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Results 2151-2200 of 184,431 sorted by author
Permit me to congratulate you on the return of This Season and to offer my most earnest prayers that you may live to see many revolving years in health and contentment. The event of the late Election will force you from your calm retreat to more confused and active scenes the toil incident to the situation I hope you will be able to bear and I am more sanguine in this expectation as I hear you...
It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is not illness which hinders you from sometimes informing me how things are going in Massachusetts. The Baron returned from Steuben last week and I had intended to procure lodgings at some private boarding house, but when I mentioned to him my intention, he took me kindly by the hand “My dear Adams...
Upon my return from Law Society this evening I found my father in my room with a letter in his hand from you to me. He asked me to see what you had written concerning your downfall. Upon opening the letter I soon found what he alluded to, but could find no marks of any downfall That you should have been somewhat confused upon your first exertion was by no means a matter of astonishment to any...
The effusions of our Jacobin spirit had been smothered if some evil minded person in Philadelphia had not published an extract of a letter from one of the party relating the circumstances The whole conduct of the feast had been carefully concealed nor was it possible to procure any information respecting it until the extract appeared. The partisans of M r Genet fall off daily. some still...
I received your letter of the 29 th Ult o by the last post. The reflections which it raises in my mind are by much too interesting to afford me great pleasure. The anxious path you are now pursuing must soon be trodden by me. A prospect is before me not less clouded than yours and the faint ray of my abilities will not be able so soon to dispel the gloom which obscures the day. I have not the...
I did not receive your last letter until after it had been written some considerable time The request that I should write to my Aunt Shaw I have most willingly complied with. I send the letter to you open that you may peruse it, and if necessary make any alterations you shall think proper. There is always such a spirit of kindness in your letters to me that I could wish for them more...
Your letter of the 15 th September arrived yesterday I own I have not so much cause to complain of my brothers as they have of me. It is reported and generally beleived that our Present Chief will decline serving for another term. I have been informed from good authority that such are his intentions. It is to be hoped that he will not make the trial as I am confident The People of this Country...
Your kind letter of the last week I have received. Your ideas respecting a young man’s having a Record of a regular education in the Law I think are perfectly right with regard to my Young friend Malcom his age will not permit his taking an examination until near fifteen months after he leaves my office which will be in June next His uncle M r Joshua Sands is his guardian and has since my...
Seeing an advertisement in the farmers Weekly Museum that you would attend to the payment of monies due on Lands in the State of Vermont I now take the liberty to trouble you with respect to some owned by my family A M r Jesse Gilbert called on me some days ago and I promised to transmit him money to clear our claims but as I was not so fortunate as to receive the money in time for him I think...
I yesterday received your favor of the 11 th ins t enclosing the Post note for 100 Dol s: for which receive my thanks. Our election for members of the house of Representatives was finished yesterday and thus an end put for sometime to the iniquities which upon such occasions are always practised. The friends of the Democratic M r Livingston and of the Aristocratic M r Watts flatter themselves...
I received your favor of the 29 th yesterday I had sold the horses the day before for £70:. The Baron returned on teusday his visit has been of service to him He said to me upon sitting down to supper that evening “I thank God my dear Charles that I am not a Great man and that I am once more permitted to set down at my little round table with Mulligan and yourself enjoy more real satisfaction...
Some years since you was so kind as to purchase for your children a certain tract of Land in Vermont. What number of acres the Lots contained I know not. I beleive that little or no pains has been taken to secure the title to them they were indeed thought but of Little value. The price of new Land has of late risen so much and the demand becoming greater every day It would I think be a prudent...
Your excellent letters have been duly received. I have been much instructed by them. The necessity of turning our attention to the two great questions which now agitate the world, must be sufficiently apparent to every thinking mind I esteem myself peculiarly happy in having a father to aid my pursuits and assist me in my researches. The mind of man however it may sometimes wander in the...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving your kind letter of the fifth. Our electors have returned from Poughkeepsie but are determined by the information I have procured to keep the State of their votes a secret. There is it is true a report that they were unanimous, but I beleive it arises from no good authority A certain nephew of our Governor has held out hopes of twelve votes from the...
In your last favour you requested me to point out the appointments that have been thought improper I undertake the task with much pleasure conscious that I have no other interest but the good and wellfare of my Country at heart. Your hopes with respect to Daubeny are or may be fulfilled I know him to be well attached to Government but I also know he is an unskilful Sailor I know he is a Fop...
The present period is more interesting to this Country than any since the adoption of The Federal Constitution The House of Representatives after a three weeks debate on their answer to The Speech of The President have at length entered on Serious business. The fortifying our Ports and harbours. Finishing and equipping our Frigates Purchasing some large Merchantmen to be converted into Sloops...
I have duly received your letters up to the first of this month and am grateful for your kindness towards me your extracts from Heineccius and your remarks About three years ago I read this author. I cannot find him in this City our public library is very badly selected in my opinion although it has the effect of all public libraries that is to make individuals careless of collecting books....
