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Results 2171-2180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I Recieved your favor inclosing $20.75. for the charges of the things from Orleans, I hope they may give some incite, to the antient settlements on the Missisipi. Cyder in barrels from this will be the safest way of yr. getting it good, we have bottlers in plenty who will tell you they improve liquors, by mixtures, which I am not fond off, I like genuine best, the packets from this to Alexra....
Will mr Rodney be so good as to meet the heads of departments here this morning at 11. aclock? Privately owned.
2173Memorandum, 30 June–1 July 1757 (Washington Papers)
The names of the Sergts employed upon the public works. The names of those who are not employed. LB , DLC:GW . Before May 1757 when there were sixteen companies (seventeen counting Christopher Gist’s company of scouts) in the Virginia Regiment, each company usually had three sergeants, but after the number of companies was reduced to eight (plus the two that were sent to South Carolina) each...
The letter you mention to have written, never came to my hands; and indeed I have thought you a very lazy fellow to have let me hear from you so seldom. But if you will never give any other proof of laziness, I will pardon you this one. I have duly received my sister’s letter, and have written to her to-day a second time in answer to it. I also write to Dabney the inclosed letter, advising him...
31 December 1810. Communicates a supplemental report from the secretary of state with information received since his message of 28 Dec. 1810. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosure (5 pp.) is Robert Smith to JM, 31 Dec. 1810, forwarding a letter from John Armstrong to Robert Smith, 29 Dec. 1810 (marked D), which...
The inclosed recommendation of George Barrel from his uncle Joseph Barrel Esqr. to be a midshipman concurs with that of Mr. Thatcher and I request that you would send him a warrant. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
2177[Diary entry: 27 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Very hot and Sultry; indeed extreamly so. A small breeze from the Southwd.
I have this moment seen a Bill brought into the Senate intitled a Bill to define more particularly the crime of Treason &c. There are provisions in this Bill which according to a cursory view appear to me highly exceptionable & such as more than any thing else may endanger civil War. I have not time to point out my objections by this post but I will do it tomorrow. I hope sincerely the thing...
IT has generally and justly been considered as highly important to the security and duration of free States, that the different Departments and Officers of Government should exercise those powers only, which are constitutionally vested in them; and that all controversies between them, respecting the limits of their respective jurisdictions and authorities, be circumspectly and speedily...
I am requested to acknowledge rect. of your favour of 14th Inst. to the Governor and Directors of the Society for establishing useful Manufactories. It is with pleasure I inform you that your observations in general conincide with the opinion of the board of Directors, and that they will esteem as a favour any communication you may be disposed to favour them with from time to time. It is with...