James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 23 October 1827

To Nicholas P. Trist

Montpellier Ocr. 23. 1827

Dear Sir

The time is come when I ought to recollect that a Report from the Visitors of the University will soon be due to the General Assembly: and for which my materials as well as my memory are deficient. I must recur therefore to your aid in behalf of both. It is the more needed, as my sickness at the last Session of the Board prevented the participation in its proceedings which would have left me less at a loss. I hope I dont go too far in asking of you, in addition to the usual transcript, a draft in form, of a Report such as will comply with the Requisites of the Law, and convey the impressions made on the Visitors by the public examination which all of them, except myself witnessed. Pardon the task I am imposing, and let me soon hear from you; I would rather say, see you, if I permitted the pleasure it would afford us, to prevail over the regard that may be due to your conveniency.

I am in correspondence with my colleagues on the supply of the Vacant Chair, and the request of Mr. Long as to his. Its close is delayed by the mistaken direction given to four letters just returned to me from Montpellier in Vermont.

I have not yet recd. but daily expect from Mr. King an account of the fund put under the authority of his father. Be so good as to obtain from Docr. Dunglison & Mr. Bonnycastle the information wanted from them as to the objects of it. Mr. B. did not call on me as I expected on his return from Loudon. Mrs. M. joins in every good wish for yourself & all around you.

James Madison

RC (DLC: Nicholas P. Trist Papers); draft (DLC). RC addressed and franked by JM to Trist “near Charlottesville Virginia”; cover docketed by Trist: “recd. Oct. 27.—27.”

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