I fear that my receiving your letters so late may be some disadvantage to you. The information I shall now give you perhaps may reach you too late. By the last post I received your favor of the 14 th instant and this morning went into town for the one dated the 11 th which Harbach brought. The newspapers before this time must have informed you concerning some of the business you have written...
I must beg of you to tell the Doctor to give me and my brother our pay they are going to arrest me of Breaking down the door of Number one and I and my brother say we did not do that I think we ought to have our pay Mr Stradway wont give it to me I am your affectionate Son MBAt .
In answer to your note, I herewith send you a letter from my brother, George W. Adams, containing all the information which we ourselves possess on the subject. With the request that it will not be published as a letter , as I have no authority to warrant such a step. Any information which it contains you are welcome to use. And be pleased to return it as soon as you have done with it, since...
The past week has scarcely been marked by any occurrence worth relating in a letter, the weather after having been intensely warm on Sunday and Monday cooled off and we have had an Easterly storm ever since. This makes me quite dull as I prefer the Sun with all his fires. General La Fayette after having thrust his benign countenance among us; has gone to other places to make them happy for a...
I was very happy to recieve your Letter of the 12 August, which I have been waiting for with much impatience. I am sorry my writing was not good, but I hope in time I shall learn to write, with as much ease and elegance as Brother George; I will take more pains for the future. You ask me what I mean by a colour? it is a small piece of red paint used in painting Pictures. The rose-bud which you...
On this day, one which in this part of the country is considered much as Thanksgiving day is in New England, I beg leave to express my wishes for your welfare & comfort during the cold weather which accompanies the Season in which the festival comes. It is not properly speaking a festival this Year with us as it comes on a Sunday, but the family dinner which for years past hast happened at my...
I am very glad you like my letter of the third October, 1815 and hope you will like all of, them, as they come. I have lived in, la rue de Richelieu &, I have been to Passy and Au teuil, and to the place de Carousal, and from there I came here to visit Grosvenor Square, with my Father, and Mother; but as to Amsterdam, Leyden, and the Hague, I dont know where they are. I hope some time or other...
I am staying at home from School, because I have got a bad Cold and Cough: but I love to be always doing something good, and I think I cannot be doing any thing better than writing to my Brothers. I told you in my last Letter that it was very cold in this Country: and since I wrote it, I have been to see the Rope dancers, and Tumblers, and other Show men, who have their Stages built upon the...
It was an unexpected pleasure which I received in your letter of the 17th. of last month, as I had not calculated upon your making such an exertion merely for me. If by writing I can do aught to amuse you a moment I shall think that I am well repaid but my vanity was not so great as to desire an answer, however gratified I may have been at receiving one. The General La Fayette is near on his...
My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the transactions of that week were of a nature to act upon the blood of persons less impetuous even than myself. And the feeling was shared by almost all persons in the city. You are probably aware of what took place the day before I wrote although at that time I was ignorant of it myself. Persons will praise or...
I am glad to find you so happy at college and I myself assure you I feel as much so here there is one thing I regret and that is the loss of Mr Gould for certainly let Ironside be himself whatever genius he may yet he does not know the right way of keeping school nor will he till he keeps order; but as it is now every boy in the school is talking from the minute he goes in till he comes out. I...
The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some few days within the past week have been almost as warm as any during the last summer. This brings us at least peace and quiet. Almost all strangers have left the place and many members of Congress. Both houses adjourn tomorrow, having been excessively hurried in their business during the week....
The relation in which you stand to the Constitution of the United States has emboldened me to send an humble attempt of mine to defend it. It is with regret that I have seen in the public papers some accounts of your suffering health. This may render the controversies of the day very uninteresting to you—I have only to urge in apology for my intrusion my earnest desire to shew that even if...
The warm season has come again and delightful as it is to me, is no doubt also very acceptable to you, Sir. The prevailing rule I believe, is a moderate heat, and one which is perhaps better adapted to afford ease to you than extremes either way. My attachment to warm weather excludes any idea of a medium or rather of what is commonly called so. And it is for this reason that I prefer the...
Yesterday I wrote a letter to Brother George, and so I thought that I ought to write you one too; for I love both my Brothers equally well, and I hope it will not be much longer before we shall all meet together again. I want to go home, to see my Grandpapa and Grandmama, who have always been so kind to you and Brother George, and to live where it is not so cold as in this Country; for here,...
You will by this time (I hope), have obtained some days of rest after the fatigue of your journey. I have been extremely afraid of the effect of it upon you before you started but am in hopes now that the change once obtained will be of some service. How long you will remain under the present circumstances, I am unable to guess but I should scarcely imagine that a sudden return however...
I take the opportunity of writing these few lines as an accompaniment to a copy of the President’s message in a documentary shape, which I beg you to accept as a token of the sense in which I held your kind civility during the short time we were together in the journey to New York, last summer. Should you require any information which it is in my power to give, I shall be very happy to afford...
