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Results 21551-21600 of 184,431 sorted by author
You will Receive this by Serjeant Temple of Majr Whitcombs Core who Desires me to write In thier...
We the undersigned Inhabitants of the Town of Amesbury, District of Newbury Port would represent...
1 January 1802, Collector’s Office, District of Dighton. “I herewith transmit an Abstract of the...
31 August 1804, Collector’s Office, District of Dighton. “Enclosed is the deposition of Preserved...
I was not till yesterday honoured with your Excellency’s Favour of the 8th of January. The...
I am directed by the Commander in Chief to acquaint you that he has no Objection to your...
§ From Hodijah Baylies. 20 July 1805, Dighton, Massachusetts. “On the 15th. instant, the schooner...
The same private Circumstances which led me to request your Excellency’s permission to be absent,...
Whereas Alixander Woodrow under the encouragement & Imediate protection of a party of the...
I send you here Inclosed an Advertisement such as contains fewer Lines then the other you saw &...
I presume on an acquaintance form’d with you and your amiable Lady some years since, and which if...
Your friendly interposition has met the success, on which I Calculated. My letter which you...
I yesterday receiv’d intiligence from a party of militia which were sent down to Burgen, that...
Enclosd is the return of the Rigiment agreeable to the directions given me, by Colo. Banister. An...
I receivd your favor of the 1st of March a few days ago, and attended particularly to your...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 19 July 1777. In his letter to Baylor of 5 Aug. , GW...
My indisposition for three weeks past has prevented my writing as you have directed, and I am...
Since my last letter to you I have been tolerably sucksesful in purchasing of Horses. I have at...
Your favor of the 25th of april came to hand by the last post, it’s not requireing an immediate...
Your favors of the 9th and 17th of January are just come to hand, by Major Clough and by the...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 2 June 1777. GW wrote Baylor on 19 June : “Yours of...
I am a few days retur[ne]d from the Southward, where I have a prospect of geting my horses. As...
You have been informed of my unfortunate Surprize of the 28th ultimo, & I make no Doubt of the...
Since my last letter to you I have made few or no purchases of Horses. having got all in this...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. George Baylor, 1 Jan. 1777. On 9 Jan. GW wrote to Baylor : “Your...
I receivd your favor of the 15th instant by this weeks post and am happy to inform you, that we...
I am renderd very unhappy by discovering this morning a very great mistake which I made...
Capt. Smith whome I have pitchd on to go to Boston has been so much indispos’d that he was not...
This is the fouth day of my being in this disagreeable place, making application to the Governor...
I receiv’d by last post your favor of the 5th instant, and shoul[d] then of answerd it, but was...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 5 April 1778. On 1 May, GW wrote Baylor , “I am favd...
Your favor of the third instant I receivd by Capt. Lewis and shall endeavour to merit your...
I should be guilty of the blackest Ingratitude did I not duly acknowledge the many Civilities I...
I am just returned from Richmond, where by appointment, I was to have met Mr Dandridge and to...
Hoping that you may have supplyed yourself with an American Atlas, in the space of six or eight...
A poor boy by the name of Crowley was Convicted before the united States Court at its Sitting in...
Yrs of the 10th I rec’d & have by the Bearer sent yr Mare which I make not the least Doubt of...
I have taken the Liberty of requesting the favour of you to transact an affair of the greatest...
The President will please to excuse the freedom I have taken in communicating to him the...
From your well known disposition to attend to what ever may promote the interests of the...
§ From Thomas M. Bayly. 11 June 1814, Accomack. “Lieutenant George D. Wise on his way to the...
I hope you will not Deem this Letter Impertinent or Improper,—I was a Justice of the peace for P...
The 23d of this Month I must Attend at our Court, therefore it will not be in my power to meet at...
Reprinted from The Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, Written by Himself. With a Selection from His...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have not till this morning been able to find any gentleman...
Reprinted from The Life of Sir Samuel Romilly, Written by Himself. With a Selection from His...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I waited on M. l’Abbé Morellet both yesterday & today, but...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Hôtel de Luxembourg—Ruë des Petits Augustins. Wedn. Morning....
I returned last evening from a visit to Gloucester, and found your servant, Tom, who had arrived...
I did myself the honor to inform you in my last that I had operated on your Servant Tom’s Eyes,...