Results 2161-2190 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
2161 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 31 January 1793 1793-01-31 I received your favor of the 29 th yesterday I had sold the horses the day before for £70:. The...
2162 Adams, Charles Adams, Abigail Charles Adams to Abigail Adams, [after 5] December 1792 1792-12-05 Some years since you was so kind as to purchase for your children a certain tract of Land in...
2163 Adams, Charles Adams, John I. Charles Adams to John Adams, 6 January 1794 1794-01-06 Your excellent letters have been duly received. I have been much instructed by them. The...
2164 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 8 December 1792 1792-12-08 I had yesterday the honor of receiving your kind letter of the fifth. Our electors have returned...
2165 Adams, Charles Adams, John Charles Adams to John Adams, 19 February 1799 1799-02-19 In your last favour you requested me to point out the appointments that have been thought...
2166 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 8 June 1797 1797-06-08 The present period is more interesting to this Country than any since the adoption of The Federal...
2167 Adams, Charles Adams, John V. Charles Adams to John Adams, 17 February 1794 1794-02-17 I have duly received your letters up to the first of this month and am grateful for your kindness...
2168 Adams, Charles Adams, John Quincy Charles Adams to John Quincy Adams, 26 December 1790 1790-12-26 I fear that my receiving your letters so late may be some disadvantage to you. The information I...
2169 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Charles Francis Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1816-02-28 I must beg of you to tell the Doctor to give me and my brother our pay they are going to arrest...
2170 Adams, Charles Francis Force, Peter From Charles Francis Adams to Peter Force, 10 July 1826 1826-07-10 In answer to your note, I herewith send you a letter from my brother, George W. Adams, containing...
2171 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 21 August … 1825-08-21 The past week has scarcely been marked by any occurrence worth relating in a letter, the weather...
2172 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John Quincy From Charles Francis Adams to John Quincy Adams, 4 … 1814-09-04 I was very happy to recieve your Letter of the 12 August, which I have been waiting for with much...
2173 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 25 December … 1825-12-25 On this day, one which in this part of the country is considered much as Thanksgiving day is in...
2174 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 7 March 1816 1816-03-07 I am very glad you like my letter of the third October, 1815 and hope you will like all of, them,...
2175 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John From Charles Francis Adams to John Adams, 5 March 1814 1814-03-05 I am staying at home from School, because I have got a bad Cold and Cough: but I love to be...
2176 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 4 September … 1825-09-04 It was an unexpected pleasure which I received in your letter of the 17th. of last month, as I...
2177 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 23 April 1826 1826-04-23 My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the...
2178 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John From Charles Francis Adams to John Adams, 7 November … 1819-11-07 I am glad to find you so happy at college and I myself assure you I feel as much so here there is...
2179 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 21 May 1826 1826-05-21 The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some...
2180 Adams, Charles Francis Madison, James Charles Francis Adams to James Madison, 30 September … 1835-09-30 The relation in which you stand to the Constitution of the United States has emboldened me to...
2181 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 7 May 1826 1826-05-07 The warm season has come again and delightful as it is to me, is no doubt also very acceptable to...
2182 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John From Charles Francis Adams to John Adams, 16 January … 1814-01-16 Yesterday I wrote a letter to Brother George, and so I thought that I ought to write you one too;...
2183 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Charles Francis Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1825-10-13 You will by this time (I hope), have obtained some days of rest after the fatigue of your...
2184 Adams, Charles Francis Keyte, James From Charles Francis Adams to James Keyte, 10 December … 1826-12-10 I take the opportunity of writing these few lines as an accompaniment to a copy of the...
2185 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 23 June 1816 1816-06-23 I have received your letter dated May 15th. 1816 which I was very much interested with, and...
2186 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, Abigail Smith From Charles Francis Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 13 … 1816-01-13 Your idea of Osterley park being near our house is correct it now belongs to the Countess of...
2187 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Francis Adams, 29 January … 1826-01-29 Since my last letter the whole family have been suffering from violent colds. I did not escape...
2188 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John Quincy From Charles Francis Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 … 1814-08-15 I recieved your kind Letter, of the 22 July, and was very glad you were so much pleased with my...
2189 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, John Quincy From Charles Francis Adams to John Quincy Adams, 23 May … 1814-05-23 I went to School last Wednesday, as I could not cross sooner on account of the Ice. At Dinner, I...
2190 Adams, Charles Francis Adams, George Washington From Charles Francis Adams to George Washington Adams … 1814-07-16 There have been two grand illuminations, the first was for the taking of Paris, the second was...