I have received your letter dated May 15th. 1816 which I was very much interested with, and pleased me very much. As to your question of what country man I am, I think you ought to know that I never would desert my own country not for any thing Where I was born I do not remember nor I think never knew till you told me, that was in your last letter and so I take the liberty to fill my letter up...
Your idea of Osterley park being near our house is correct it now belongs to the Countess of Jersey the grand daughter of Mrs: Childs whose daughter married the Earl of Westmoreland. Papa is so bysy he cannot take us any where not even to the play these holidays. I am afraid not but I hope so because I have not seen the Theatre Covent Garden or Drury lane but I hope in the Summer that Papa...
Since my last letter the whole family have been suffering from violent colds. I did not escape lightly, on the contrary, I was two days in greater trouble than was ever occasioned me by any cold before. My father has also been attacked and indeed every member of our family in regular order. To make the assertion more general, I might say that the whole City had been under the influence of this...
I recieved your kind Letter, of the 22 July, and was very glad you were so much pleased with my Letter. I still keep my Journal, and Copy my Letters in my Letter Book. Mama had some Cucumbers planted in her Garden, first there came green leaves, afterwards yellow Blossoms, and when the flowers dropped off, I found a number of little Cucumbers. We had also a great many Strawberries and...
I went to School last Wednesday, as I could not cross sooner on account of the Ice. At Dinner, I heard that mr: Severin’s House in the Country, was burnt to the ground; the fire spread so fast, that it was impossible to put it out. Mrs: Severin lost all the Clothes, Table-linen &c. of all the family, which had been sent out the night before. Mrs: S. had left town herself, and was met on the...
There have been two grand illuminations, the first was for the taking of Paris, the second was for the general Peace in Europe, and there is to be another much finer for the Emperors return. They have also built a superb Triumphat Arch, which he is to pass through on his way to Petersburg. I hope you will be satisfied with the Watch Mama sends you, She says she tried to get them both alike,...
I am very sorry that I broke the glass, but I could not help it, and for that, I write you these verses. Tendre appuis de mes premiers ans Toi qui pris soins de mon enfance Je te dois tout, savoir, talens, Je te dois meme l’existence. De tant d’amour de tant de soins La récompense est ma tendresse Papa, tu me verras un jour, Étré l’appui de ta vielliesse. Accept this offer, I am, dear Papa, /...
Another fortnight has passed since I had the honour to address you, and the end of it has found me but little wiser than the beginning. It has in fact been spent in the lounging dissipated manner which Washington society so soon produces. My seceding from society produced so much dissatisfaction in the family, that I have again thrown myself into the middle of the stream and my law in...
The past week has brought us summer weather and makes the city look as green as it is wont, in the month of May. This appearance is the more strange to us, as we do not associate easily with it the idea of Congress. But as we are to have a session here until June this season there will be abundant time to become reconciled to this state of things. Politics are now much the order of the day as...
Mama presented me your kind Letter of the 20th. of June, No 2, which I read with great pleasure, particularly that part of it which tells of the dress, of the Boys and Girls; in Holland. I laughed very much at the large breeches, and Umbrella petticoats, and wished very much I could be with you, to see all these droll things. I have come home for a Vacation of three weeks, but Mr Fishwick has...
I was much delighted yesterday by the receipt of the letter from you. It assured me that you was still in good health and spirits, about which things I was a little anxious, from the time I had heard of your intention to “submit” as Mr Browere not inappropriately terms it. I had been very much incommoded I must confess, in the operation, as my hair and ears were not so easily extracted from...
The last letter that you wrote to me was dated of the 16 of December I was very glad to get it as I am always when I receive Letters from you. I wish you would tell Mrs: Smith to write to me she has promised to write to me but I do not receive any Letters from her. I went to a Ball at Mrs: Krehmers and Danced eight Country Dances. I would have Danced ten Dances but I Missed out two of them. I...
As you desired I left off writing although I had prepared a letter. As Mama has just recieved your Letter of the 23 September permitting us to write again I send you an extract from my Journal because I have so much to do for my Masters I cannot get a letter ready for the next Post. You will be surprised to learn that I have acted a part in a french play which was performed at Mrs: Krehmers on...
"Who doth time gallop withal?" Instead of answering this as Shakespeare has done, I would say that it gallops with persons in the days of youth and pleasure without any great care to oppress them. Such I deem mine to be and such is the passage of time. It is hardly possible to keep the regular count of the weeks as they go, and to notice the revolution of months, which has already brought me...
I have even less than usual of interest to relate today, since Tuesday last, I have been entirely at home owing to a slight attack of sickness. And my time has been employed in reading the later productions of the day and thereby making up a deficiency which I have long been guilty of. Indeed it is such a waste of time generally speaking that were it not for the ugly appearance one makes in...
I recieved your very kind letter of the 31st: of May, which Mama gave me the day before yesterday. I came to Mama’s Country house last Saturday. There is a very small Garden, in which I play; Mama is going to give me some seeds to sew, and I hope to become quite a Gardener. I have already got a Spade, a Rake, and a Wheel-barrow. You ask me what part of the Bible I am in? the lesson I read...