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Results 21901-21930 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no time in making it known to you, as I am doing to the other Visitors—The following is an extract of a private letter which he desires may also be placed before the Visitors. "Professor Davis begs me to express to you officially his desire to occupy my Pavilion and grounds when I leave the University....
The Proctor has communicated to me certain resolutions of the Faculty, which as he says he has done also to you, I do not inclose. I must on this occasion, as but too often happens, trouble you with a request, to give, as soon as may be convenient, such instructions as you think due to the wishes of the Faculty, and within our authority & means. With great esteem & very sincere regard FC ( DLC...
I have just recd. the enclosed letter with the notice it refers to, which I have duly acknowledged. Be so good as to hand the papers to Mr. Wood as requested; and give to the case whatever attention may be proper on the part of the University. I have not seen the Act of Assembly, but take for granted the course pursued is authorized by it. With friendly respects FC (NN : Emmet Collection).
On the rect. of your letter of Novr. 13. proposing for the decision of the Executive Committee either a removal of all the Hotel Keepers, with a view to reduce the number to two, who were to be Mr. Minor & Mr. Carr; or as alternative, the discount[in]uance of Gray Chapman & Richeson, and a substitution of Mr. J. Carter for the first, with the known understanding annexed to it. My answer of...
We have a difficulty with our Italian Sculptors which I need your aid and advice to get over. the wife of the elder one refuses to come to America , & that of the younger could not come alone. this has thrown the younger man into great despondency. he had just married when he left Italy , and has had a child born since he came away. he has sprained his wrist also so that he will not be able to...
I have just recd. the inclosed papers from the University. They give a sad account of the Hotel Keepers. Not recollecting the exact relation in which these are placed by the last enactment to the several Authorities above them, I can not decide well on what may be required from the Executive Committee. Be so good as to favor me with your ideas on the whole subject. In every view, delays must...
I have just recd. a letter from Mr Johnson, of Octr 29. in which he wishes, if the appointment of Doct. Jones has not been irrevocably made that it may be suspended, til he hears from a friend in New York, whether Mr Renwick, Professor of Nat: Philosophy and highly spoken of at Columbia College, be attainable. This he expects to do in 8 or 10 days, and with some prospect of an affirmative...
With M r Jefferson I conversed at length on the subject of architecture— Palladio he said “was the Bible”—. You should get it & stick close to it—. He had sent all his Books &c. &c. to Washington , or he would have drawn y r House for you—it would have been a pleasure to him—but now he could not undertake to do it before the fall when he expected other Books from Paris —He disapproved of...
I am extremely dissatisfied withe train in which our works at the University are going on, and were it not for my great confidence in the integrity of those we employ, I should be unable to resist the suspicion of a willingness in them to make the job last for life. I am at present suffering under a relapse so serious as to put it out my power to go there as frequently as is requisite. I will...
I did not learn till a few days ago, that you had sufficiently got over your reported illness at Norfolk, to return home. I hope your health is now good & will continue so. I inclose an extract from a letter recd. from Mr. Long some time ago, which shews that we cannot rely on a successor from England to the Chair he filled in the University; that he strongly recommends Doctr. Harrison for it:...
I am first to thank you for the shads you were so kind as to send us. they were the first and only ones we have seen this season. The visitors at their late meeting being requested by mr Bro c kenbro’ to enquire into the charges brought against him by Oldam, came to a resolution that their Exve commee should first enquire of Oldam whether he avowed the anonymous lre to mr Griffin, and would...
I inclose a letter from Docr. Dunglison with my answer to it. Should you concur in the expedient he suggests, or in any other, for obviating reports injurious to the University, I shall cheerfully confide in your choice of the mode most proper for authenticating the true State of things there. With great esteem & cordial salutations RC ( ViU ); FC (DLC) .
I now inclose you 3. letters from D r Cooper . the 1 st was written before he recieved our’s , which crossed his by the way. t he 2 d as soon as he had recieved our’s, the 3 d three days after when
The inclosed letters will so fully explain their object that I need not trouble you with a repetition of their contents. I will therefore request you to take the subject into consideration, and to decide freely on it, and should you not concur with me, to return the papers. should you approve, you will be so good as to subscribe your approbation to each letter, sign each copy of the call, and...
I have just recd. the inclosed from the Proctor. Should Majr. Spotswood’s resignation be persisted in, & allowed to take effect, and a regular Successor not be attainable, I see no other resort but the step suggested by Mr. B. which must be on our assumed responsibility. I shall readily take my share of it in that or any other arrangement you may judge preferable in the emergency. With cordial...
The last mail brought me your letter of the 4th. inclosing one from Docr. Jones, with your answer. From the footing on which the question of his appointment now rests, and the uncertainty of an earlier provision for the vacant Chair, it may be best to acquiesce in his terms. And if this be your opinion and that of Mr. Cabell & Mr. Johnson, he can be informed by a final letter from you, that a...
