Results 2191-2200 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
2191Orders, 4–6 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Detachment under command of Captain Spotswood to be ready to march to-morrow, as soon as Mr Rutherford has loaded the waggons. John Stewart Tavern-keeper, having made complaint of very gross abuse and ill treatment received from Lieutenant Williams and Ensign McCarty—All the officers in town are to sit immediately to enquire into the complaint—Captain Mercer, President—Both parties to have...
Yours of the 17th & 23d August I received —Mr Boyd is just returned from Williamsburg, settling his accompts, and getting a supply of cash—He will be with you to pay you off. I am in hopes our men for the future will be better satisfied, as the Committee have allowed them 8d. per day and their clothes, without any stoppages or deductions. The Governor expects this encouragement will engage the...
I received yours by Captain Spotswood. I was obliged to order the waggons down to Alexandria for Salt, as we had none in store here; which no doubt has detained them longer than you expected. Enclosed I return your Size-roll, as it is not agreeable to the Instructions—a particular description of the men was the chief intent of them, and that you have not attempted. I desire you will make it...
I received yours of the 15th August; which I had answered before I received yours of the 25th —I am sorry the Rangers seem to dislike the Service so much, but am still in hopes, the encouragement given by the committee will have some weight with them. They have allowed our Soldiers 8d. per day, with [no] deductions for clothes or Surgeon: A General Hospital is established for their reception...
2195Orders, 7–8 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
LS : Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission The Bearer Michael McGuire inlisted as a private Soldier for the Term of three Months in the Service of the Province, he has not only during that time behav’d himself soberly and well as a Soldier but has also been particularly useful as an Overseer and Carpenter in the Building the Fort, the Term of his Inlistment expir’d a Month ago and as...
Extract: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission This Post which is in my Opinion of the utmost Consequence to the Province is already defensible against all the Power of Musquetry, but as it is from the Nature of its Situation expos’d to a more formidable Descent from the West Branch it ought I think to be render’d still stronger, for which Purpose a greater Number of Horses and Teams...
I received your favours of the 19th 20th and 21st ultimo; and wrote immediately to the commanding officers of the Counties of Prince-William, Culpeper and Fairfax, to march their Drafts to this place. There are none of them yet arrived; nor do I know whether they are made. Your Honors letter of the 19th mentions, that I may enlist Servants agreable to the act of Parliament; but as I have not...
By Captain McNiel I received only a part of yours, dated the 31st July; what became of the remainder, you perhaps know best, and from what I received am little satisfied in point of your recruiting charge. The same objection prevails, that you charge subsistance for these men, from their enlisting until their arrival at Augusta Court-House, altho’ they were furnished here with provisions to...
2200Orders, 9–13 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
Michael O’Neal, recruited by Ensign McCarty, and John Reeves, Thomas Hartley, John Wilcox, recruited by Captain Mercer; were reviewed and passed. A Court martial to sit immediately, at 10 o’clok, to try all prisoners that shall be brought before them. LB , DLC:GW . There is no evidence that GW was at Winchester after 8 Sept. until his return from Mount Vernon on 27 September. GW’s entries in...