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Results 2161-2190 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
General Hazen has applied to the secretary at war for the articles necessary to equip his...
The travelling journal of Gov r Lewis and yourself having been published some time ago, I had...
Pursuant to an order of the House of Representatives of the 8th of May last, I have the honor to...
I return you the papers which accompanied yours of yesterday. I think the case of Capt Hewes is...
The Recruiting service of the 12th. Regt. suffers considerably for the want of Subaltern...
Col. Hamilton supposed that it was agreed on all hands, that some relief should be granted—there...
2167General Orders, 13 January 1780 (Washington Papers)
As there is a quantity of provisions and forage collected for the army the General is anxious to...
I have to communicate to you, that the hidden misterys are unfolded to me, by my Father who is in...
I was so much occupied during my stop at Borden Town I could not answer your Letter therefore...
Instructions were given a few days ago to Colo. Baylor to proceed to Virginia and in concert with...
I Recieved your favor inclosing $20.75. for the charges of the things from Orleans, I hope they...
Will mr Rodney be so good as to meet the heads of departments here this morning at 11. aclock?...
2173Memorandum, 30 June–1 July 1757 (Washington Papers)
The names of the Sergts employed upon the public works. The names of those who are not employed....
The letter you mention to have written, never came to my hands; and indeed I have thought you a...
31 December 1810. Communicates a supplemental report from the secretary of state with information...
The inclosed recommendation of George Barrel from his uncle Joseph Barrel Esqr. to be a...
2177[Diary entry: 27 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Very hot and Sultry; indeed extreamly so. A small breeze from the Southwd.
I have this moment seen a Bill brought into the Senate intitled a Bill to define more...
IT has generally and justly been considered as highly important to the security and duration of...
I am requested to acknowledge rect. of your favour of 14th Inst. to the Governor and Directors of...
I understand that a Corps of Artillery and Engeneers is raising, of which the Field officers and...
I have the Honor to enclose Your Excellency two letters which have just come to hand. The one...
Agreeable to your directions I have this day handed to Mr Gelston the small Package of Spanish...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the pleasure of writing thee a few Lines per Packet....
I most sincerely and heartily sympathise with you in the distresses and dangers under which your...
I have this moment received the enclosed Letters from Colo. Sheldon and Major Talmage, by which...
I have received the letter wherein you inform me that you have thought proper to give a new...
I have the pleasure to inform you of the safe arrival of the Schooner Three Friends at this port...
Your favor of the 12th instant was delivered me last night. I recollect, that Permission was...
§ From James Simpson. 2 October 1806, Tangier. No. 116. “No 15 [ sic ] dated 16th last Month was...