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Results 2161-2190 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Another month is drawing to a close, since I last wrote you, and I remain without a line from you or form any of my friends in America—The last Letters from you that I have received are dated in April of the last year. But as opportunities for writing to you, still occur, and at least as frequently as they did during the Winter Season before the War; and as the Americans who are returning home...
How shall I sufficiently thank you My dear Mrs: Adams for your undeviating kindness in two of the Most mournful events of my past life the soothing consolation you offer my dear Madam is drawn from that source which is calculated to calm and resign our minds to those heart rending dispensations of Providence in which religion alone can support us. In reflecting on the melancholly deprivation I...
I have just this moment returned from attending the funeral obsequies of the late general Moreau; which have been solemnized with suitable splendour at the Roman Catholic Church of this City. He died at Töplitz on the 2d. of September, of the wounds he had received before Dresden, the 17th. of August.—His Body was sent here by order of the Emperor Alexander, and has been buried with all the...
You will now have no occasion to wish for more Snow, if at Quincy you are favoured with as much as we are in Atkinson—I find it adds much to the coldness of the Atmosphere, though it has made it better travelling—I hope I feel grateful to Heaven for preserving us as yet, in so much better health than we had in our family last winter— The spotted fever, I see by the papers, has again commenced...
Decbr. 15 A Stormy and bousterous day a large party invited to dine being the first Diplomatic dinner nothing to be had and the expence enormous no visitors and no news 16 In much distress about my dinner a french Cook very drunk & every thing in confusion at 1/2 past four the company assembled consisting of Mr. & Mrs. Bagot Mr & Mrs. de Neuville Mr Tencate Mr. Glenham Mr Hughes Mr. Antrobus...
The enclosed is a copy of a letter, which was written near a Month, before an opportunity occurred of sending it, on its way to you—I am afraid that the delay will entirely defeat its object, and that it will be found impracticable to send out my two Sons to me the next Summer.—The river Neva is now again open, and I trust that in about six weeks or two Months opportunities for writing to you...
With a mind sorely depressed by the late afflicting intelligence from America and the many additional circumstances which are hourly occurring to encrease the difficulties of my present situation and I feel almost incapacitated from writing even a few lines to thank you & my dear Sister Adams for the very tender and affectionate manner in which you broke to us the melancholy Tidings of our...
I had for several weeks been anticipating the pleasure I have recently received on the arrival of your Son.—I very well knew he could not come without a Letter for me from his good mother, which is always a cordial to my bosom.— A sublunary being indeed, I yet stand:—with animation sufficient to flatter myself with the enjoyment of again embracing the remnant of a few worthy friends who yet on...
It is a long time since I have had a line from a friend who for many years I have cordially loved, and have been grieved that in so many of them, the intercourse has been seldom.—It is true I have by me an excellent letter of yours which has lain too long unanswered;—but the great debility which has long afflicted my eyes has & still deprives me of the use of my own pen, nor is it easy to...
The quiet Season has at length arrived. For the last six weeks I have had no occasion to go into London, except upon business, and there is some relaxation of that—Almost all the Cabinet Ministers are absent upon excursions; and Lord Castlereagh is gone to Ireland to see his father . The Morning Chronicle gives a shrewd hint, that it is the sign that Parliament will be dissolved, and that his...
Among Several letters—laid aside—during my late exertions in behalf of a countrÿ, which I cannot cease to love, I must do my Self the pleasure, of paying you a debt of the gratitude for your favour of Febr. 23, with which you was So obliging to honour me again. Knowing the yet infirm State of your health, I had not dared to flatter mÿ Self, to receive So Soon a fresh proof of your kind...
This is the day of jubile! the fiftieth year since your marriage is completed! By the blessing of Heaven, my dear father can look back to all the succession of years since that time, with the conscious recollection that it was a happy day—The same pleasing remembrance I flatter myself is yours; and may that gracious being who has hitherto conducted you together through all the vicissitudes of...
I think it not improbable that on receiving the public accounts of the progress of the War in this Country for the first three months after it commenced, and especially those of the entrance of the French Emperor and his army at Moscow, with the destruction almost total of that Capital, you may have been not altogether unconcerned on our account, and considered us as not altogether secure from...
Some time in the early part of last month, I had the pleasure to write you a letter in answer to your favor of the 24th of March. The mail is so true that it never occurs to us to doubt the safe arrival of a letter when we know that it has been safely lodged in the post office; nor did that which I wrote leave any thing suspended leading me to look for an answer. My only reason for thus...
Although I wrote you about ten days ago, I cannot suffer Captain Leach to depart without taking a letter for you; especially as since the date of my last, I have received another letter from you—it is that of 28. May, which you sent on to come by Captain Bainbridge—It miss’d indeed that opportunity, but was sent with some despatches of the Department of State to France from whence it was...
