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Results 21851-21900 of 184,264 sorted by author
J’ay étté bien charmée de recevoir de vous une lettre. Impatiente d’apprendre de vos nouvelles, j’en croyois le moment passé. Je croyois qu’un si long trajet de Mer et des objets si agréables pour vous à retrouver avoient effacé quelques sentimens flatteurs pour moi, s’ils avoient jamais existé. Mon Cousin m’ayant écrit au mois de decembre m’apprit les détails de votre arrivée, de laquelle...
Je ne pensois guère Monsieur la derniere fois que j’ay eu l’honneur de vous voir être au moment de quitter si promptement Paris, c’est bien une fuitte qu’il a fallu faire. Que de maux il falloit évitter! Ce fut le lundi 13 vers une heure que je me déterminai après avoir passé la nuit dans un état d’effroy et de douleur tel que le bruit du Canon et des fusillades que j’entendois peut le faire...
Paris, 14 Sep. 1792. She should cease importuning him with her letters in French, but his rare kindness towards Derieux compels her very humble thanks. If Derieux, who has used TJ’s credit, could not pay, she would certainly do so, but she believes he is not so badly off that he cannot honor his business engagements. She reproaches TJ affectionately for his wish to forget French. [P.S.] She is...
Un nouveau motif Monsieur m’éngage à vous présenter mes actions de graces pour touttes les bontés que vous avés pour mon Cousin. Vous avés pris la peine de lui donner le Certificat dont il avoit besoin pour toucher son Legs. Assurément jamais certificat ne valut davantage, ayant votre signature et le sceau de l’Etat. Je vois dans ses Lettres que vous lui témoignés en bien des manieres une...
Voici Monsieur la lettre que j’ecris a Mr. Derieux, puisque vous voulés bien la mettre dans vos paquets pour lui faire tenir. Je lui marque que vous avés la bonté de répondre de ma sureté vis a vis des Négocians qui lui donneront l’argent que je lui destine: que c’est une somme de quinze mille livres qu’il touchera. Il convient Monsieur puisque vous voulés bien vous avancer ainsi pour que Mr....
Above You have a plat of Both Surveys of Land purchased of You by Mr. William Tapscott and Myself, Inclosed in a Platt of 150 Acres Surveyed for John Stowers and Sold by Mr. W Tabscott in his Life time to Willis Mcpickett & Conveyed by sd. Pickett to Wm. R Griffith and by Mr. Griffith to Sd. Stowers their Other Tract of Land Sold by Mr. Wm. Tab-scott in his Life time Was to Henry Greenwell for...
Letter not found: from David Bell, 15 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Bell: “I received yours of the 15th August.”
Letter not found: from David Bell, 25 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Bell : “I received yours of the 25th.”
Letter not found: from Bellegard, 18 Sept. 1789. In a letter of 15 Jan. 1790 to the marquis de Bellegard, GW wrote : “I have received your letter dated the 18th of September 1789.”
AL : American Philosophical Society Franklin did not often grant passports to British citizens, least of all to those who were spying on him. But in this case, the self-appointed spy was so innocuous, and the intelligence he communicated to the British government so patently outrageous, that he was neither suspected by Franklin nor valued as a source by his own government. In short, despite...
I am informd that the Governor and Council are about to appoint some person as Superintendant of the State Arsenals, if so I shall offer as a Candidate—and as Ive not the pleasure of being acquainted wh. the Governor and but [few] of the Council—must be dependant on my friends for Letters of recommendation: so that if you think me worthy of the appointment will thank you for a line on the...
The letter I had the pleasure to carry from Mr McDowell to you, was not of Sufficient magnitude to delever you in your own hands, consequently, destitude, of the opportunity of makeng you acquainted with my wishes—I now take the Liberty Sir, by this Present to Let you know I would be glad to have Some office in the Regular Army, if any adequate to my abilities Sould offer, my acquaintance in...
Non abbiamo sperimentata strada più sicura ⅌ far pervenire Le Lettere a Williamsburg nella Virginia in mano di Carlo Bellini , che indirizzandole a Vstra. Elza. In fatti d’una scrittale ⅌ La di Lei direzione se n’ebbe risposta. D’altre tre posteriori dirette forse ⅌ diverso canale non se n’ha avuto riscontro alcuno. Ricorriamo nuovamente alla di Lei bontà pregandola a voler usare ogni premura...
