James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Henry Peter Brougham, 20 October 1827

From Henry Peter Brougham

London Octr 20 1827


I have been honoured by the Council of the University of London with their command to Address you upon the subject of Professor Long of your University.

He has been by them chosen Professor of Greek and he has accepted the appointment. But his engagement with the University of Virginia make it impossible for him to repair to England before Summer 1829. His presence here however is necessary in the course of the Summer as his duties commence on the 1st of Octr 1828. And we are extremely anxious that you should use your great influence in obtaining for him a release from his engagements upon the terms on which he has himself applied for it.

Permit me, Sir, in preferring this request, to express the sincere good wishes of our Council for the continued prosperity of the Sister Institution of Virginia—and allow me to add the assurance of the high Consideration with which I am Your Obt & faithful Servt.

H Brougham

RC (DLC). Addressed to JM at Charlottesville, Virginia; stamped: “Return’d for Postage”; docketed by JM: “Recd Jany. 3. 1828”; postmarked at Boston, 13 Dec., and at Charlottesville, Virginia, 1 Jan.

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