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Results 21601-21650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The Honble Continental Congress having Resolved to establish a Magazine, Laboratories, & Foundery...
Last Night I arrived here from New York much indisposed with the Rheumatism and pains in my...
The honorable Continental Congress having resolv’d to establish Magazines, Laboratories, and...
The Council received your Letter of the 12th Instant and are determined to give the Commissary...
Letter not found: from Joseph Reed, 16 Jan. 1777. On 19 Jan. GW wrote Reed : “Your Letters of the...
LS and two copies: National Archives; copy: South Carolina Historical Society We joined each...
After a March like that of Hannibal over the Alps We arrived last Night at this Place, Where We...
ADS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères We the underwritten, Ministers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook draft: Yale University Library The two last days...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Madam La Marquise de Saineville, has Sent me, inclos’d in...
AL : American Philosophical Society My last was the 14th, since Which I have not been favored...
21612General Orders, 17 January 1777 (Washington Papers)
A Court of inquiry to sit to morrow, at 9 o’Clock to examine into a Complaint lodged by Serjt...
There is a Gentleman, a friend of mine whom I should be glad to provide for in your Regiment of...
I have not had the honor of any of your favs. since I wrote to you on the 14th instant. No...
Capt. Bell of Philada a very intelligent and credible person, made his Escape from New York about...
The Letter I received from You of the 13th Instant, is in Matter and Expression so different from...
As We could not but feel the deepest concern for the difficulties Your Excellency has had to...
Letter not found: from Joseph Reed, 17 Jan. 1777. On 19 Jan. GW wrote Reed that “your Letters of...
By Accounts just recd by a person who came out of New York a few days and other corroborating...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Artemas Ward, 17 Jan. 1777. GW wrote to Ward on 20 Feb. to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclos’d you have a letter and Inventory of the Frigate the...
ALS : University of Virginia Library In your instructions to me you mention another Vessell which...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Tho’ I have not The honour of being personally known to you,...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Paulze souhaite le bonjour à M. francklin et lui rapelle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society ⟨Bordeaux, January 18, in French: Our good friend M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have written the inclosed because I feel myself very...
21627General Orders, 18 January 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The enclosed Copy of a Letter from the Convention of New York, I am directed by Congress to...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. Robert Hanson Harrison, 18 Jan. 1777. On 20 Jan. GW wrote...
For the more expeditiously raising my Regiment and having a proper Corps of Gentlemen for...
It is some Time since I had the Pleasure [of writing] to or receiving a Letter from You. The...
Letter not found: from James Wilson, 18 Jan. 1777. In 1906 the American Book-Prices Current...
There is too much Ice in Hudsons River to cross it in Ferry Boats and too little to cross it,...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I am much oblig’d to you for your kind Attention to...
AL : American Philosphical Society Faute d’entendre suffisamment l’anglois et plus encore de le...
21636General Orders, 19 January 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. John Armstrong, 19 Jan. 1777. Armstrong wrote to GW on 22 Feb....
Let me beseech you to nominate, & set four Gentlemen, such as you conceive will make good...
Altho’ I have not the least doubt of your Zeal and Activity, I cannot help reminding you of the...
The fluctuating State of an Army composed chiefly of Militia, bids fair to reduce us to the...
By this time nearly, you must have discover’d what effect your movement towards New York has...
I have just received the honor of yours of the 14th & 17th Inst. Yesterday morning about Sunrise...
Your favor of the 14th, with the despatches from Congress, came safe to hand, and those for the...
The readiness which the Militia of Penna have shewn by engaging in the service of their Country...
Your Letters of the 16 & 17th Inst. are both before me. I have come to a Resolution to recall the...
We are in want of a Waggon Master Genl to the Army. If you Incline to accept of that Office I...
A report is currt here wch gives me much pain. it is, that in consequence of some Orders of your...
This Morning We crossed the North River at Poughkeepsie, on the Ice, after having ridden many...
[ Morristown, New Jersey, January 20, 1777. A statement in George Washington’s letter to...
ALS and copy: National Archives; copy: British Library The Bearer Capt. Balm is strongly...