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Results 2161-2210 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
General Hazen has applied to the secretary at war for the articles necessary to equip his regiment. For what regards my department, he is referred to me. I have no difficulty in ordering a supply of every article, tents excepted, which must be brought from the North river; nor should I hesitate about these, if the regiment were certainly to continue any length of time at Lancaster: for they...
The travelling journal of Gov r Lewis and yourself having been published some time ago, I had hoped to hear that something was doing with the astronomical observations, the Geographical chart, the Indian vocabularies, and other papers not comprehended in the journal published. with a view to have these given to the public according to the original intention, I got a friend to apply for them to...
Pursuant to an order of the House of Representatives of the 8th of May last, I have the honor to transmit a general state of the Revenue on stills and spirits distilled within the United States, exhibiting the several particulars indicated by the said order, so far as returns have been received at the Treasury; to which I beg leave to add, the Copy of a letter of yesterday from the...
I return you the papers which accompanied yours of yesterday. I think the case of Capt Hewes is merely a case for a demand of indemnification from Gr. Br. and a proper acknolegement of the violation of jurisdiction. It would be a very dangerous precedent for Congress to indemnify the individual. I think it would be well for Smith to be furnished with the declaration of Mr. Canning only taking...
The Recruiting service of the 12th. Regt. suffers considerably for the want of Subaltern officers. there is no acting Lieutenant to Capt. Kissam’s Company. Capt. Courtland is entirely destitute of aid, Capt. Fondy and Capt. Kirkland are similarly situated, & I belive Capt. Whites Lieutenants have either not accepted or have not joined their Company—if the filling of the vacant Lieutenancies...
Col. Hamilton supposed that it was agreed on all hands, that some relief should be granted—there was, he said two questions before the committee, one, if they would put them on a footing with the other citizens; and the other, if they did not merit something more. If said he, you receive their certificates, and grant them your own, you extend to them only that relief which you have already...
2167General Orders, 13 January 1780 (Washington Papers)
As there is a quantity of provisions and forage collected for the army the General is anxious to take advantage of the present favorable weather to bring it to camp & orders two detachments for that purpose to be paraded tomorrow morning 10 ôclock with three days cooked provisions. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the...
I have to communicate to you, that the hidden misterys are unfolded to me, by my Father who is in heaven, and your Father, if you beleieve the bible, you will not dote, that i am the Comforter, and believe all that theirin is Ritten, asto adminnister into my Necessaty if you please, am Destiut of the common necessaryes of life, and have not where to lay my head. Neither money for my Support,...
I was so much occupied during my stop at Borden Town I could not answer your Letter therefore busy myself here having nothing to do with all the nonsense I can think of for pastime. You can easily conceive, the dreariness of my situation travelling alone with your father who though more of a than I can recollect since the earliest period of our marriage is still too much of a Statesman to be...
Instructions were given a few days ago to Colo. Baylor to proceed to Virginia and in concert with Colo. Bland to purchase a number of Horses fit for the use of Light Dragoons. As the number wanted is considerable, I would wish you to undertake part of this Business. If upon your arrival in Virginia you find you can do it to advantage you are to apply to Colo. Baylor for a Copy of the...
I Recieved your favor inclosing $20.75. for the charges of the things from Orleans, I hope they may give some incite, to the antient settlements on the Missisipi. Cyder in barrels from this will be the safest way of yr. getting it good, we have bottlers in plenty who will tell you they improve liquors, by mixtures, which I am not fond off, I like genuine best, the packets from this to Alexra....
Will mr Rodney be so good as to meet the heads of departments here this morning at 11. aclock? Privately owned.
2173Memorandum, 30 June–1 July 1757 (Washington Papers)
The names of the Sergts employed upon the public works. The names of those who are not employed. LB , DLC:GW . Before May 1757 when there were sixteen companies (seventeen counting Christopher Gist’s company of scouts) in the Virginia Regiment, each company usually had three sergeants, but after the number of companies was reduced to eight (plus the two that were sent to South Carolina) each...
The letter you mention to have written, never came to my hands; and indeed I have thought you a very lazy fellow to have let me hear from you so seldom. But if you will never give any other proof of laziness, I will pardon you this one. I have duly received my sister’s letter, and have written to her to-day a second time in answer to it. I also write to Dabney the inclosed letter, advising him...
31 December 1810. Communicates a supplemental report from the secretary of state with information received since his message of 28 Dec. 1810. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosure (5 pp.) is Robert Smith to JM, 31 Dec. 1810, forwarding a letter from John Armstrong to Robert Smith, 29 Dec. 1810 (marked D), which...
The inclosed recommendation of George Barrel from his uncle Joseph Barrel Esqr. to be a midshipman concurs with that of Mr. Thatcher and I request that you would send him a warrant. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
2177[Diary entry: 27 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Very hot and Sultry; indeed extreamly so. A small breeze from the Southwd.
