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Results 2151-2160 of 184,431 sorted by author
Permit me to congratulate you on the return of This Season and to offer my most earnest prayers that you may live to see many revolving years in health and contentment. The event of the late Election will force you from your calm retreat to more confused and active scenes the toil incident to the situation I hope you will be able to bear and I am more sanguine in this expectation as I hear you...
It is a long time since I have heard from you although I have not omitted writing. I hope it is not illness which hinders you from sometimes informing me how things are going in Massachusetts. The Baron returned from Steuben last week and I had intended to procure lodgings at some private boarding house, but when I mentioned to him my intention, he took me kindly by the hand “My dear Adams...
Upon my return from Law Society this evening I found my father in my room with a letter in his hand from you to me. He asked me to see what you had written concerning your downfall. Upon opening the letter I soon found what he alluded to, but could find no marks of any downfall That you should have been somewhat confused upon your first exertion was by no means a matter of astonishment to any...
The effusions of our Jacobin spirit had been smothered if some evil minded person in Philadelphia had not published an extract of a letter from one of the party relating the circumstances The whole conduct of the feast had been carefully concealed nor was it possible to procure any information respecting it until the extract appeared. The partisans of M r Genet fall off daily. some still...
I received your letter of the 29 th Ult o by the last post. The reflections which it raises in my mind are by much too interesting to afford me great pleasure. The anxious path you are now pursuing must soon be trodden by me. A prospect is before me not less clouded than yours and the faint ray of my abilities will not be able so soon to dispel the gloom which obscures the day. I have not the...
I did not receive your last letter until after it had been written some considerable time The request that I should write to my Aunt Shaw I have most willingly complied with. I send the letter to you open that you may peruse it, and if necessary make any alterations you shall think proper. There is always such a spirit of kindness in your letters to me that I could wish for them more...
Your letter of the 15 th September arrived yesterday I own I have not so much cause to complain of my brothers as they have of me. It is reported and generally beleived that our Present Chief will decline serving for another term. I have been informed from good authority that such are his intentions. It is to be hoped that he will not make the trial as I am confident The People of this Country...
Your kind letter of the last week I have received. Your ideas respecting a young man’s having a Record of a regular education in the Law I think are perfectly right with regard to my Young friend Malcom his age will not permit his taking an examination until near fifteen months after he leaves my office which will be in June next His uncle M r Joshua Sands is his guardian and has since my...
Seeing an advertisement in the farmers Weekly Museum that you would attend to the payment of monies due on Lands in the State of Vermont I now take the liberty to trouble you with respect to some owned by my family A M r Jesse Gilbert called on me some days ago and I promised to transmit him money to clear our claims but as I was not so fortunate as to receive the money in time for him I think...
I yesterday received your favor of the 11 th ins t enclosing the Post note for 100 Dol s: for which receive my thanks. Our election for members of the house of Representatives was finished yesterday and thus an end put for sometime to the iniquities which upon such occasions are always practised. The friends of the Democratic M r Livingston and of the Aristocratic M r Watts flatter themselves...