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Results 22001-22050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
His Excellency John Jay Esquire Governor of New York, has informed me, that the Oneida Tribe of...
So many Days having elapsed since my Letter to you of 22d May was dispatched without an Answer,...
Memorandum 2 boxes. containing the dried parts of Halibut 2 Kegs. of Cod sounds & tongues, each...
22004[Diary entry: 22 September 1763] (Washington Papers)
22. Frost bit Do. at Do. and at Muddy hole also bit Fodder very much. Began to get fodder at...
I am sorry to find by yours of yesterday that the ill state of your health obliges you to think...
Your Letter of the 12th Inst. by Mr Seaton was delivered to me at this place in my way to...
I hope you will pardon this liberty. The respect that I have for you, the love of my country, and...
As very serious aggressions have been recently committed in this port upon our national rights, I...
J. B. Varnum presents his most Respectful Compliments to the President of the United States. And...
… The Resolutions respecting the Mississippi Navigation are of a Balmy nature, tending to give...
Your kind favor of the 11 th was recieved last night only. why it should have been a fortnight on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed note and bill of exchange of 150 florins on...
I have the honor to submit to Your consideration the paper herewith marked A. which is a...
I have received your letter of Feby. 27. inclosing the appointment of me as a Visitor of the...
Since my return to this city, I have recd: a letter from you dated August — We know officially,...
Copy: New-York Historical Society I take the Liberty of transmitting you a few Copies of the...
Among the accounts which it is necessary for me to settle before my departure, are the...
The Treasurer has received directions to remit you a draft for six thousand, two hundred and...
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th of October. The sixteenth the...
I enclose the papers before handed to you respecting Ichabod Grummans claim, and a new and more...
I lay before Congress the application of Hamet Caramelli, elder brother of the reigning Bashaw of...
I take the liberty to send you herewith a pamphlet containing the three letters of the Hon...
I beg leave to refer to the consideration of the General assembly the inclosed letters from the...
22024[Diary entry: 26 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
26. Continued blowing violently hard all Night and the whole day through at least till the...
In consequence of your letters of the 9 and 16th Inst. upon the subject of paying the arrearages...
The Board being directed by Congress, to send your Exellency Two Pipes of the best Madeira Wine,...
Letter not found: from Burwell Bassett, 5 Feb. 1773. GW wrote Bassett on 15 Feb. : “Your favour...
I inclose Your Excellency the Report of Brigadier General parsons, who is just returned from a...
Am informed that the City of Rochelle suffers for want of a resident Consular agent, Mr. Thomas...
22030[Diary entry: 15 September 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. Clear and warm with but little wind & that Southwardly—warm.
The Sloop is hove down & Cleaning & hope to be ready to take my Station this Night I shall not...
In answer to your letter of this date, I think I may venture to assure you that no writ has...
Your favor of Mar. 30. came safe tho’ rather slowly to hand. It is much to be regretted that in...
28 March 1803, London. No. 88. “My No. 86. [19 Mar. 1803] communicated the tenour of Lord...
Gout in the Head and Stomach, occasioned more, I believe, by uneasiness than by abstinence, have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We they undernamed, do take the liberty of acquainting your...
I was absent from town when your letter reached it, and did not retern till two days ago. When I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to imform you, that Mr. John Johnson &...
There seems to be a disposition to take up the classification bill. I have substituted a division...
I have duly received your favor of Jan. 24. and accord ing to the request have inclosed to mr...
My last was of the 5th of February, and 27th of March. I have as yet received no letter from you...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. The enclosed permit has...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library <March 22, [1771–74 ]: a note in the third person, in...
I wrote You on the 26th. of May last, by my son John, Via Bourdeaux; to which I beg Leave to...
I have made an agreement with Robert Morris Esquire to convey to him one hundred shares of stock...
The board are desirous of seeing Capt. Bowman of the Jersey Troops, on the subject of his command...
I received from our Quincy Stage under the direction of Mr Thayer a Box of Scions from The...
22048July 26. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. B. Hollis, Miss Brand, Mrs. Adams, Mrs. Smith, and I walked to Mill Green, or Mill Hill the...
At noon on 4 Mch. 1801 in the Senate chamber of the Capitol, fifty-seven-year-old Thomas...
[ Williamsburg ] 23 Dec. 1779 . The commanders of two vessels from Bermuda with salt to exchange...