George Washington Papers

Orders, 4–6 September 1756


Parole: Guilford.

[4, 5, 6, September 1756]
Winchester, Saturday September 4, 1756.

Parole: Helvoetsluys.

Winchester, Sunday September 5, 1756.

The Detachment under command of Captain Spotswood to be ready to march to-morrow, as soon as Mr Rutherford has loaded the waggons.1

Parole: Ireland.

Winchester, Monday 6th September, 1756.

John Stewart Tavern-keeper, having made complaint of very gross abuse and ill treatment received from Lieutenant Williams and Ensign McCarty—All the officers in town are to sit immediately to enquire into the complaint—Captain Mercer, President—Both parties to have notice to summon their Evidences.


1Thomas Waggener sent Capt. Robert Spotswood down from the South Branch to Winchester about 21 Aug. with three wagons for salt, and now GW was sending him and his wagons on to Alexandria because the supply in Winchester was exhausted.

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