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Results 2151-2180 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Draft: American Philosophical Society I have done my self the Honour to write to you twice since my Return, relating to the propos’d Road; but have as yet had no Line from you. Inclos’d I send you a Copy of the late Treaty or Conference at Easton, with a Letter from Bishop Spangenberg to Mr. Norris, by which you will see nothing is like to come of that Treaty; that the Indians are preparing to...
ALS : Yale University Library I have your Favours of July 23. and Aug. 3. but that you mention to have wrote per Mr. Balfour, is not come to hand. I forwarded the Pacquet inclos’d in that of July 23. as directed; and shall readily take care of any other Letters from or for you, that pass thro’ my hands. The Post between this Place and Winchester was established for the Accommodation of the...
2153Orders, 19 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
Morning Orders. All the officers in town to meet immediately, to enquire into a complaint made by John Stewart, Tavern-keeper, against Thomas Burrass for robbing him. A Return to be given to morrow of all the casualties which have happened since the 18th of July last, setting forth the day each man died, deserted, discharged, enlisted or otherwise. LB , DLC:GW . For a full identification of...
Yr Letter of the 4th I recd & note it’s Contents —I observe You have been much engag’d in settling the proper Plans for the Chain of Forts propos’d to be built; & I doubt not the Places You have fix’d on are the most proper as You know the Situation of the Cotry You are the best Judge thereof. With Concern I see the Roll of Yr Companies & I am sorry they are so deficient in Numbers, the...
I have your Favours of July 23. and Aug. 3—but that you mention to have wrote ⅌ Mr Balfour, is not come to hand. I forwarded the Pacquet inclos’d in that of July 23. as directed; & shall readily take care of any other Letters from or for you, that pass thro’ my hands. The Post between this Place & Winchester was established for the Accomodation of the Army chiefly, by a Vote of our Assembly;...
Capt. Cocks after a Melancholy stay of ten days, Spent in Murmur, Silence, Complaints, Grief, and Remorse, hurrys homewards to taste true happiness in Content & retirement, protesting never to risque his fortune to the Caprice of Committeemen hereafter—declaring his Loss & Sufferings were never to be repaired, nor expects any Satisfaction by his being Shifted from Man to Man, for Money—The...
I recd your favour by Mr Kirkpatrick, upon which I called a Committee as soon as I could, before whom I laid your Letter to be consider’d of by them, the result of their Deliberations on most of the Matters refer’d to them by you, You will see by the inclosed Minutes, The Committee examined all your Accts but could not make a final Settlement of them as there were several Accts open agst...
2158Orders, 20 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
Since writing You Yesterday The Express I sent to the Cherokees arrived & they have engag’d to send us 150 Warriors, who I expect with Major Lewis in about a Fortnight; I shall order the Majr to march them to Winchester to be under Your direction. The Cherokees & Catawbas are at prest strongly attach’d to our Interest; the Catawba King is gone to Chas Town So. Carolina & on his return he...
2160Orders, 21 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Soldiers to parade to-morrow morning at the long-roll—They are to be marched by the Sergeants of their respective companies to the Fort, to attend Divine Service. The officers are desired to see that their men are clean, and dressed in the best and most Soldier-like manner they can, before they are marched from the parade. LB , DLC:GW .
Yours of the 14th Inst. I just now recd. La Force was taken two Days after he made his escape & is properly secur’d—No doubt Your Men will be fully employ’d in garrisons &ca. I have in my former given You my Opinion in regard to Fort Cumberland, & now I am of Opinion that You shou’d send for some of the Stores from thence to Winchester for fear of Accidents or an Attack of the Enemy against...
I Received Yours of the 12th Instant, And am glade to find you so far Approve of our Proceeding. Lieutn. Lomax with 20 Men are gone to the Upper Tract—Capt. Feild & 30 of his Compy Remains at the Upper Fort. and are very willing to Remain to the first of Decer, those that have Returnd left their Arms with me, as Winchester was far out of their way, in going home—Capn Spotswood I have orderd...
2163Orders, 22–23 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
A court of enquiry, to consist of all the Officers in town, to sit immediately, to enquire into the complaint of Daniel Bevan, Soldier in Captain Mercers company, against James Lemon, Tavern-keeper, for striking and abusing him. The parties, with their Evidences, to be summoned to attend—The court must also award the Damages against the Offender. LB , DLC:GW . Daniel Bevans, a 21–year-old...