I have this moment seen a Bill brought into the Senate intitled a Bill to define more particularly the crime of Treason &c. There are provisions in this Bill which according to a cursory view appear to me highly exceptionable & such as more than any thing else may endanger civil War. I have not time to point out my objections by this post but I will do it tomorrow. I hope sincerely the thing...
IT has generally and justly been considered as highly important to the security and duration of free States, that the different Departments and Officers of Government should exercise those powers only, which are constitutionally vested in them; and that all controversies between them, respecting the limits of their respective jurisdictions and authorities, be circumspectly and speedily...
I am requested to acknowledge rect. of your favour of 14th Inst. to the Governor and Directors of the Society for establishing useful Manufactories. It is with pleasure I inform you that your observations in general conincide with the opinion of the board of Directors, and that they will esteem as a favour any communication you may be disposed to favour them with from time to time. It is with...
I understand that a Corps of Artillery and Engeneers is raising, of which the Field officers and Commander in chief have not been yet appointed. Please, Sir, to remember my Services in the American Army, the loss of my right arm; that I have been brought up as an Artillery officer and Served fourteen years in that Corps where lessons and instructions Constituting a good Engeneer were also...
I have the Honor to enclose Your Excellency two letters which have just come to hand. The one signed S.G. is from a Person heretofore unknown in my private Correspondence, but from whom I should expect important services if he could be engaged in this way. I have the Honor to be, most respectfully, Your Excellency’s most obedt Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington. Lusboke } Hessian Regts be...
Agreeable to your directions I have this day handed to Mr Gelston the small Package of Spanish Wheat addressed to you at Washington— He engages to forward it by the first safe conveyance— I sincerely hope it may produce abundantly & be found to merit the liberal distribution you are so good as to promise— With sentiments of particular regard I remain Sir your Obed Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of writing thee a few Lines per Packet. Since which our Assembly met and have this day adjourned to meet the 2d of June next. It is with great pleasure that, I acquaint thee, that the reason for this short Adjournment is, that they may take the earliest Opportunity of returning to the King, Lords and Commons their unfeigned Thanks for the...
I most sincerely and heartily sympathise with you in the distresses and dangers under which your state is labouring at this critical period. I lament its misfortunes, as they are wounds to the common cause, as they more nearly interest those for whom I feel the warmest regard, and as they are suffered by a state, which I consider, in a great measure, as my political parent. I wish any thing in...
I have this moment received the enclosed Letters from Colo. Sheldon and Major Talmage, by which your Excellency will preceive that a Skirmish happened with the Enemy on the morning of the 2nd Instant, with Some loss on both Sides. permit me in behalf of Major Talmage to request Some releif of Clothing from the Public Store if your Excellency should think it proper. I have the honor to be with...
I have received the letter wherein you inform me that you have thought proper to give a new Mission to the Sieur de Moustier, and thereby to put an end to his Functions as Minister plenipotentiary here. His conduct during the Time of his residence in this Country, has been such as to meet my entire approbation and esteem, and it is with great pleasure I render him the Justice of this...
I have the pleasure to inform you of the safe arrival of the Schooner Three Friends at this port on Board of which is the Wines &ca which the President and yourself have long expecting. They shall be forwarded to you by the first Vessels that leaves this either for Washington or Alexandria. Be pleased Sir to forward to me the Invoices & Bills of landing which are herewith inclosed, that I may...
Your favor of the 12th instant was delivered me last night. I recollect, that Permission was granted Mrs Hatfield to visit her Husband, & had not the least Doubt, but she would be suffered to return whenever she had an Inclination, unless some singular Circumstances should render it ineligible for a Day or two. Her Detention seems to be by the Mayor, to whom she was referred for a Passport. As...
§ From James Simpson. 2 October 1806, Tangier. No. 116. “No 15 [ sic ] dated 16th last Month was forwarded in triplicate. I have not since had any intelligence of the Franklin Brig. I am induced to repeat on this subject as I find it is expected the Ambassador will touch either at this Port or Tetuan to take on board refreshments. By a Courrier yesterday from Mogadore I learn that the Master...
A bill now before Congress proposes to allow, to the Representatives of the Officers & Crew of the late Sloop of War Wasp, the sum of 50.000 dollars, to be distributed as prize money; & to authorise the President, of the U. States, to Appoint a prize Agent, for the distribution thereof. Should this bill become a law, may I hope, Sir, to receive from you the Agency it contemplates? It would in...
I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire, do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I give and bequeath to my eldest Son George Washington Adams, all that real Estate in Quincy, in the County of Norfolk, known by the name of the Mount-Wollaston Farm, conveyed to me by my honoured father, by his Deed dated the twenty-third...
Letter not found: from Major General Artemas Ward, 22 Aug. 1775. On 25 Aug. Ward informed GW : “I wrote your Excy . . . the 22d Inst.”
