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Results 22001-22050 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
My dearly beloved, & only Sister, for the “threefold silken Cord is broken ” To what an unusual...
I wrote to you upon fryday, but I do not now recollect what I have written. I know that my heart...
I received yesterday your kind letter of 17th. instant, informing me of the death of my dear and...
By every vessel that has arrived for several months from America, and which we should have...
The solemn and impressive scenes through which I have passed the last week, were too affecting to...
In the month of June last Myers Fisher junr: of Philadelphia, who is established here as a...
I heard last Evening of the melancholy event, and sincerely sympathize with the afflicted family...
will you get mr Norten to inform by Letters mr & mrs James Foster of the death of your dear...
I owe to your Friendship, a Letter of thanks for the interest you take in whatever concerns me or...
Since I wrote you last (which the enclosed will shew you was very lately) though I have not have...
Cloathing purchased for George and John Adams 3 peices Blew Nankeen at 2 dollars pr piece 6 1...
I recieved your Letter by the last Mail inclosing one for your daughter, who left me last week,...
The excellent Sermon you sent, me was indeed “a cordial to my Heart—” I thank Mr Whitney for the...
I have just received, on my return from Boston, this Evening, your favour of the 10th: instant,...
I did not need your last token of love to remind me of my duty to one who is unwearied in...
I have not words, my dear Aunt, to express my gratitude for your kind and consoling letter of the...
The intercourse between us is daily more and more obstructed, it may prolong your tranquility...
do not think that I have not participated in your Joy, upon the Birth of your daughter, because I...
I hear that Cousin Abbe is to return tomorrow to Atkinson. I Send by her two pr Socks for George...
I was much gratified my dear Mrs Adams the last week; by a line from you: especially as it...
Although since I last wrote to my brother, on the 6th: instt: we have neither received a line...
I have had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 28th ult. covering one to your Son the...
I have not written you a Letter yet, but I promissed you one, and I now have the pleasure of...
I have the pleasure to acknowledg Your Letter of the 30th of June, brought by the Pilifix ,...
Though I have felt the complicated affliction that has recently assailed my friends at Quincy, I...
I feel Some Compunction, when I recollect the long time that has passed Since I wrote you a Line....
Le Département des Cérémonies a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madam Adams qu’Elle est invitée, ainsi que...
The extract contained in one of your last Winter’s letters to me from the Astronomics of...
I thank you for your kind inquiries after my Daughter Smith. She is, and has been as well, the...
At the arrival of the last Mail, I thought I could hear my dear Sister say, “Is there no Letters...
Will you be kind enough to advance five Dollars for me to Mr Gales for a Second years...
Your kind letter of Nov, might have been sooner acknowledged, if I had been younger, my eyes...
After I had written the letter of which I now enclose a copy, intending to have it ready for Mr:...
More than four months have again passed away, since I have received a line from you, and nearly...
I received your very acceptable letter of the 20th. and I shall attend to its request with great...
A very droll accident happend to the inclosed Letter, as you will See by the address; I wrote two...
Le Département des Cérémonies a l’honneur d’annoncer à Madame Adams et à Mademoiselle Johnson, sa...
I Send Some old Maderia & Sherry, the & the Curtains. I grieve that I cannot personally assist in...
How is your Mother to day. what night had She & how is miss Katy & Ruthey? have you procured a...
I Send you some oranges and Lemmons. the last night was a trying one to those who were not very...
How are all your Sick to day. what night had your Mother and how is little Lucy? I presume you...
How are your dear Parents your Father I learnt when I returnd from Boston was very Sick. I have...
If you will Send Lucy & Johny here to day we will take care of them. Betsy Says She knows her...
I Send your Mother a Bottle of Hermitage wine which on Serching the cellar we found. I hope it...
Thomas Adams, brother of John Quincy Adams, was one of the Circuit Judges of Masstts Court very...
I will not suffer the first day of this new year to pass over, without renewing to my dear Mother...
I rejoice that I can begin the new year without a Repetition of any mournfull, or afflictive...
I hope you have received your mittins, and your Brother his, which Mrs. Foster took a fortnight...
I ought to have thanked you for your kind Letter, which gave me both pleasure and consolation,...
On the New-Year’s day of our own Style, I wrote to my Mother, to testify my good-wishes and...