Williamsburg, 29 May 1786 . Although he acknowledges as true that every man must be the anvil or the hammer, does not object to being the anvil provided the hammer strokes hit the center of the anvil and not the edges in order that it may not be damaged and may do better work. Asks pardon for communicating some of the observations in TJ’s letter of 30 Sep. 1785 to the students, especially...
Non o potuto resistere alla tentazione di scriverle, e toglierle in conseguenza un poco del tempo da Lei destinato agli affari in queste calamitose circostanze. Jo non so cosa i’ mi sia, nè che cosa sia per esser di me se io resto più qui; mi pare per altro ch’io sarò Suddito non più alle leggi di questo Stato, ma a quelle d’un Quadrumvirato. Questa idea solamente è piu che bastante a rendere...
Williamsburg, 1 Mch. 1788 . Received TJ’s letter of 29 May 1786 by Paradise, who is a valuable acquisition as a friend to every person of intelligence; regrets that his adverse circumstances and the constant infirmities of his wife prevented him from showing Paradise the civilities he deserved. Mr. Wythe communicated a letter he had received from TJ which mentioned a lens that TJ was sending...
Rispondendo all’umanissma. Sua de 25. Marzo scorso, nella quale Ella mi domanda una lista classata di Traduzioni degli autori più Celebri Greci e Latini, Le dirò che io, particolarmente in questo genere, sono il più ignorante tra gl’ignoranti, forse perchè in Italia simili autori si leggono ne’ loro originali solamente, se Latini; e si comparano gli originali con le Traduzioni Latine, se...
I have been waiting for some time with more than Christian patience to write you a letter; but the stiffness of my hands which has hitherto prevented me encreasing continually in obstinacy and my days drawing happily to a close I have been forced at length to make use of a younger and more obedient hand which has fortunately fallen in my way—The object of this letter is to make a request of...
[ ca. Aug. 1785 .] Persuaded that whatever office TJ should hold, he would wish to be no “other than Thomas Jefferson,” Bellini does not use an honorific in addressing him, for “to pay compliments to a philosopher of your dignity, would be equal to blasphemy.” Acknowledges TJ’s letter from Annapolis of 8 May 1784 , which he found so comforting and encouraging at the time of his wife’s illness:...
Non v’è chi piu desideri il Bene di questi Popoli Americani, e le vostre Felicità: e s’io non fossi stato, a ciò fare, incoraggito o piuttosto stimolato, non averei ardito di tormentarvi; uno de’ primi relativamente alla vostra esaltazione, e alla determinazione del Popolo a voler esser felice. Possa Egli persistere, giacché e’ se n’è alla fine procurati i mezzi più efficaci, ed a eletto un...
Il Sige. Gen’le Conte di Rochambeaux va a spasso per il Paese, ed è probabile ch’egli venga a Monticello, almeno Egli ne à l’intenzione; il Sige. Coleau , un uffiziale di rango nell’ Armata lo accompagna, ed io non voglio perder l’occasione di rinnuovarle i miei più rispettosi Sentimenti, e ringraziarla dell’ affettuosa Lettera ch’ Ella si compiacque di scrivermi da Richmond in Data de’ 23...
Williamsburg, 10 July 1790. “L’Eminentissimo Nostro Monsignor Arcivescovo Madison” who hoped to be consecrated in America will probably have forwarded the answer to TJ’s most kind letter of 13 June.—The word impotent , which Bellini’s evil genius let drop at the end of TJ’s letter, would have been more than enough to discourage the strongest spirit: the effect of that unexpected thunderbolt on...
The Estate of Charles Bellini decd in acc t with John Bracken admor D r & C r 1806 Jan’ry By hire of Mars 1805 rec d in 1806 £20:
Al Nome di Dio Amen—L’Anno del Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo milleottocentoquattordici—Indizione Romana Seconda, e questo dì Ventinove del mese di Agosto in Firenze , sotto il Pontificato dì sua Santità Pio Settimo Sommo Pontefice Romano, e sua Altezza Imperiale, e Reale il Serenissimo Ferdinando Terzo , Principe Reale d’Ungheria, e di Boemia, Arciduca d’Austria, e Granduca dì Toscana, nostro...
