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Results 21601-21650 of 184,431 sorted by author
LS : American Philosophical Society The Tracts of Land, Which We mention’d to You, last Spring,...
The Petition of Peter Baynton most respectfully sheweth That your Petitioner was appointed in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We did Our selves the Pleasure of Writing to You, on the [...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It was not, until last Night, We recived your kind Favor of...
Votre magnaminité, votre désintéressement, vos Services inappreçiables pour les Etats Unis, vos...
The last evening, a circumstance took place at this Station, which will clog the recruiting...
D : American Philosophical Society 1779 Fourni a Monsieur francklin, Par Bazin Md fayancier rue...
Newark [ New Jersey ] February 13, 1787 . Requests advice on the payment of certain bonds. ALS ,...
On his resolution to retire from the Presidency. “Grande decus columenque rerum.” Illustrious...
The present prospect of a necessity for the Frigates to be immediately fitted for Sea, and...
I have been called on repeatedly by Mr Hezekiah Veach your Collector for the Rents Due you I have...
the enclosed Letters Came from Collo. Stanwix about 11 oClock this Night, and I have Immediatly...
Letter not found: from Maj. Isaac Beall, 31 Mar. 1778. GW wrote Beall on 31 Mar. , “I have...
Letter not found: from Joshua Beall, 25 Oct. 1757. On 1 Nov. 1757 GW wrote to Beall : “Your...
The extreme difficulty of embodying and marching the number of Militia required of this State by...
At a numerous and respectable meeting of the citizens of George Town, held this twenty first day...
§ From Reasin Beall. 21 December 1813, Washington. “This day in conjunction with Mr. Colwell, I...
¶ From Reasin Beall. Letter not found. 18 November 1814. “Transmits a Copy of application of...
¶ From Reasin Beall. Letter not found. 23 January 1815. “Relating to a contemplated removal of...
§ From James Caldwell and Reasin Beall. 21 December 1813, Washington. “We take the liberty of...
Observing that the Office of Accountant for the Department of War, has become vacant, by the...
Two ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society At the desire of Mrs. Evans, I have taken the...
Your goodness in the time of your Presidency in giving me a Lieut Col.’ commission has encouraged...
Having been informed that Col. Brent the present Marshal of the District of Columbia intends soon...
4 January 1810, Newport, New Hampshire. Blames the distress of his present situation on his...
9 May 1812, Franklin County, Tennessee. Under the terms of the act “authorising the raising of...
I have Understood By an Accquaintance of mine From Redstone, that You propose selling Your Mill...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Coverley’s Fields, opposite the Cock and Hoop; March...
I have heard so much of the College you are establishing in your vicinity, that I have really a...
Some years ago, I had the pleasure to send you my "search of truth upon the science of the human...
Without attempting to encroach a moment longer upon your valuable time, I cannot refrain from...
In a letter which I addressed to the Secretary of State a few days ago I stated that I had...
I send you a Receipt for a small Box of Seeds from the Royal Garden of Plants in Paris which goes...
By the ship Atlas Cap. Jennison bound to Alexandria I have this day shipped to the care of Rob t...
I send to the address of the Collector at New York a Box of seeds for you from the Garden of...
I have the honor to enclose Bill of Lading for a Bale, and a small parcel, containing Books,...
I am now before you, and as I understand among a number of others, an applicant for the Consulate...
I have the honor to enclose a Bill of Lading for a case of Books received from Mess: De Bure...
I received a few days since a Case of Seeds from M r Thouin of the Jardin du Roi to be forwarded...
I have had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 8 th of April ; and for the friendly...
The books mentioned in the letter herewith from your booksellers have been shipped on board the...
I have the pleasure to enclose a letter from your Booksellers in Paris , and to say that I have...
—in addressing your Excelincy last evening, my mind was so agitated that on recolliction—I find I...
Will you Excelency pardon the liberty of a stranger addressing you but Oh let her situation plead...
It is with some degree of hesitancy that I venture to enclose, for your perusal, the numbers of...
Understanding that Mr. Robert Trimble , of Bourbon county, in this State, is desirous of...
A Box containing seed wheat for your use, was landed a few days since from on board of a Ship...
Your favor of 23d is received, and I now hand you a Sample of the wheat, and have shipped the Box...
Having been honoured, by the State of New Jersey, in the appointment, to several public...
I am now to Inform you, that Yesterday I effected the Exchange, of all the Privates in the...