George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Kirkpatrick, 25 August 1756

From John Kirkpatrick

Falmouth 25th August 1756.

Dear Sir.

Thus far from Williamsburg and pritty much fatigued—On friday evening had the pleasure of receiving yours, and agreable to your desire copied the Governors, Deliver’d it, and woud have Shown it to the Speaker had he not left the Town that fore noon1—The Governor at that time told me (tho’ I imagine he has since wrote you) that he had no Objections of any kind to your Attendence at Alexandria, & that he coud wish The Cherokee & Cataubas, who are on their way to You, were Arrived before you left Winchestr, as there is Some Ceremony in the Reception of Such Chaps—As to other particulars You’ll be better inform’d from the Governors & Speakers Letters—vizt the Deductions from the Soldiers being discontinued—the Settlement of Referr’d Accots—The Office of Muster Master to be distinct from the Paymaster—The increase of Doctr Craiks pay—& promise of Support in Medicines, so as he shall be no looser—The fitting & preparing a house wt. necessarys for the Sick—Reasonable allowance at all ferrys, & a promise of Supporting You Genteelly in every Expence you may be induced to in the Service—&c. &c. with other things that I can’t inform you of.2

You woud learn by Capt. Cox that All your Accots were pass’d & approved, & that transcribing the whole transactions woud detain me 2 or 3 days after him—The Speaker gave me the Cash on Friday, Composed of Large Bills as usuall, his Appology he has no Doubt wrote you, on Saturday the Governor went to York, I finish’d the Accots that Afternoon, left them wt. Mr Palmer—& next Morning waited On the Govr for his Dispatches to you—wc. Consists of 2 letters—that Morning Mr Boy’d was to Settle an Accot wt. his Honr3 wc. had been delay’d by the Govr from day to day, & after all woud have Nothing to say in it, tho’ he had entertain’d Mr Boy’d wt. promises of Settling it, till at last referr’d him to the Committee after they had Disolved for three days.

Out of the £5000, I have Disbursed these Sums following, I hope not Disagreable to you—Vizt

To Mr Boyd Paymaster £215.13.
To Mr Chas Dick his Acct ⅌ Recet4 275.13.
To Finnie, Quales’s premium5 5.—
To J. Kirkpatrick, in part of pay 43.14.
Cash ⅌ Mr Boyd— 335 Sheets a £12. £4020.
117 Sheets a £3.15 }
& Loose Bills 25s 440
in all 4460—

Lt Walter Stewart Sent me the inclosed List of Workers on the Roads, thro’ mistake I fancy6—There is nothing of news to inform You, I inclose the Gazette—A Barren piece—Everybody is in Suspense about Minorca, So uncertain are all accounts—tho’ wishing for Confirmation to Capt. Browns.7

Mr Boy’d Sets out to day for Winchester, and I, under favour of your kind indulgence Bend towards Alexandria, where a few days recess, I hope will Serve my purpose—& then make my best Dispatch to Attend you—I send a Lock for the Little Box—better than the former—Please acquaint Capt. Mercer I brout up his horse from Capt. Dansies—in good Order & Sent him to his Fathers ⅌ his Brother James8—I Am wt. unfeign’d Esteeme Dr Sir Your Most Obedient & Much Oblig’d Hum. servt

Jno. Kirkpatrick

To Receive from Mr Boy’d—vizt The Leger—The Receipt book—a Bundle of Accots Recets & Capt. Hogs papers—4 letters for Yourself—2 qrs. Gilt paper, for Capt. Stewart.


1GW’s letter to Kirkpatrick has not been found. His to Dinwiddie was that of 14 August. “That forenoon” was presumably Saturday, 21 August.

2For references to these “particulars,” see especially John Robinson to GW, 19 Aug. 1756. For the office of muster master, see Dinwiddie to GW, 18 June 1756, n.2.

3Dinwiddie wrote to GW on 19, 20, and 21 August. The “next Morning” and “that Morning” were both Sunday, 22 Aug. 1756. John Palmer was clerk of the committee supervising military expenditures. Kirkpatrick seems to have inserted an apostrophe before the “d” in Boyd’s name in several instances.

4The accounts that Kirkpatrick presented to the committee on 17–18 Aug. at Williamsburg show that GW had advanced a total of £447 11s. 1½d. to Charles Dick as commissary (on 23 Sept. 1755, and on 19 Mar. and 11, 12 June 1756), all of which Dick had accounted for.

6Walter Steuart’s list of workers has not been found. See GW to Adam Stephen, 18 May 1756, n.14, for a tentative identification of the list.

7Captain Brown of the Tayloe arrived in Potomac River on 16 Aug. with a mistaken report of Adm. John Byng’s destruction of the French fleet off Port Mahon and the lifting of the siege there. See Maryland Gazette (Annapolis), 26 Aug. and 9 Sept. 1756. It was not until 18 Sept., however, that Col. John Hunter returned to Williamsburg from New York bringing the first reliable news of the shattering of Byng’s fleet and the loss of Minorca to the French. See Dinwiddie to Arthur Dobbs, 18 Sept. 1756, in Brock, Dinwiddie description begins R. Alonzo Brock, ed. The Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751–1758. 2 vols. Richmond, 1883–84. description ends Papers, 2:511–12. For more information on Byng and the loss of Minorca, see William Fairfax to GW, 10 July 1756, n.7.

8James Mercer (1736–1793), son of John Mercer (1704–1768) and younger brother of Capt. George Mercer, GW’s aide-de-camp, served as a member of the House of Burgesses from Hampshire County from 1762 until the Revolution.

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