Persuaded that your important time must be occupied with the weighty Care of the public affairs, I feel, on this account, great embarrassment for trespassing one moment on your attention. I regret, Sir, that it has become necessary. But, your exalted Character justifies me in hoping that, tho’ surrounded by great and important public business, you will condescend to hear my Representations,...
I regret much that my personal acquaintance with you is so limited; However, from the long and intimate one that has prevailed between our families you will no doubt pardon me for breaking in upon your time by requesting you to use your influence (consistent with your feelings) to obtain a berth for my son William Bell at West Point. He is between eighteen & nineteen years old and I trust from...
We the underwritten, composing the Companies of Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry, and others, convened with the said Companies, inhabitants of the town of Rutland, in the western district of the State of Vermont, deprived from the remoteness of our situation, of the privilege of approching you personally, desire, in this manner, gratefully to address you, and subscribe to you our sensibilities...
I have at Last made a Return of What I Procured under the Provision Law. I Recd your Instructions for procuring Grass beef and Salt two Late. At that time the ware all Sold other wise put up to feed and Could not be taken under that Denomination. If there is not more Severe Laws made against Ingrossers this part of the Country will not be able to Suply with any Beef. There has been many Droves...
Dieppe, 21 Apr. 1787 . Encloses a letter just received from Captain Thomson, an Englishman, commanding the Mercury “venant de Richmond en Virginie, avec une cargaison de tabac pour la ferme.” RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; below signature: Interprète Royal, cy devant Employé dans Larmée de Rochambeau, où J’ai Eu L’Honneur de Connoitre Son Excellency à Baltimore in Maryland ” ; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as...
The deposition of Thomas Jefferson taken at his own house in the county of Albemarle and the Commonwealth of Virginia on the 9 th day of March 1821 . to be read as evidence on the trial of a certain action of Ejectment now depending and undetermined in the Greenup circuit court in the Commonwealth of Kentucky , wherein John Doe , on the demise of John Fry
ALS : American Philosophical Society I sailed from Philad. the 6 of Sept. I Recd. no Letters from the Committe of Congress. The privet Letters I Recd. from Mr. Deane and the Honbl. Richard Henery Lee & Mr. Carmichell as to the dispatches for the Court of France I Recd. them from Monsr. Gerard as to Aney Other Letters I Recd. non— Gentln. I shall Sail Shortly for Philad. If you have Aney...
Letter not found. 2 October 1792. Mentioned in the lists probably made by Peter Force (DLC: Madison Miscellany). Bell was an Orange County neighbor of JM’s (William H. B. Thomas, Patriots of the Upcountry [Orange, Va., 1976], pp. 18, 58).
Yours of the 17th. is now at hand. Exclusive of Mr. Browns account the Sherriff has called upon me for your taxes, that with other accounts that I have paid and assumed which Colo. Lewis tells me are Just, and cannot be put off, nearly ballances our account exclusive of the hire of Marey and children. I applied to one of the Gentlemen who Valued her to meet the other and Say what I Should give...
It would have given me pleasure to Supplied Mr. J. G. Jefferson with his Summer Supplies but from a letter recived a few days Since from him enclosing yours to me he writes me that previous to yours coming to hand, he had taken up what few goods he wanted from Messrs. Shelton & Haris—he was induced he Says to do so by their being so convenent to him, and their willingness to Supply him as well...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Expect to Sail for Phila’ in 12 or 15 days if You have Any Letters to Send You may depend on my Care of them. I had the pleashur of Living, in Manheim at Mr. Morris for 5 or 6 Weeks Whare Mr. Beach & family Was Thay Ware All Will in July Last When I left them Mrs. Beach Wold not Go to Philad till Octobr. on Account of hir daughter for fear of hir Health...
Your favor of the 18th. Ult. came to hand the 10th. Inst. The delay was Owing to the Small pox in Fredriksburg and a Neglect of the post master not sending on to Richmond. I am Sorry to see that there is a probability of Congress Sitting much longer than you expected and that the tone of the house looks rather hostile. Nicholases Amendment Spoke a Mildness which in our Situation, in my weak...
A Mr. Franklin is expected in Town this evening, who formerly was Overseer at the Mountain. It has been hinted to me that he would Suit, as manager for you perhaps, better than some that has been Mentioned. Colo. Lewis—although he may not mention him—can give you his Character better than I can. And whether Franklin would undertake the business, or no, can’t say. You will excuse my mentioning...
