Results 2201-2210 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Extract: Huntington Library; Public Record Office, London The circular Letter You show’d me the...
I. Reprinted from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania , VII (Harrisburg, 1851), 249...
Your Letter of the 8th I recd last Night—I am affraid the Draughts from Prince William, Culpeper...
Your Favour of the 29th Augt did not come to my Hands till yesterday: as I did not see the...
2205Orders, 14–22 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
George Field, Thomas Nevill, Peter Simmonds, and Thomas Ope, recruited by Captain Mercer, were...
I had your favour at Noon, before Which the Express had set out for Mount Vernon, after giving...
Yours to Mr Kirkpatrick I have just perus’d, of my truth yo. may depend on, & that I wish my...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia,...
Duplicate: Pierpont Morgan Library I enclose three Bills, viz. A second for £50 Sterling, drawn...
2210Orders, 23 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Price to march the men under his command to-morrow morning, to their respective...