it was our intention to have had the pleasure to call on you, on our way to the Sulphur Spring. I reached here this morning and Judge Brooke has just arrived in Mr. Southards carriage which will force me to go on with him this evening to Gordonsville. I regret most sincerely it will not be in my power now to visit yourself & Mrs....
Yours of the 30th. was recd. yesterday. I am sorry for the trouble you have taken in searching for the morceau in question. Having observed that the whole of Franklin’s Works published, were in the Library of the University, I took for granted that it might be easily sought for; and, if there, found either in the biographical part, or under the miscellaneous head. It now occurs, that the...
Since my return home, I have received the letter from Mr. Gallatin of which a copy is enclosed. Be so good as to forward it to Mr. Cabell, with a request that he send it to Mr. Johnson, who from Richmond will easily give it conveyance to Mr. Loyall. I will make known its contents to Mr. Monroe & Mr. Breckenridge. I have heard nothing from any other quarter on the subject of the vacant Chair. I...
Your favor of June 7. was duly recd. & yesterday I recd. one from your brother Edwd explaining the case it referred to. It was accompanied by the letter to you now enclosed. We have been promised a visit much wished for from Mr. & Mrs. Stephenson and Miss Betsy. Can’t you add to our pleasure by making one of the party? With great & affee. esteem Draft ( DLC ). Edward Coles to JM , 12 July 1827 .
I must be brief, and yet the strangeness of my applications, and the number of those applications would require to say so much. Were I now to address one of the Monarchs of Europe I would know how to work on their feelings; and I have besides many claims on their attention—but in what words can I give a Colour of right to claim the notice of an American Citizen, One too who has been at the...
I am aware of the delicacy, nay of the intrusion, of my being here in your house; and whilst in it demanding favours—But I know not what to do. In the distressing embarassments it to which myself and children are thrown, I had to apply to some one for aid, whilst the other peculiarity of my circumstances, urged that I should address myself but to a person like yourself. The station, sir, which...
My delay in writing has been greater than you probably expected when we parted or than I intended; but I am not altogether without apology for it. In the first place, making up the record took me three days. A fourth was entirely taken up by some business which did not admit of postponement; and subsequently, three others by an indisposition somewhat of the nature of that from which you are...
Mr Jos. W. Farnum the junior professor in the academy of this place, intending to pass the ensuing month of vacation in travelling beyond our mountains for Health & improvement, is desirous of paying his respects to you & Mrs Madison in the progress of his journey, & has requested a letter of Introduction from me. Mr Farnum is a native of Providence, Rhode Island—he has resided some years in...
I beg leave to introduce to you Mr. Hoffman, Professor of law in the University of Maryland, who, on his way to the Western Springs of Virginia, proposes I understand to pay his respects to you. Mr. Hoffman is too well known to Fame to require more than the annunciation of his name to make him welcome—and I need only to add that learned as he is in his profession, you will find that his...
Your favour of June 26. inclosing a copy of the Charter of the College, having arrived during an absence from which I am just returned, I could not sooner acknowledge it. It gives me pleasure to find that the Trustees are about to attach to the Institution, an Agricultural Department, an improvement well meriting a place among the practical ones, which the lights of the age, and the genius of...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Phillips, informs him that the date asked for in his letter of the 9th. inst. is March 5. 1751. RC (Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Inc., Chicago, Ill., 2008; ).
The board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved that the Bursar of the University be authorised to borrow from Thomas Jefferson Randolph, trustee of Mrs Martha Randolph, a sum not exceeding Twenty thousand dollars, at an interest of six per centum, per annum , payable semi-annually, at the office of the Farmer’s bank of Virginia, in Richmond. For the money so borrowed, a stock shall be...
The following was the annual report this year made to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund. In obedience to the law requiring that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia should make a report annually to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, (to be laid before the Legislature at their next succeeding meeting,) embracing a full account of the disbursements,...