I know that my Dear Sister, will rejoice to hear that the kind Healer of the sick, has again restored my Health, so far as to enable me to take charge of my domestic affairs, & I hope, render some essential service to the youthful family, which is ever alloted to my care— My attentive faithful Lydia, is fulfilling your Predictions, & has recovered beyond probability, has becomes as...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your kind Letters of 22. March. and 7. April; and at the same time my wife and children all received the like tokens of your affectionate remembrance. The last is to Mr J. A. Smith of 13 April.—They ought all, and I hope will answer you more at length, than it is in my power to do. For the last six weeks, besides the pressure of my correspondence, which is...
Being thus particular, in designating my position I think my friends at Quincy will not hereafter be at a loss where to address their pleasant letters to me, I am induced to be thus minute, by a remark in your letter of the 18th. of november, which I was delighted to receive,—wherein you say, you had contemplated writing to me for some time previous to the receipt of my Letters to The...
I left St: Petersburg on the 28th. of last Month, as in the Letter of which I now enclose a press-Copy, I mentioned to you was my intention, and I arrived here on the morning of the first of May.—The ice had not then broken up in this harbour, and no vessel has yet ventured to sail from it—I have engaged a passage for Stockholm in one of the first which will depart, and I am now flattered with...
The only Letters that I have had the pleasure of receiving from you since I wrote you last are those of the 6th. and 12th. of October both of which came by the Galen. The latest preceding one was dated on the 30th. of August so that I am still waiting for your Septbr. Letters. Although I have not yet entirely recovered the use of my eyes and must still write you by the hand of my Wife I have...
It has been a cold backward Spring, & Abby could not get abroad as I wished, she has a great deal of pain in her side yet, but I think her feverish habit abates, if her appetite was but good I should be greatly encouraged, & hope she would soon be as well as ever—I am rejoiced to hear Mrs Foster has a Daughter, & comfortable, from what you wrote, I was greatly concerned about her. Mrs Norton &...
In my last I think I informed you that the news of this place was become so little interesting that my journal must cease added to which my health has become so unequal I am seldom well two days together—The last week we had a party of twenty at dinner consisting of Mr: & Mrs.Otis, Mr: Mason, Mr. & Mrs. Sears, Miss Perkins, Mr. & Mrs: Tucker of Virginia, Govr. & Mrs. Middleton of South...
The human Pores have been so long obstructed by the late severe Season, & peircing winds of March, that it has occasiond many to be “sick in April”—The want of usual Perspiration, is I believe the Cause of the spotted Fever—The arrows of the “destroying Angel have not as yet, been permited to reach us, though his Shafts have pierced many Families, in the Towns adjacent, as I suppose, the News...
Your kind Letter of 15th. October was received by me on the 20th. from which time, the only possible choice that has been left me with regard to my employments has been what necessary act of duty I should postpone for the sake of attending others still more urgent. On that day (the 20th.) the President returned to the City.—There is a routine of the ordinary department business of the...
I am at a loss how to express my obligations for your kind remembrance after the long interruption to our correspondance. Be assured dear Madam it is not because I am insensible to the favor you have conferred on me. I feel the full force of your condecension. I also feel how inadequate I am to offer you any suitable return for the gratification your letters afford me, therefore I have been...
There were last Winter fifteen or sixteen American vessels, that pass’d the Winter at Cronstadt—This year there will be none—I wrote you by the last vessels that sailed, and since then I have had an opportunity to send letters by land to Gothenburg, to be forwarded from thence to America—By that opportunity I wrote to my father, and with this I enclose a duplicate of that letter to him.—There...
Within a few days I have received your two very kind letters of April and am sincerely grieved to find your health still continues so poorly the fine season will I still flatter myself restore you to your wonted strength and entirely relieve you from your present complaints. In my last I mentioned to you, that I expected to attend at the Royal Nuptials which took place on the second of May—We...
If all the tenderest sympathy of a most affectionate Sister, could soothe your afflicted Breast, sure mine would impart some healing Balm. But though it may have some power to ameliorate, yet, unless aided by divine Consolations, it can have but little efficacy—Thanks be to Heaven, the resources derived from Christianity are open to you, my venerable Brother, & Sister,—& dear bereaved young...
We came here in less than four hours. Found the riding much better than was expected & were not in the least incommoded by the rain. The Ply Stage was on wheels. We had Tea immediately after which Mr Hammatt left as being so anxious to join his family we could not persuad him to pass the night here. I find myself invigorated by the excursion, as is always the case after joining the society...
I have often felt thankful that we cannot trace our Geneology to the family of Kill-Joys , but are closely allied to those, who considered every dispensation as the allotment of an alwise Parent, who has permit ted us in this Vale of Tears, to gather every comfort, every incidental circumstance, which may grow into a Blessing, & gratefully enjoy the present moment— While I regret Mr T. Adams’,...