216422 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday I compleated a Contract with Mr. Putnam, to study Law under his Inspection for two years. I ought to begin with a Resolution to oblige and please him and his Lady in a particular Manner. I ought to endeavour to oblige and please every Body, but them in particular. Necessity drove me to this Determination, but my Inclination I think was to preach. However that would not do. But I set...
216523 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Came to Mr. Putnams and began Law. And studied not very closely this Week.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), p. 130. The Assembly minutes, August 19, record: “The House being informed, that the Gentleman who is appointed to succeed our present Governor, is now on the Road hither from New-York, and will be in Town some Time To-morrow, Adjourned to Five a Clock To-morrow Afternoon.” In the rush to honor...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 26, 1756. To the Honourable William Denny , Esq; Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, The Address of the Officers of the Regiment and Artillery Company of the City of Philadelphia. May it please your Honour , We heartily congratulate your Honour on your safe Arrival and Accession to...
Letter not found: from Adam Stephen, 23 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Stephen : “Yours of the . . . 23d August I received.”
2169Orders, 24–25 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
Draft: American Philosophical Society The inclosed is the Copy of a Bill which I had given over for lost as Mr. Kilbey protested it the next Fall after it was drawn. But I have lately heard that Richd. Nugent the Drawer is still an Officer in one of the Regiments now in the Service either against Crown Point or at Oswego. And I have been informed that Mr. Stevens (or Stevenson) at Albany has...
Letter not found: from David Bell, 25 Aug. 1756. On 6 Sept. 1756 GW wrote to Bell : “I received yours of the 25th.”
Thus far from Williamsburg and pritty much fatigued—On friday evening had the pleasure of receiving yours, and agreable to your desire copied the Governors, Deliver’d it, and woud have Shown it to the Speaker had he not left the Town that fore noon —The Governor at that time told me (tho’ I imagine he has since wrote you) that he had no Objections of any kind to your Attendence at Alexandria,...
2173Orders, 26–28 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter master is to collect all the Baggs he can and deliver them to waggons which are going down to Alexandria this Evening for Salt. The officers who have command of companies, to make out pay-rolls for their men, for the months of July and august, without any stoppage for clothing, &c. An exact pay-roll must also be given in, of the days that each man has wrought at sixpence. In this...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your very agreable Line [of] the 2d. Inst. in which you tell me you would write me a long Letter, but that you expect soon to see me in Boston. I know not now when I shall enjoy that Pleasure, being more involv’d in publick Affairs than ever: so that I cannot be so long out of the Province as such a Journey requires; therefore, dear Girl, write...
Since writing of the within Letter I’ve prevail’d with myself & Colo. Digges to wait on the Governour & represented Mr Roberts’s Case to him; he left the Matter entirely to us & agreed that he might be discharged if We could procure another Man to go up in his Room; this I’m afraid will not be in our Power; We have however pass’d our Words that Roberts shall surrender himself to you, to be...
217629 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
29 Sunday.
I am set down with a Design of writing to you.—But the narrow Sphere I move in, and the lonely unsociable Life I lead, can furnish a Letter with little more than Complaints of my hard fortune. I am condemnd to keep School two Years longer. This I sometimes consider as a very grievous Calamity and almost sink under the Weight of Woe.—But shall I dare to complain and to murmur against Providence...
2178Orders, 29 August 1756 (Washington Papers)
The men that came down under captain Spotswood, are to be set to work on the Fort to-morrow—The Sergeants of that command, are every day to take down the names of those who work; and will be paid the same as the Soldiers here have received. A General court martial to sit to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock: which is to consist of four Captains and five Subalterns; to try John Belford, Sergeant, for...
It is with infinite concern I see the distresses of the people, and hear their complaints, without being able to afford them relief. I have so often troubled your Honour for aid from the Militia, that I am almost ashamed to repeat my demands—nor should I mention them again, did I not think it absolutely necessary at this time to save the most valuable and flourishing part of this county from...
Letter not found: to George Mason, 29 Aug. 1756. On 13 Sept. 1756 Mason wrote GW : “Your Favour of the 29th Augt did not come to my Hands till Yesterday.”