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Results 2171-2180 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
217120th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon Mr. Wolff came to pay a visit to Mr. D. In the afternoon I went with Mr. Artaud to a booksellers and bought Cicero’s catilinaries French and Latin, and to the academy to get an almanack. In the evening Mr. Rimbert came to pay Mr. D. a visit. This is undoubtedly Phillippiques de Demosthene, et Catilinaires de Ciceron . . ., transl. Pierre Joseph Thoulier, l’Abbé d’Olivet, Paris,...
217221st. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Went in the forenoon with Mr. D. to the Hotel of the Marquis de Verac, the French minister here. Mr. Artaud dined out. In the afternoon Mr. D. went to take a ride. Finished the 7th. Volume of Hume’s history of England. 526. pages. Cloudy weather in the morning, but in the afternoon it cleared up. Charles Olivier de Saint Georges, Marquis de Vérac , formerly French minister to Denmark,...
217322d. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Begun The 8th. Volume of Hume’s history of England. Mr. D. wrote a letter to Holland. In the after­ noon he went to Mr. Wolff’s. Cloudy in the morning, but clear’d up in the afternoon. Undoubtedly Dana to JA , 21 Feb. , the only letter written to Holland at this time in Dana’s letterbooks; the letter was sent by post on 22 Feb. ( Adams Papers ; MHi :Dana Papers).
217423d. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Finished translating the first Oration of Cicero against Catilina, and began the second. In the forenoon Mr. D. went out to take a walk. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather. M/JQA/45, Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 240. See entry for 30 Jan., note 2 (above).
217524th Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Finished the 8th. and last volume of Hume’s history of England 327. pages. Mr. D. went to Mr Wolff’s in the forenoon, and dined at Mr. Rimberts. Mr. Artaud dined out also. Mr. D. receiv’d a letter from England in the afternoon. Cloudy weather. Stay’d at Home all day.
217625th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Went in the morning to the English Library and took out the three first volumes of Mrs. Macauley’s History of England begun the first. Went to the Hotel of the French Minister. Went to the shops with Mr. Artaud and Mr. Montréal, and to a booksellers. In the afternoon Mr. Artaud went to the concert. Cloudy weather all day, and it is so warm that it does not freeze at present. Catharine...
217726th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon Mr. D. went to take a walk. After dinner I went to a booksellers and bought a Latin and French Dictionary. Cloudy weather. This is possibly Jean Boudot, Dictionarium Universale Latino-Gallicum, Paris, 1774, or his third edition, Paris, 1775, both of which contain JQA ’s earliest bookplate, but no date of purchase. During his first month in St. Petersburg, he bought for “8 R...
217827th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went in the forenoon with Mr. D. to a bookseller’s and bought the King of Prussia’s works. Mr. D. went to take a walk after dinner. Mr. Hoogwerst came to pay us a visit. Mr. Artaud dined out. Cloudy weather all day. Frederick the Great, ( Oeuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci, 4 vols., Neuchatel, 1760, with JQA ’s notation: “bo’t St. Petersbourg, Feby. 16/27, 1782 ... 3 R u bl es , 25 Cop ecks ”...
217928th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon I received a letter from Holland, from my Father; and another From America. Mr. D went to take a ride after dinner. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather. Finished the first volume of Mrs. Macaulay’s history of England 420 pages and begun the 2d. That of 5 Feb. ( Adams Family Correspondence Adams Family Correspondence , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1963- . ,...
2180[March 1782] (Adams Papers)
Mr. D went to take a walk in the forenoon. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy weather. In the Forenoon Mr. Wolff came to pay a visit to Mr. D. Went to a bookseller’s for a book for Mr. D. In the afternoon I went with Mr. Artaud to the shops, and bought some things. Cloudy weather. Several persons dined and supped here this day. Mr. D. receiv’d some letters from America. Stay’d at home all day....