Results 2201-2210 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Extract: Huntington Library; Public Record Office, London The circular Letter You show’d me the Draft of, explaining the Particulars of what Assistance was required and expected from the Colonies to the King’s Forces, has not been communicated to the Assembly; Nevertheless, I have now the Pleasure to tell You, that an Act yesterday passed the House, and I believe will receive the Governor’s...
I. Reprinted from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania , VII (Harrisburg, 1851), 249 (cited as Pa. Col. Recs .). II. Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), pp. 145–6. III . Pa. Col. Recs ., VII , 250. IV. Votes , 1755–56, pp. 147–9; Pa. Col. Recs .,
Your Letter of the 8th I recd last Night—I am affraid the Draughts from Prince William, Culpeper & Fairfax are not made agreeable to expectation, as I hear many of the Young Men have made their Escape & do not appear at the Musters. Sir, I mention’d in my Letter of the [1]9th Ulto to enlist Servants agreeable to the Act of Parliament; that of Act of Parliamt I wrote from Yr Letter to me, I...
Your Favour of the 29th Augt did not come to my Hands till yesterday: as I did not see the Messenger who brought it, who I understood call’d at my Building on his Way to Fredericksburg, I shall keep this, a Day or two, to see if he will call for an Answer as he returns from thence; if he does not, I shall send it to Mount Vernon, & beg the favr of Yr Brother to convey it by the first Safe Hand...
2205Orders, 14–22 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
George Field, Thomas Nevill, Peter Simmonds, and Thomas Ope, recruited by Captain Mercer, were reviewed, and passed. The men to parade to-morrow morning at beating the long roll, with their arms and ammunition clean and in good order, and to be marched by the Sergeants of the respective companies to the Fort, there to remain until prayers are over. An orderly Drummer to remain at the...
I had your favour at Noon, before Which the Express had set out for Mount Vernon, after giving him half a Dollar for Expences. The uneasiness you Lye under from the Vain Babling of Worthless, Malicious, Envious Sycophants, give me much Concern—Conscious of a Due & Honorable Discharge of Your Duty, (as undoubtedly you Must be) Their Censure, & Scurrility loses it’s force & Venom by Your Silent...
Yours to Mr Kirkpatrick I have just perus’d, of my truth yo. may depend on, & that I wish my Capacity was equal to my inclination of advising you for the best. Know Sir, that ev’ry Gentn in an exalted Station raises envy, & ev’ry person takes the Liberty of judging, or rather determining (witht judging) from Appearances, (or information) without weighing circumstances, or the proper causes, on...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), pp. 154–60. Though the chief executive officer in colonial Pennsylvania was commonly called governor and is so designated in these volumes, he was in fact a deputy of the Proprietors in England who were themselves legally the governors of the province. He was obliged by law and by personal bond...
Duplicate: Pierpont Morgan Library I enclose three Bills, viz. A second for £50 Sterling, drawn by Thos. Saul on Wm. Baker. A first — £20 — — Mary Steevens—Alexr. Grant. A first — £30 — — Philip Ludwell Wm. Bowden. When paid, please to Credit my Account with them. I am Yours most affectionately P.S. We agree perfectly well with the Governor, but are very angry with the Proprietors and the...
2210Orders, 23 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Price to march the men under his command to-morrow morning, to their respective cantonments. The Quarter-master to provide a lock & key for the Town-house, and secure all the windows above and below with hides; and to employ the Drummers, and those of the Sentry now on guard, are likewise to assist to clean out the house. LB , DLC:GW . See the source line note, Orders, 9–13 Sept. 1756 ....