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Results 2191-2220 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I received a letter some days since from Mr. J. C. Cabell, informing me, that he was authorised...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Robbins with many thanks for the copy of his oration...
I have duly recd. the copy of your Oration on the 4th. of July last. In making my...
I do not feel myself at liberty to give a letter of introduction to you to any one, but perhaps...
Upon my return home three days ago, I found the inclosed Letters from Mr. Short. As they contain...
My friend, H. Gilpin Esqr, of this city, has some idea of paying an early visit to Virginia, &...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 20th. communicating the proceedings of a meeting of the...
When I had the pleasure of visiting Montpellier last year, I promised Mr. Payne to send him some...
Your two very obliging letters of May 30th. and Aug. 6th. have been received. Although you have...
In tracing the conduct and Character of Genl. Jackson I have had a correspondence with Genl....
I have recd. yours of the 21st. and return the paper enclosed in it. As the packages are for the...
I find from the Newspapers, that the chair of Natural philosophy in the University is now vacant,...
I have the honour to inform you, that on the day of the last annual Commencement of this...
J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of Mr. Grimke’s address before the Literary & Philosophical...
I recd. by the last mail, your letter of the 9th. I am truly sorry for the distressing situation...
Your favor of June 5. did not arrive before the Visitors who met in July had closed their Session...
Since we left the university I have recd. the letter from Mr. Gallatin, of which the inclosed is...
Yours of the 3d. inst: reached me by the mail of yesterday, inclosing one from my Brother in...
After your great kindness in the loan you were so kind as to make me, it is imposing on generous...
Your letter informing the Visitors that you could not join them at their late meeting, was recd....
I find by a letter from Col. Peyton of Richmond that he is on a Northern tour which will carry...
You will perceive by the enclosed letter from Mr Southard, that, it was our intention to have had...
Yours of the 30th. was recd. yesterday. I am sorry for the trouble you have taken in searching...
Since my return home, I have received the letter from Mr. Gallatin of which a copy is enclosed....
Your favor of June 7. was duly recd. & yesterday I recd. one from your brother Edwd explaining...
I must be brief, and yet the strangeness of my applications, and the number of those applications...
I am aware of the delicacy, nay of the intrusion, of my being here in your house; and whilst in...
My delay in writing has been greater than you probably expected when we parted or than I...
Mr Jos. W. Farnum the junior professor in the academy of this place, intending to pass the...
I beg leave to introduce to you Mr. Hoffman, Professor of law in the University of Maryland, who,...