The Board met, present the same as yesterday Resolved that the Professor of Chemistry be requested to prepare and to lay before the Visitors at their next meeting, the plan of a chemical Laboratory and of a Lecture room connected therewith, large enough for the accommodation of a class of 200 Students; & that the proctor be required to present an accompanying estimate of the expense of...
I recd yesterday morning, your welcome letter of Saturday evening. I hope you recd. in due time my two last, the latter of which will have dissipated any doubts as to the degree of my indisposition. As I hoped, my health has continued to strengthen. I joined the Board yesterday, and am well enough today for the ride home if the business were over. But this is not the case and I fear a...
The board met, present the same as yesterday. A letter was received and read from Professor Emmet, on the subject of the chemical laboratory. The reading of the minutes of the Faculty was resumed. Professor Bonnycastle was admitted to a conference on the subject of the schools of Mathematics and of Natural Philosophy. Resolved that hereafter, there shall be a standing committee of the...
I trust in God that you are well again—as your letters assure me you are. How bitterly I regret not going with you! Yours of “friday Midday” did not reach me til last eveg. I felt so full of fear that you might relapse that I hasten’d to pack a few cloaths & give orders for the Carriage to be ready, & the post waited for, this morg—happily—the messenger has return’d with your letter of...
The board met, present James Madison rector, James Monroe, George Loyall, John H. Cocke, Chapman Johnson, and Joseph C. Cabell. On their return from a visit to the examination room, Professor Bonnycastle was admitted to a conference on the subject of class reports as applicable to the school of Natural Philosophy. Professor Dunglison and the Proctor were then conferred with, on the subject of...
The Rector still confined. The board met, present the same members as yesterday. The Proctor’s report on the state of the Library was received, & read. The rest of the day was taken up in attending on the examination. MS ( ViU : Special Collections).
The Rector still confined to his bed. The board met, present James Monroe, George Loyall, John H. Cocke, Joseph C. Cabell and Chapman Johnson. The board had a conference with Th. Jefferson Randolph on the subject of the loan to the University proposed by him as trustee to his mother, Mrs Martha Randolph. They then attended the examination; on their return from which, they commenced reading the...
I beg leave to call to your recollection the following subjects—viz: Shall contracts be made for the finishing of the Steps of the Portico of the Rotunda? Shall the plastering of the Western lecture room and the entrance Hall be finished during the Vacation? with or without Cornices? Shall the eastern lecture room be fitted up with similar benches & desks to those in the Western lecture room?...
My Brother has transmitted to me your letter to him of May 29., from which I perceive that you are in error in supposing that you are due me any thing on account of the Bank stock sold you, beyond the amount of your Bond. So far from it, that if any thing were due to either, it should be from me to you, & not from you to me. For the Stock has been sold by you for less than I believed it would...
Dr. For a check on the Bank of Va. enclosed I. A. Coles in payment of Bank Stock—being $16:00 over and above the amt. due for Sd. Stock } 1600 Cr. By cash enclosed 16:00. 00:00. MS ( DLC ). Verso docketed by JM . Undated; conjectural date assigned based on Edward Coles to JM , 12 July 1827 .
The Rector was taken seriously ill during the night; and is now confined to his bed. No meeting of the board, except for attendance on the examination. MS ( ViU : Special Collections). “A letter has been received in this City from a gentleman in Charlottesville, dated on the 12th. which states […] that Me. Madison was taken extremely ill with the Cholera Morbus on the night before; and that on...
We made out to get to Mr. Goodwins by 5 OC. where we luckily fell in with Genl. Cocke. After consultation as to our lodging &c at the University, he was left to make the arrangements on his arrival, which would be that evening. On our reaching the University the morning after, we found, much to our satisfaction that he had provided by treaty with Mr. Broken-borough, that we shd. all lodge in...
