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Results 2161-2170 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your favor of the 29 th yesterday I had sold the horses the day before for £70:. The Baron returned on teusday his visit has been of service to him He said to me upon sitting down to supper that evening “I thank God my dear Charles that I am not a Great man and that I am once more permitted to set down at my little round table with Mulligan and yourself enjoy more real satisfaction...
Some years since you was so kind as to purchase for your children a certain tract of Land in Vermont. What number of acres the Lots contained I know not. I beleive that little or no pains has been taken to secure the title to them they were indeed thought but of Little value. The price of new Land has of late risen so much and the demand becoming greater every day It would I think be a prudent...
Your excellent letters have been duly received. I have been much instructed by them. The necessity of turning our attention to the two great questions which now agitate the world, must be sufficiently apparent to every thinking mind I esteem myself peculiarly happy in having a father to aid my pursuits and assist me in my researches. The mind of man however it may sometimes wander in the...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving your kind letter of the fifth. Our electors have returned from Poughkeepsie but are determined by the information I have procured to keep the State of their votes a secret. There is it is true a report that they were unanimous, but I beleive it arises from no good authority A certain nephew of our Governor has held out hopes of twelve votes from the...
In your last favour you requested me to point out the appointments that have been thought improper I undertake the task with much pleasure conscious that I have no other interest but the good and wellfare of my Country at heart. Your hopes with respect to Daubeny are or may be fulfilled I know him to be well attached to Government but I also know he is an unskilful Sailor I know he is a Fop...
The present period is more interesting to this Country than any since the adoption of The Federal Constitution The House of Representatives after a three weeks debate on their answer to The Speech of The President have at length entered on Serious business. The fortifying our Ports and harbours. Finishing and equipping our Frigates Purchasing some large Merchantmen to be converted into Sloops...
I have duly received your letters up to the first of this month and am grateful for your kindness towards me your extracts from Heineccius and your remarks About three years ago I read this author. I cannot find him in this City our public library is very badly selected in my opinion although it has the effect of all public libraries that is to make individuals careless of collecting books....
I fear that my receiving your letters so late may be some disadvantage to you. The information I shall now give you perhaps may reach you too late. By the last post I received your favor of the 14 th instant and this morning went into town for the one dated the 11 th which Harbach brought. The newspapers before this time must have informed you concerning some of the business you have written...
I must beg of you to tell the Doctor to give me and my brother our pay they are going to arrest me of Breaking down the door of Number one and I and my brother say we did not do that I think we ought to have our pay Mr Stradway wont give it to me I am your affectionate Son MBAt .
In answer to your note, I herewith send you a letter from my brother, George W. Adams, containing all the information which we ourselves possess on the subject. With the request that it will not be published as a letter , as I have no authority to warrant such a step. Any information which it contains you are welcome to use. And be pleased to return it as soon as you have done with it, since...