James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 23 September 1827

From James Monroe

Oak hill Sepr 23d. 1827.

Dear Sir

I lately receiv’d the enclosed,1 from a gentleman residing in Bladensburg, who applies, for the professorship, held by Mr Long, in case he should accept that, wh. it is reported, has been offered to him, in the University of London. I have inform’d him, in reply to his letter, that I did not know, that the offer had been made to Mr Long, or if made, that he would accept it, but that I should communicate the letter to you, to whom, if the vacancy should occur, it would be proper for him, to transmit, from the persons mentiond in his letter, the documents in his favor, which he intimates they are willing to give.

By Mr Gallatins letter, of which you forwarded to me a copy sometime since, he draws our attention, to W. point, & to our own Colleges generally, as institutions from whence, we may obtain Instructors, equally competent, with any to be found in England. This sentiment concurs, with that which I formd, while in that country, on information which was very satisfactory. Should it prevail, I should wish, that the enquiry might be made as extensive as possible, and by the best means in our power. I have not written, either to Col: Thayer, or to Dr Kirkland,2 since our last meeting, preferring that such enquiry, should be made by you, if agreeable to you, tho’ if not, I will readily do it.

Genl. Cocke informs me by a late letter, that he has recd. satisfactory information from Mr Short, of the qualifications of Dr Jones, in Phila. Of this gentleman, I know nothing, nor did I ever hear any thing, until our last meeting at the University, at which time, the impression made on my mind respecting him was, that altho’ his qualifications, gave him some pretentions, he wanted that weight of character, which was necessary for the trust. This impression may have been erroneous, & as I think it was derived, from what genl. Cocke said respecting him, the inference is the more presumeable. If the information recd. is satisfactory to you, as well as to the general, I wish no further enquiry to be made, especially at my instance.

For sometime after my return home, from your house my health was affected, & that of Mrs. M. very delicate, but that of both has improved somewhat of late, and that of the rest of my family is in a favorable state. The sale of my slaves, &ce, in Albemarle, it is expected will take place in Novr. so that it will be very painful to me, to attend there, at the next meeting. You shall however hear from me on the subject. The best regards of my whole family to you Mrs Madison, and your mother—very sincerely your friend

James Monroe


1Letter not found.

2Sylvanus Thayer had written to Monroe on 23 June 1827 (ViU: Special Collections) recommending Edward Courtenay for the position of professor of mathematics at the University of Virginia. John T. Kirkland (1770–1840), president of Harvard College (1810–28), also wrote to Monroe on 27 June 1827 (ibid.) recommending either James H. Cilley or Timothy Walker for the same professorship.

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