On the reciept of your liberal donation of 60. D. for the purchase of the Polyglot bible for the University I wrote to Mess rs Cummings & Hilliard of Boston to know if the book was still on hand, and, if it were, to send it to us, and the price should be immediately remitted to them. I have recieved for answer that it was sold before the reciept of my letter. I now therefore return you the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Cocke, whose servant is desired to take as many Broom plants as he pleases, but having never found them to succeed by transplantation, he sends him some seed, which generally succeeds, altho sometimes it does not come up till the second spring.— he sends him also a little seed of the Sprout Kale , a plant he recieved from The National garden of...
Yours of the 12 inst: came duly to hand; and I have recd. two letters from Mr. Johnston of the 3 & 5. one from Mr. Monroe of the 3d. & one from Mr. Breckenridge of Sepr. 30; all of them having made a previous trip to Montpellier in Vermont. Mr. Johnson assents to the immediate appointment of Docr. Jones to the Chair of Nat: Philosophy, but seems willing to learn what Mr. Bonnycastle may have...
The promptitude of subscriptions, far beyond my expectations calls for a prompt decision on some matters which I had supposed might have been in time at our fall meeting. I propose to go to mr Madison’s to consult with him between the middle & last of the ensuing week, and I should be very happy if you could come, go with me to the College ground to see what is done & doing and then to mr...
I have just reccd. yours of the 15. I have heard nothing further from Mr Johnson, and his expected intelligence from New York is deprived of its importance by the step taken in favor of Doctr. Jones, who I flatter myself will not disappoint our hopes. The last acts of the Board, as extracted by Mr Trist seem to allow to the Ex. Come. no discretion, to reduce the number of Hotels below four. It...
Can you come and breakfast with us tomorrow morning? I have the papers ready for your inspection, but they require explanation. you can then consider them at your leisure and get them corrected on consultation with mr Garrett. I could ride to Charlottesville, but it is always followed with inconvenience and injury, or I should not ask the indulgence. respectful and friendly salutations. ViU .
I recd. yesterday yours of the 29th. ult: inclosing your correspondence with Docr. Jones. It is quite probable, not withstanding his dissatisfaction at what has passed, that he may still look forward to the chance of having the way opened for him to the vacant Chair in the University, by some intermediate proceeding of the Visitors. Should this not be done, he seems to have shut himself out...
It is really scandalous, after so liberal a supply of fish from you to ask a second donation. yet I am forced to it by the stupidity of the servant who in my absence was entrusted with the mission. instead of never stopping till he got home, night overtook him on the road, he encamped, and the water being unchanged thro’ the night, he found the fish all dead on his awakening in the morning. my...
M r Patterson , and my grandson T. J. Randolph inform me you have a dark bay horse which you are disposed to sell at the price of 50.£ and which, from their description would suit me. they speak of him as a steady carriage horse, and a tolerable riding horse. if their information as to your purposes of selling him be right, I shall be glad to recieve him by the bearer , with the privilege of...
I inclose a letter just recd. from Professor Lomax. From the view he takes of the case stated, it seems to justify the wish he expresses. I refer it however to your decision, as well because you know, which I do not, the object of the visitors in their order, as because the case falls within your share of the attentions as divided between us. It will doubtless be agreeable to Mr. Lomax to hear...
Li loro Servi Michele e Giacomo Raggi esebisconsi per fare un Acomodo di fargli tre proggetti, che loro Sig ri potranno apprendersi a quello che gli senbrerà piu Aproposito ⅌ il loro Avantaggio. P mo Che il Súnomato Michele prontamente si porterà nel piu Vicino Porto D’ Europa a prendere sua moglie a proprie Spese e Carico de Viaggi, sempre che gli rinovino il Contrato
In obedience to the order of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia , requiring of the Proctor “an estimate of the whole cost of completing ten pavilions, with their appendages, the number deemed necessary for the proper accommodation of the whole number of Professors contemplated by the Legislature , five hotels, and dormitories in number depending on the number of Students who...
Since the rect. of your two letters of Feby. 14 & 23 the former inclosing your notice to Docr. Jones, that the Chair of Nat: Phil would not be filled till July, I have recd. a letter from Mr. Laurence our Charge D’ Affr. in London, of which a copy is enclosed. It shews what has been done and is doing there in relation to that vacancy; and that we may expect soon to receive further information....
I recd. yesterday yours of the 6th. and at the same time a letter from Mr. Matthews on the same subject. I have sent back his letter to you, with the sanction to his proposed arrangement in the terms above copied. A military school may be useful, especially if admitted as a substitute for Militia exercises; but for all physical purposes the Gymnasium is incomparably superior. It would be well...