Your letter, enclosing the proposal of the trustees of Mrs. Randolph, for the loan to the University of Virginia; was duly recieved; and in obedience to your instructions I immediately communicated the same by letter to the Visitors of the University, from whom I have recieved answers accepting of the loan as proposed, “with the understanding, that the interest upon the certificates shall be...
The board met, present the same members as yesterday. Communications were received & read from various persons. The Reports of the Bursar and Proctor were received. After which the board were again occupied in attending on the public examination. MS ( ViU : Special Collections).
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on the tenth day of July 1827, at which were present James Madison rector, James Monroe, George Loyall, John H. Cocke and Joseph C. Cabell. A letter was read from Professor Key, dated March 10th 1827, communicating the resignation of the office held by him in the University, as authorised by a...
Desirous of making a few historical memorandums for the use of my children, I take the liberty of requesting you to inform me on what day you was born. I would not take this liberty but have been Unable to ascertain it in this City. May you enjoy every happiness Compatible With the present State of Society. Your H. Servt. RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . Naphtali Phillips (1773–1870) was...
I do my self the pleasure to introduce to your acquaintance, Chapman Coleman Esqr Marshall of the State of Kentucky, a particular friend of mine & one of our worthiest citizens. Mr Coleman is a Native of your County, but left it when quite young & has not visited it since til the present trip. You will find him able to give you much information, both as to your friends & acquaintances, as well...
The great and affectionate esteem I ever felt for the deceased Revolutionary Patriot whose name I introduced on the 4th. inst: will not permit me to withhold the recollected substance of what fell from me on the occasion. But in complying with your request, I must be allowed to make the general remark, that when I received the invitation of the anniversary celebration, my anticipation was that...
The notice you took yesterday, of one of our revolutionary patriots (Governor Page) interested those who heard you much: justly distinguished as he is already, for the many acts of devotion to the cause of the People in our revolutionary, struggle; nevertheless, the peculiar, circumstances, under which he acted, to which you had reference; and which I believe, are within the knowledge of but...
Though the request your letter makes be a little singular, a compliance with it seems due to the motives which prompted it; and a short autographic extract is accordingly subjoined. “In Europe, charters of liberty have been granted by Power. America has set the example of Charters of power, granted by Liberty. This revolution in the practice of the world, may, with an honest praise, be...
The toast was given: “James Madison. He arrested the march of consolidation and gave construction to the written powers.” “Upon the annunciation of this sentiment, Mr. M. arose, and after making his acknowledgments for the kind notice taken of him, which he was very sensible he owed more to their partiality, than to any just claim he had to it, Mr. M. said, he would propose for commemoration a...
¶ From Richard Bache. Letter not found. 2 July 1827. Calendared in the lists probably made by Peter Force ( DLC , series 7, box 2).
Among the names which are presented for consideration in filling the vacant Chair in the University is that of Thomas H. Levins, now of New York, formerly of the District of Columbia, where he was Professor of Mathematics in the College. Letters in his favor are recd. from Mr. Calhoun, Genl. McComb, and Mr. A. H. Powell who I suppose is the present Member of Congress of that name. Whatever be...
Accompanying this letter, I send you a copy of the charter, of “Madison College” —by reference to the 9th. Art, you will perceive, it is the intention of the Trustees, to have attached to the Institution, an Agricultural Department, in which all the various arts & uses, of this important branch of human industry, shall be taught upon scientific principles and daily reduced to practice , in the...
¶ To the Managers of the Fourth of July Celebration. Letter not found. 26 June 1827. Offered for sale in Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 1301 (13 May 1937), item 147, where it is described as an autograph letter signed from Montpelier in which JM promises to deliver the oration at the Fourth of July celebration at the Orange Hotel.
I have not the least personal acquaintance with Mr. Timy Walker, nor do I know anything about his acquirements. I believe he completed his studies at Cambridge and left that college about a year since & he was then well spoken of. He is now an instructor in the Northampton Seminary. A few days since, upon the resignation of the mathematical tutor in Cambridge, who instructs in the lower...