Results 2181-2190 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. D went to take a walk in the forenoon. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather.
21822d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
In the Forenoon Mr. Wolff came to pay a visit to Mr. D. Went to a bookseller’s for a book for Mr. D. In the afternoon I went with Mr. Artaud to the shops, and bought some things. Cloudy weather.
21833d. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Several persons dined and supped here this day. Mr. D. receiv’d some letters from America. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather.
21844th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
A French Gentleman dined with us this day. I wrote a letter to my Father. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather. Finished Mrs. Macaulay’s second volume 498. pages: and begun the third. Mr. Artaud went to the concert in the evening. Adams Family Correspondence, Adams Family Correspondence , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1963- . 4:286–287 .
21855th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Wolff’s and to Mr. Rimbert’s in the afternoon to carry letters to be sent to Holland. Mr. D. went after dinner to take a walk. Cloudy weather. In addition to his own letter of the 4th to his father, JQA probably carried Dana’s to JA of the same date ( Adams Papers ).
21866th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went in the forenoon with Mr. Artaud to take a walk. Mr. D stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather in the morning, and snow in the afternoon.
21877th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. D. went with Mr. Artaud to get some maps at the Academy. I went to a bookseller’s and bought Manstein’s Memoir’s upon Russia, and Anecdotes du Nord. Mr. Artaud dined and supped out. Clear weather. Christoph Hermann von Manstein, Memoires historiques sur la Russie depuis 1727 jusqu’à 1744 , Paris, 1771, with JQA ’s notation: “bo’t at St. Petersbourg, March 7th., 1782, No. 20”;...
21888th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon I went to the English Library for some books but the keeper was not at Home. Finished the third volume of Mrs. Macaulay’s history of England. 443 pages.
21899th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Finished the second oration of Cicero against Catilina. In the morning about ten o’clock Mr. D. Mr. Artaud and myself went to Mr. Rimbert’s, where we breakfasted; and then The Swedish Consul and his Lady and two of Mr. Rimbert’s Nephews, and another Gentleman and the rest of us set off in three slays for Cronstadt. We left the city at 10 o’clock and 40 minutes and arrived at Cronstadt at 12...
219010th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning we went to see the palace at Oranienbaum, and then dined and after dinner set off in our slays from Oranienbaum for Peterhoff at five minutes past two o’clock, and arrived there, at three o’clock wanting twenty minutes the distance being 9 wersts. We came from Oranienbaum to Peterhoff on the land whereas yesterday we were upon the Gulph of Cronstadt. We saw the palace of Peterhoff...