It has been found impracticable to get ready the South wing of the Capitol for the reception of the H. of Representatives at the meeting of the ensuing session of Congress. the obstacle has been the impossibility of getting, from a quarry which admits the working but of a limited number of hands, so many very large blocks of stone, without a flaw, as were necessary to bind together the heads...
I have this day handed to John Vaughan Esq. who has kindly undertaken to forward them, three vols. of the Memories de la Societé Royale d’Agriculture ,” together with three pamphlets, which were sent me from Paris by M. Michaux, with a request that they should be sent to you. MHi .
2196[Diary entry: 6 July 1799] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning very heavy with great appearances of Rain—but little Wind & Mer. at 80–87 at highest & 84 at Night. Doctors Tazewell & Thornton came in the evening.
I this day Received a few lines from my Friend, whose Long silence I have not been able to Account for but suppose her Letters are Directed southward. Have you any Late private Inteligence from that quarter, and do our Friends their Really think we shall be Invaded on all sides, or do they mean only to advise us to be Ready. My heart at times almost dies within me only with the Apprehension...
Mr Eustace presents his compliments to general Hamilton, and sends him the packet for Col. P, which he permitted to be forwarded in this Way . The cover is left open, and the note on the first blank leaf of the book will serve as an advertisement; so that the general, in running over its contents, probably may be tempted (as he will certainly be enabled) to enforce some of the inferences,...
2199[Diary entry: 15 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
15. Thunder, lightning & rain—cool.
I am honored with the luminous observations your kindness did bestow on M r & Mad e de Beauvois claims: they establish, in each point of view, such clair principles, which will perclude the necessity further to interfere with the precious moments of your solicitudes. I am going to transmit them to M r Oster for his directions; reserving the liberty to render you an account of any issu in the...
In addition to the Circumstances relative to the Case of the Secretary at War, transmitted from the Comptrollers office for our determination we have the honor to state to you the following facts for the purpose of obtaining the Attorney generals opinion after a knowledge of them. We find that the first appearance of the claim in question, in any form, is in an account current dated at the...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 20th instant, and therein acknowledged the receipt of your respected favor of the 17th instant. Since which I have applied for your account with the Commissioners, and informed that I would settle it when presented. It has not yet been handed in; but as soon as there is a little leisure from the present press of business at their office I presume it...
22031761. Friday [6] Feby. (Adams Papers)
I have now almost finished the first book of Peter Lancelotts Institute, which first Book is taken up De Jure Personarum, and is well analized in the 29th Title De Clericis non Residentibus, in these Words vizt. “Personarum quidam Laici sunt, quidam Clerici. Rursus Clericorum, quidam sunt in Sacerdotio constituti, quidam in sacris, licet non in sacerdotio, quidam nec in sacris, nec in...
I have already written to you, in replie to your Melancholy Letter of Sepbr 20th. and have offer’d to the wounded Bosoms of my dear Children all the consolation which a participation in their Sorrows could impart. “Some feelings are to mortals given with less of earth in them, than heaven And if there be a human tear From passions drop refind and clear A tear So limpid and So meek It would not...
The Parties and Divisions am gst us many [may?] several Ways bring Destruction upon our Country, at the same time that our united house w d secure us ag t . all the Attempts of a foreign Enemy Addison In My last Paper s assigned several Reasons why the ^ safety of the ^ People will ^ w
Since my recovery from my late Indisposition so far as to attend to any Business, I have been looking over the Papers relating to my late Office of Commy Genl of Prisoners, and among them I find the report of my transactions at German Town just before and at the time of the Enemies evacuating of Philadelphia, which was designed for your Excy, but prevented from being sent by my sudden illness....
I beg leave to remind you that I shall expect the honour of your company at dinner on Thursday at four O Clock —and to a Ball on friday Evening at seven O Clock. I am with respectful Regard Dear Sir Your’s Truly ALS , PHi : Gratz Collection. GW landed at two o’clock in Charleston at Prioleau’s wharf to an artillery salute, pealing bells, and “reiterated shouts of joy” from “an uncommonly large...
2208[Diary entry: 24 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear and pleasant. Wind Northwardly but not cold nor hard.
§ From John Stricker and Others. 3 August 1815, Baltimore. “We the Undersigned Merchants of the City of Baltimore from our long acquaintance with, and personal knowledge of, John G. Johnston do hereby recommend him to the Executive as a Suitable person to be appointed as Consul for the United States to the Island of St. Domingo.” Tr ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Johnston”). 1 p.;...
I have the Honor to Inclose your Excellency a Letter from Lieut. John M. Greene of my Regmt wherein he expresses a desire of leaving Service on account of his Indisposition, as this young Gentleman has greatly Impair’d his Health in the Service, and from a Conciousness off his merriting every Indulgence the public Can bestow, I am Induc’d to Interest myself in his behalf, and take the Liberty...