James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles Stuart Waugh, 25 October 1827

From Charles Stuart Waugh

Culpeper. 25. October. 1827.

Dear Sir.

It is with the greatest diffidence, and reluctance that I write your Excellency; fearing that I am taking an improper liberty: in such an event I beg to be excused. My solicitude to promote the interest of my Children, has impelled me to obtrude myself improperly. It has been my misfortune through life to want the aid of patronage, and to have lived in obscurity prejudicial to the interest, of my family, if not of society. I wish I could say that I had the least right to look to your Excellency, for the favour which I sol[i]cit, but Sir, I have none, but that compasionate sympathy which would prompt you to assist merit. I would, if I can be pardoned, ask your friendship in procuring a Clerkship in one of our Offices, in the City of Washington; it will afford me the means of educating my Children, and releaving a Daughter from an obscurity truly painfull. If my fortune would be sufficient to accomplish my object, in Washington, I would not obtrude; and I most earnestly beg not to give offence. My Childrens claims upon me are great, they are promising in talents, and will derive a profit, which I am otherwise unable to give them. For my self Sir, I can promise assiduity, and integrity, with some small portion of Knowledge. I must again repeat that I beg to be forgiven, should I have given your Excellency pain, in making this application. An only Daughter, whose talent, and acquirements, are great, calls pressingly upon me to remove her from the obscurity in which she is. Can I ask the honor of an answer to this letter; with the assurance that I am Dear Sir, your friend, and respect: H. Servt.

Charles Stuart Waugh

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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