The enclosed from our friend Dotr. Gilmer was handed me this day by Mr. Chandler. I have hutherto had no acquintance with him, but from the information of Several Gentlemen, have reason to believe he is a Gentleman of respectability and worthy of a Commission. Am well informed he has (from an anxiety to go into the army) raisd perhaps 20-odd men. He has with him Several letters from other...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Messrs. Schwieghauser & Dobrée of Nantes having already acquainted your Excellency the circumstances of my being a Prisoner on parole in this Country, & the Exchange they have proposed to the Commissaire of prisoners at Limerick, of the person of Capt. John Kinnere, taken by the schooner Sommerset Capt. Jones— I withhold troubling your Excellency with a...
Letter not found. 13 November 1792. Mentioned in the lists probably made by Peter Force (DLC: Madison Miscellany).
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I had the Honor to Write your Excellency, the 28: of Last Month, to Which I have not been favor’d With an Answer,— Mr. Nesbitt, has Likewise mentiond my Situation to you— I have this Day, recieved A Letter from Captn. John Kinnear, the person for Whom it was proposed I should be Exchanged, Who Engages in Case he Gets his Liberty on Parole, to Make his...
We do hereby certify that at the time Mr. Burr visited Mr. Jefferson, there was no one then with him of any political character as far as we know or believe—Living in his neighborhood, from the consequent intercourse, had there been any such meeting as Mr. Powell in his address contemplated we conceive we should not have been ignorant of it. We have positive testimony before us (but from...
The note, which I endorsed for Mr. Edmund Randolph for twenty five hundred dollars, and is now in your hands, I acknowledge to be as binding on me, as if a demand had been made from me for the same, when it became due or at any time since. LS , in the handwriting of Edmund Randolph, New-York Historical Society, New York City. This letter was enclosed in Edmund Randolph to H, June 4, 1793 . For...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Agreable to my promise, I here Inform you that I shall (wind & Weather permitting) sail for Philadelphia the 1th of next Month— Should you have any commands that may be in my power to execute, and will let me have them in time, they will merit my utmost attention; as it will at all times give me great Pleasure to shew you my Gratitude— I have nothing...
17 May 1804, Philadelphia. “A few days ago came to my hand the Inclosed Account and Bill of Exchange —it is informal by the Neglect of my friend Mr. Bernard Lacoste not puting his name as an endorser. Should that be the only difficulty—in Order to remove that part of the Busness—I am willing to receive the money and give a receipt makeing myself Accountable should any thing turn up that may...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Bells best respects waits on His Excellency Docr. Franklin and begs the Docr. to favour him with a passport to Ostend—Mr. Bell did not set off As he yeasterday intended, but will undoubtedly set off early tomorrow morning—therefore will be thankfull to have the pasport this evening. Should His Excellency have any commands Mr. Bell will be happy in...
24 July 1804, Philadelphia. “The preceding is Copy of what I wrote you the 2 Inst. which I now confirm—since then I have not had the pleasure of receiving your reply. I will thank you to acknowledge receipt thereof (if come to hand) and send me the Bill in question back, accepted or otherwise that I may advise my friend of its fate.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p.; signed “For William Bell /...
2 July 1804, Philadelphia. “I received your esteemed favor of the 21 May enclosing me Mr Wm Willis’s Bill on yourself for $203.47 with your reasons for not accepting the same. Having since received the second of Exchange regularly endorsed to me and finding that Mr Willis was in Boston I sent it by a friend of mine to demand payment of him and at the same time gave him your reasons for not...
You will excuse me (I trust) for troubling you with this address when you know the Cause. As your Friend and advocate for your uprightness, together with the duty I owe to my Country, I have been induced to write you on a subject, which probably may involve the Nation and yourself in some difficulty. There is now in the mouth of Severne River (a Harbour in the Bay) two armed vessels man’d...
§ Francis S. Belton to Daniel Parker. 21 February 1815, Baltimore. “By the direction of Major General Scott I have the honor to transmit for the consideration of the President of the United States the proceedings of a General Court Martial held at Pittsburgh Pa of which Captain Sampson S King 22d Reg Infy is President.” RC ( DNA : RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Belton”). 1 p.; docketed...