James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Monroe, 3 October 1827

From James Monroe

Oak hill Octr 3. 1827

Dear Sir

I have recd. yours of the 24th ulto., with a copy of one from Mr Long, communicating his appointment to a professorship, in the university of London, & expressing his desire to withdraw, from that, which he holds, in the university of Virga., in July 1828., instead of remaining there, until July 1829. I respect highly the qualifications of Mr Long, for the station which he holds, the duties of which, he has dischargd, with credit to himself, & advantage to the institution, but I deem it proper to accede to his request, in the hope that we may find one, competent to those duties, as he suggests, within the limits of the institution itself1

Partial RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1Letter ends here. On the verso is a note in an unidentified hand: “Mr. Monroe for Autograph.”

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